Post your breakfast.
>3 over easy eggs
>butter toast with strawberry preserves
>glass of orange juice
Post your breakfast.
>3 over easy eggs
>butter toast with strawberry preserves
>glass of orange juice
>i literally can't get enough sugar: the breakfast
nobody asked for your criticism. fuck off or post your breakfast you mcchickenfags. this is why Veeky Forums is shit.
>putting jam on the toast so you can't dip it in the egg yolk without looking like a retard.
This plate is a catastrophe.
>3 eggs
>2 diced hot dogs
>little bit of ketchup
It's only been like 2 hours and I'm already hungry again.
i had eggs and nuts but didn't take a picture because i dislike sucking cocks
You asked for it when you posted on my Veeky Forums, beetus baby
>breaking the yolks on the platr
What are you, unskilled? A true master of eggs eats the yolk as the last bite of the egg.
sure you did, mcchickenfag
i'm not op you tard
>eats nuts
>doesn't like sucking dick
This doesnt add up
enjoy your diabetes
You break the yolks WITH the toast to soak up the goodness. Not like you break them as you drop them onto the plate.
No, that's childish. The yolk should still be unbroken when you put it in your mouth.
>half cup fiber one cereal
>a little cashew milk
>splenda packet
>handful of blueberries
86 calories, 15 grams of fiber.
Why do you hate yourself?
Just suck a dick and get it over with, Dr. oral fixator
>caring this much about looking pretentious while eating eggs and toast at home
I bet you've never farted either.
You first queer boy
Spotted the underage b&
>eating before 1-2 pm
Here's lunch.
Did they give you a pair of skinny jeans and a vape as you walked out the door with that thing?
>waking up at noon
And also a crabcake.
What is that and where can I get one?
I work from 3 pm to 1 am
just follow the fat, bearded fedoras
It's a waffle croissant sandwich with fried chicken breast and mac and cheese. The waffle is delicious, but the chicken is kinda bland and spongey. $23 for two.
>waffle croissant sandwich with fried chicken breast and mac and cheese
why would anyone eat this
>inb4 obsessed yuros
i usually get up at 8 and rarely eat before 1pm
Doing keto, for breakfast I usually have either steak & broccoli or eggs & bacon, then don't eat again until breakfast the next day. It's working really well and I'm not hungry 90% of the day.
>i'm losing weight because I'm starving myself
What is your point?
Honestly, I wanted to see if it was worth the hype.
you don't need the pretense of a fad diet?
I overeat when I eat regularly and cut calories. I don't get hungry and easily lose weight when I do keto. I don't care if it's a fad. It's proven to work for me so I'm doing it. I don't see why you care.
I just want to be a friend to you.
Watching shill doctors on JewTube and subscribing to r/keto don't make you a fucking nutrionist. Keep your fucking bullshit to yourself.
>ctrl+f salt
>ctrl+f pepper
>0 in thread
just like your eggs
>eating salt and pepper for breakfast
>i cant season my eggs cuz im fucking retarded so im gonna make a shitty joke!
>so triggered you use an exclamation mark on Veeky Forums
Which plant?
Mocha pop tarts, only one is toasted though
Instant oatmeal with granola.
Black Coffee.
>breaking fast is a time
What did he mean by this?
Breakfast for me was leftover tortellini
stuffed with ground chicken and parm, sauce is tomato-based with bacon and onions cooked way down into caramelization.
ur mums cunt
Looks good.
Careful user, you don't want to overdo it or else I out will come crashing down in two hours when all that sugar wears off from your system
Is that a joke
You live in a nightmare
Eating while unbroken yolks, wtf
No dipping
You're sick. You're a sicko. Why even bother not cooking it all the way through
I honestly can't remember if I even ate breakfast today.
>lucky strike
>3 eggs
enjoy your heart attack
First meal of the day
Are you me?
more coffee
Sugar does cause cancer, yes.
I would have used butter for the toast instead, but otherwise not bad
who hurt you
clean your monitor, stinky boy
Coffee and oatmeal
A glass of pepsi max and a caffeine pill
>trying to dip toast into over easy egg yolk
Good luck.
You can make over easy eggs with a runny yolk, OPs eggs are clearly over medium or over hard
The point of over easy is just to cook the surface snot of the egg you get with sunny side up, basically an alternative to steaming the top
One of these because I woke up later than I should have and had to stop for gas.
You could have at least got Jimmy Dean
why would you do IF and keto at the same time? just go with keto and eat throughout the day. also, if you're going to do IF you're better off eating your meal either at lunch or dinner time
nice sugar. that sure is a lot of sugar. it probably tastes sweet due to the copious amounts of sugar.
fucking britbong
>Can of tuna (No eggs in the fridge, needed my protein)
>Banana oatmeal (1 cup of milk, 6 tbsp of oats, and mushed banana)
>1 toast with jam just for the hell of it
I made a meatball omelette with a shit ton of mozzarella
Also a shit ton of garlic and half a red onion
What time is he coming over to fuck your wife ?
homemade saucage, egg and cheese mcmuffin
i eat this every morning
Looks a bit over the top.
I'd give it a try, but I feel like I'd throw those ingredients on some dough at that point.
My all-time favorite breakfast: two eggs over easy, ham, biscuits, hashbrowns with onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, and jalapenos, coffee and orange juice.
>three eggs
How fucking fat are you?
Do you know where you are?
That's like 350 calories, dumdum, including the fat they were cooked in.
I eat 7 or 8 eggs at a time and I'm at a healthy weight.
>that's like 350 calories
Are you fucking retarded?
A single egg is no more than 70-80 calories.
Are you a 7 year old girl?
Since it's Sunday I had my favorite breakfast.
one egg is 80 cals you retarded shitskin
you do the math
He means that the first meal of any given day is breakfast, you uncultured swine
Health fags are ruining this board
A fried egg is 90-100 calories you dip
Rice cakes with grape jelly, strawberries and cherries, the other with PB2 and banana with yogurt
>11.50 each