Americans actually consider plastic a part of their cuisine

>Potentially harmful chemicals that were banned from children’s teething rings and rubber duck toys a decade ago may still be present in high concentrations in your child’s favorite meal: macaroni and cheese mixes made with powdered cheese.
>The chemicals, called phthalates, can disrupt male hormones like testosterone and have been linked to genital birth defects in infant boys and learning and behavior problems in older children. The chemicals migrate into food from packaging and equipment used in manufacturing and may pose special risks to pregnant women and young children.

I guess that explains why so many have """""behaviour issues""""" since they consumed so much plastic from their mac and cheese.

>inb4 nuh uh

Let's see what wikipedia has to say

So lads, when was the last time you ate a bowl of cheesy plastic?

Other urls found in this thread:

This is a staple of the Canadian diet, not American lol.

Plenty of Americans eat this with chopped up hot dogs smothered in catsup

did you ever find out how much of this chemical is dangerous to your health? I'm sorry if I don't trust a paper that was not published in a scientific journal.

You are happy eating plastic? Are you shoenice?





It's one of Kraft's biggest selling products in the US, numbnutz. You obviously have eaten far too much of it.


no I'm shoemean

Excuse me while I enjoy this delicious bowl of Kraft macaroni and cheese

Do you want some extra plastic with that, or just the regular prepacked amount?

so you have no idea what amount is dangerous?

So you have no qualms about eating plastic that was banned from baby products because it was deemed hazardous?

>muh chemicals

>another Kraft mac and cheese cu/ck/

I hated that shit even as a kid, I'll never understand people who eat it.
Especially when making baked mac and cheese from scratch is like an extra 10 minutes of work

Mostly a cost thing. You can buy macaroni boxes like this for .60 cent

Is this why I am not that smart and had a cyst on my penis?

Not choosing the superior Mac and Cheese Master Race.

>So you have no qualms about eating plastic that was banned from baby products because it was deemed hazardous?

Trace amounts of possibly endocrine disrupting chemicals are nowhere near the top of my list of life concerns.

>Now a new study of 30 cheese products has detected phthalates in all but one of the samples tested, with the highest concentrations found in the highly processed cheese powder in boxed mac and cheese mixes. The report, which was conducted by an independent laboratory and paid for by environmental advocacy groups, has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Although I'm inclined to believe the results, I'd like for the study to be peer reviewed.

>Phthalates are not deliberately added to food. They are industrial chemicals used to soften plastics and are used as solvents, in adhesives and in ink on packaging.

>The chemicals migrate into food from food processing equipment like plastic tubing, conveyor belts and gaskets and other plastic materials used in the manufacturing process, and can also seep in from printed labels or plastic materials in the packaging.
This sounds like a large problem for companies. I wonder what European packaging has done to mitigate this.

>Since they bind with fats, they tend to build up in fatty foods, including not just cheese but baked goods, infant formula, meats, oils and fats, and fast food, studies show.
I guess it's good that butter comes in wax paper, and things like better oils and baby food are bottled with glass.

In the meantime it's better to make your own cheese sauce with a Mornay or DIY sodium citrate:

ITT amerifats are shocked the major cheese producures in other countries (read: UK, france and italy) don't make yellow plastic and do contain actual flavour.

I will also give a fun fact for cheese: over 80% of the UK's cheese productrion is consumed internally - the rest is generally exported to commonwealth countries because nobody else (due to the french and italian influence in europe) eats what the UK produces.

After a long night of beers tonight I'm gonna have a box of this (actually the queso blanco) with some habanero hot sauce

Kill me

Don't worry the plastic will.

but the problem is the plastics used in the manufacturing process, it would be the same if this was "real" cheese

> Contains a single molecule that is also found in some plastics
Jesus fuck user

Are you the guy that lives solely on shells and cheese

imagine being obsessed with another country


That actually explains too much

It's pretty normal to eat something easy to prepare like mac and cheese or instant ramen when you're piss ass wasted because you're drunk and hungry, but what has your life come to when you're planning your evening around getting wasted then eating velveeta shells and cheese?

>it's a "retard can't read" episode



Is that why they're so fat?

Are they still using that orange dinosaur?

Ketchup and kraft dinner is very much canadian

Canada is in America

the processed goyim chow our multinational megacorp overlords push on us is one of the more embarrassing and shameful things about life in the kwa but the countless threads and posts of euros obsessing over us is even more embarrassing and shameful

enjoy eating ahmed's semen

anyone remember that ep of kitchen nitemares where they serve gordon kraft mac n cheese lmfao

Did they serve it frozen?

>as a kid I used to love to eat all these foods that turned out to fuck with testosterone/add estrogen
>drank soy milk/ milk like a mad fucker
I am worried now. What is going to happen to me Veeky Forums?

Nothing serious, unless you drank gallons of the stuff daily.

Do a colon detox when you have a few days free. Get that cancerous crap out of your body.

Can you fucking Eurocucks get any more obsessed? Holy fucking shit.

Don't worry, go and ask your bf to hug you.

t. krap dinner eater


I bet you read Breitbart and you're a proud r*ddit poster on /r/T_D.

This article is so fucking misleading, there is no evidence that any of these concentrations present are harmful

I bet you read Washington Post and you're a proud reddit poster on /r/politics

>that was banned from baby products because it was deemed hazardous
DOn't take the fact that a government banned something in a specific use, especially one associated with babies, as evidence that the thing is actually bad. Politicians do not give a fuck about science and never base laws on actual evidence, only on public opinion, they do it because they think it will sound good to people

>fake study payed for by the natural food lobby
>no scientists involved
>no mention what doses could potentially be harmful
>numbers only comparing it to other products so they can misleadingly and alarming call it twice as much as some other arbitrarily picked product instead of talking about concentrations

Why is the media so fucking bad at talking about science related things?

I heard this fearmongering on the news. It's 1/1000th of the quantity needed to harm you. I wish people would stop bitchin' about worthless shit.

So you are happy eating plastic and rubber?

eurocucks obsessing over americans? never seen this before

you are always eating trace amounts of the surfaces your food contacts, its not significant

so why then are these chemicals banned in baby products?

It's a great cheap meal. Whenever I have guests over, I know I can cook up some Mac & Cheese and keep everyone happy for a low cost.

Because children may chew off large chunks of it and ingest it. Children are also far more susceptible to harm than adults.

>The report, which was conducted by an independent laboratory and paid for by environmental advocacy groups, has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal

There are huge chunks of the raw data in the report that are blacked out, and what data isn't blacked out doesn't match the summary. I'm guessing there's a reason this hasn't been published in an actual journal.

trips confirm

So it's safe for the kids to eat powdered plastic and rubber when they are toddlers?

>a box of Kd costs $1.69 plus tax
Life is truly suffering in Leafland

you are gay now user

They aren't eating powdered plastic, they're getting trace amounts of it due to dry contact. It would be way worse if they chewed on the packaging.

That being said, I think they should look for better packaging. Trace amounts of something can cause problems if it's a staple food. Admittedly, if kraft dinner is a staple food for a child they're probably already fucked for a lot of reasons.

>literally can buy 12 KDs for 6$

do you even know how to shop?

I have been free my entire life and have never heard of this.

pick one

>Why is the media so fucking bad at talking about science related things?
because the general public is even worse at understanding basic science and facts

You are right.
No need to use both when they are synonyms.

The media is a business. Their goal is to make sensational headlines that get people to click their web links or watch their TV channels so they can serve you ads.

Accuracy, reliability, and so on doesn't even enter into the equation.

Corporations are free to do what they wish to individuals, and the individual american thinks he's free because the govt. lets him have a popgun and muh jeebus.

Europeans think they're free because ??? ??? ???
You have more egregious income taxes, more egregious government censorship, less guns, and universally shittier societies, filled to the brim with muslims and socialists who don't realize they're making everyone's standards of living worse with their bullshit. I'd much rather live in America, where I can make money, speak my mind, and shoot Abdul when he tries to shoot up the local gay club, than Yuropoorland.

Despite the fact that I'm calling bullshit on this ""study"" it's significantly easier and healthier to make your own Mac and cheese anyway, and adds like, give minutes to your total cooking time.

Just make a roux and then add your cheese and milk and seasoning. Not hard.

If you served my kraft mac and cheese to me I would throw it in your face and never speak with you again.

>not eating based Annie's

I can become a corporation