So im trying gumbo tonight. Im a spaniard so I never had it. Im going to try some fish bacin and shrimp gumbo...

So im trying gumbo tonight. Im a spaniard so I never had it. Im going to try some fish bacin and shrimp gumbo. What are your preferences? Favourite spices? GUMBO THREAD

Will cookalong if thread digs.

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You gotta use a roux, cook it till you think you've burned it and then a little more. You also need to use the holy trinity; bell peppers(use green, yellow, and red if possible, probably called paprika in Spain), onions, and celery. Dice them up fine and sweat them like you would mirepoix. Another ingredient usually thought of as crucial is filé powder, or ground sassafras leaves. I have no idea if that's available in Spain or not, but you can get away with not using it. Usually it serves as a thickener as well as a seasoning, but your roux should take care of thickening it nicely. You can also add okra if you like it, which should thicken the gumbo further.

Tomatoes are optional and somewhat controversial among people who make gumbo. Some think tomatoes are a nice addition, others wouldn't even consider putting them in. Personally I like them. For additional seasoning, you want to go kind of spicy. Chili powder is a nice level of heat, and you can add a little of your favorite hot sauce as well. Since you're working with Spanish ingredients, a smokey twist would probably be good to do, maybe throw in some kind of smoked Spanish sausage or pork. I don't really know a lot about Spanish food. Don't forget to balance out the heat with an herb or two, parsley and oregano would work well.

Nah, I'm just a Southernfag from NC who likes Cajun food and takes notes whenever possible.

whoever you are i highly endorse your advice.
ive made a gumbo and roux from scratch exactly like u described.

god speed OP, listen to this guy's scripture

In making the roux, use equal parts oil and flour. To be on the safe side stir constantly to prevent burning. There's a fine line between perfect and burnt. If it burns, throw it out and start over. It should have a toasted nutty smell and be dark brown. If it smells burnt, it's ruined.

This guy has a point, it probably is possible to cook the roux too much. Still, roux for gumbo is darker than any other roux. I recommend using unsalted butter for the oil.

And don't forget to serve your gumbo over white rice!

OP here, this thread turned out really nice.

I bought some chorizos and am way home.

Ill probably fry bacon until chewy/crisp, then ill fry a few shrimps, just enough to get the flavor, with fish until done. Ill use the bacon fat and oluve oil to make an spiced roux.

Will post when I arrive. I think this gumbo has potential.

for the record filé should be added to the bowl just before consuming. never add it to the pot.

I don't give a shit what you do as long as you pour a bock beer in your gumbo. You can thank me later.