What does Veeky Forums think of Hydrox? I thought it would just fizzle out as a fringe niche project, but I was surprised to see that my grocery store was carrying it so I picked up a box. I actually like it better than oreos. It's crispier, has a better chocolate flavor, and it's less sweet.
What does Veeky Forums think of Hydrox? I thought it would just fizzle out as a fringe niche project...
I'd be more inclined to try them if the name didn't sound like a household cleaner.
If that was a subconscious deterrent that would be one thing but the fact that you know that's the reason you don't like it and you still think it's bad just because of the name is pretty strange.
I first heard of them on the Critic. Thought this was some knock-off product you find in the dollar store.
Apparently it's the original with Oreos being the knock-off, except Oreos ended up dominating the market.
It came before Oreos.
hydrox was the original and oreos are the ripoff
Oreos copied Hydrox
Hydrox was the original
oreos are the knock off
fairly certain Hydrox were around for years before Oreo
Where do they even sell these
I got them at Frys
I don't know if anyone has pointed this out yet but Hydrox were produced before Oreo.
still looking ever since I found out these were made in the USA and not mexico like oreos
I prefer oreos, they came first
Hydrox was the original chocolate wafer sandwich cookie. Oreo is actually the knockoff brand.
I've seen them at my local Kroger.
Mr Oreo is better
good fucking christ, that was so bad it was funny
Oreos were the knockoff
Hydrox was the original
I actually heard Hydrox was around first
I got myself a box and, while i like the filling much better than oreo filling, the cookie wasn't as good in my opinion. Honestly, i wish there was a way for me to get just the oreo cookie, but they don't seem to sell them whole.
But Oreos came first, in my mouth
Look at this marketing disaster.
>Name sounds like cleaning product
>Name written in heavy metal font
>Floral print behind heavy metal font
>Film award leaves around product
>"We're back!" when most people don't know what the product is.
They haven't changed their style in like 100 years and 100 years ago all of that shit was popular.
Imagine being so underage you look at thousand year old Blackletter typeface and assume heavy metal
>the same great taste you remember
Literally every single person who lived during hydrox's original run is no longer alive.
What a fucking mess.
The only thing that could salvage this cookie is if the filling doesn't separate and turn all oily and nasty when exposed to 100F temperatures on a hot day.
Oreo filling is literally canola oil and HFCS held together with emulsifier.
Hydrox doesn't use HFCS, so there's that.
>Literally every single person who lived during hydrox's original run is no longer alive.
The original run didn't end until 1999 you melodramatic toddler.
consider killing yourself
>Oreos are the knockoff.
M&Ms are also a knock-off.
The originals are Smarties, which aren't sold in the States because of a naming conflict with yet another ripoff product.
Didn't say I wasn't interested, gentlemen. OP made a compelling case for me to try some anyway.
Yeah, I remember a Canadian friend mentioning Smarties and I thought he was talking about those godawful chalk tablets with sugar in them.
>missing the fun and joke
why don't they bring back the chocolate chip sandwich cookies instead
>he thinks Oreos are gay