>washing mushrooms
>putting anything besides meat, chili peppers and onions in chili
>using tiny knives
Stupid shit people do in the kitchen
Forgot to list spices in the chili
You forgot BEER.
The best Chili made with a good Ale. I'm not even a big beer drinker but a good beer brings so much more to the table than a beef stock ever could.
>washing mushrooms
enjoy your manure
>implying rinsing with water is much better than brushing it with a towel
Enjoy your soggy mushrooms
All of your examples are stupid pseudo-intellectual-cook bullshit.
I don't clean my mushrooms(chestnut) at all. I like the earthy flavour it adds to the dish. Is it bad?
I don't wash any of my vegetables. Never have. I figure if there's any bad stuff on them it'll die in the cooking process anyway.
Why do both, dummy.
Quick rinse then a towel wash sounds sensible.
They don't immediately get spongy from washing them wtf. Also if you cook them, any water that's on there gets cooked off anyways. It's basically nonsense that's been repeated too often and now people take it as gospel.
>McGee investigated the subject with characteristic thoroughness for his New York Times column some two decades ago, and concluded there was not. In this initial experiment, he soaked 252g of mushrooms in water for five minutes, blotted off any surface moisture, then weighed them again. They'd soaked up a mere 6g, or a sixteenth of a teaspoon each – so briefly rinsing mushrooms is unlikely to make much difference at all.
Chemical pesticides and dirt don't "die."
>dirt is bad
People like you are the reason the species is getting so sickly.
Yeah, because that was the point I was trying to make... and I like having gritty sand in my shellfish too you obtuse faggot.
Dumbest post of the day.
Even the mushroom industry promotes rinsing mushrooms first, then drying them in a towel.
Holy shit mushrooms barely take on any water if you wash them fuck off with your brush.
>using tiny knives
I always peel my potatoes with a cleaver.
Sand is not good for your teeth.
>never sharpening knives
>mushrooms barely take on any water
You must not have met a lot of mushrooms. They soak up a ton of water and get soggy and fall apart. The 6 seconds it takes to wash them isn't enough time for that to happen is all.
The common person would probably fuck up their knives more than sharpen them. Unless you mean honing it is recommended you get your knives professionally sharpened.
you don't put tomatos or garlic in your chili?
Even a drunken idiot can use a $30 lansky sharpener, Alton.
Not tomatoes
So is orange juice, but no one complains about that. Also store chestnut mushrooms are already pretty clean.
Many use the same knives for decades, frequently dishwashering them and never having them sharpened. It gets very loud when they try using them.
tiny knives should be used in some occasions, they are lighter and easier to use than big knives
Tiny knives have a spot, but if you use them for more than detailed work, youre a moron, big knives chop better. That said, for trimming a small knife is my choice generally
you niggers obviously haven't worked with any wild foraged mushrooms..
>black trumpets
they all come in fucking filthy. the matsutake need to be sprayed off with a dishwasher sprayer at the dish sink; black trumpets are full of pine needles and moss; chanterelles are full of leaf decay; morels are full of sand.
sure, washing store bought mushrooms is retarded, but don't say that washing mushrooms in general is retarded.
I wash mushrooms because I have never thought "I wish this mushroom were drier"
The extra moisture can be cooked off:
Fake news.
>Science: Why You Literally Can't Overcook Mushrooms
lol yes you can, I have
that's not true.
you can absolutely overcook/burn every type of mushroom, and you can overcook some kinds to the point where they break down too much and are gross.
>Enjoy your soggy mushrooms
This old meme.
Pls leave this board and never return.
>not crushing garlic before cutting
>not salting boiling pasta
Chili without kidney beans? I've heard Americans make chili without corn before, but no kidney beans is going too far. How is that even a chili anymore?
What? A lot of mushrooms have dirt on them.
Well said my ninja
>"mushrooms" is synonymous with "portobellos"
fucking anglosphere man
am i the only person who peels mushrooms? i dont wash or towel i just peel them
> Not washing dirt from things
> Obsessing about ingredients
> Using a huge knife for every fucking thing
> Not washing chopping boards
> Not clearing up as they go
A hedgehog is not a type of mushroom. Are you irish?
>want to make cookies
>forgot to peel the mushrooms and deactivate almonds
Well, first of all, usually all mushrooms should be boiled thoroughly before even starting to cook anything with them. Well, technically not all but most. You should realise that mushrooms take in all the pollution and crap, so it is a wise safety measure even when the mushroom is edible just like that. Then again, if one has a favourite spot and all the, he can prolly estimate the quality and such without even tasting. I myself like to always be sure.
Previously from that you, you of course take your mushroom knife and you mushroom brush and remove the dirt and bad bits. Then, the actual cooking bit, mushrooms stay good for about 1 to 3 days after picking in a refrigerator. The taste reduces, though. Mushrooms should be always prepared as fresh as possible. I personally usually season and dry some species and cook some right away. There's nothing like fresh mushroom salad.
How's east czechestan these days?
>James Townsend tells cuck youtube audience not to wash mushrooms because it will inundate the dish
This was the day I decided that Jack Scalfani was and always will be /ourguy/
are you disabled? serious question
well after a Saturday night it's not unusual for me to walk with a limp
doing things I find not tasty
I hate it when people make food of flavors I don't like
I mean, don't they know all the things they are doing don't conform with my preference???
I personally thing we should only allow one of each recipe in the world and if you go against it you are arrested for not being exactly as I like it.
Im glad you agree with me OP in the idea that others opinions are false and only things we like should be done.
>>putting anything besides meat, chili peppers and onions in chili
This is a troll thread to start chili shitposting.
thank you.
Some believe (and are wrong) that chili should have no beans, only meat.
Chilis are not allowed to be entered in competition if they have beans. Besides, they are just filler
This post pretty much sums up 75% of Veeky Forums
This. When chili is cooked with only meat it's a burrito filling, not a soup or stew. Even then, you slather refried beans on the tortilla shell.
I've had chili on rice, chili on spaghetti, chili on toast, and yes, chili on beans.
All delicious.
>Boiling temperature removes radioactivity, heavy metals, and biocides.
You're a stupid fucking cunt. All of this can be solved by roughly rubbing with the flat side of your knife, somewhat akin to the motion used to scale a fresh fish.
t. mycoanon
If your burrito filling tastes like beanless chili you are doing something wrong.
I know you're shitposting but there is such a thing as lactarius mushrooms that taste and smell very strongly of maple syrup and make for a perfectly acceptable pastry ingredient
You can't deactivate almonds. It's just sprouting but not waiting for leaves to pop out. Most almonds you buy in the U.S. can't be activated because the FDA requires pasteurization, done with steam or propylene oxide, a probable human carcinogen.
What's wrong with not wanting to buy and maintain more than one knife?
>A hedgehog is not a type of mushroom
Probably meant Hericium erinaceus or another species in that genus. You faggots should stop using common names, it'd make things a lot easier.
>mushrooms should be boiled thoroughly
Literally kill yourself
Hey guys, anyone can tell me if this mushroom is edible
No, because it'd be you cooking it.
>Taking copypasta seriously
Sweetie, mushrooms aren't grown in soil.
You're right. Many of them are grown in manure.
nah, mushrooms need plant material to grow not horseshit.
Try coffee grounds and sawdust.
>plant material to grow not horseshit.
Plant material is exactly what's in horse shit.
they prefer plant material that's not already broke down you dingus, they're mushrooms (saprophytes) they're the ones that break the material down, they don't want predigested shit.
I'm sure that animals on factory farm feedlots don't "want" to eat the shit food they are given, yet they do anyway.
Fact is that manure is commonly used for mushroom cultivation. It may not be the ideal growth medium, but that nothing to do with the fact that it is used for that purpose.
manure is a lot more expensive than sawdust, coffee grounds and other waste shit that mushrooms can grow in.
you know that there is sand in toothpaste right?
Lot literal sand, the size of the abrasive particles is much smaller.
But yeah, using too much toothpaste or brushing with toothpaste too often can and does damage tooth enamel.
>eating onions
>Not washing mushrooms to get as much detritus and whatever else is on their surface off them as possible.
>shit for free
>coffee and other wastes costs money
>somehow cheaper than taking a dump
what did he mean by this?
>Chemical pesticides and dirt don't "die."
But they do react and/or decompose at high temperatures, especially with acids (e.g. vinegar, lemon juice, etc.) present
L2basicfoodchem, R-tard
>it is recommended you get your knives professionally sharpened
even a retarded monkey can learn to use a 400/1000 whetstone every few months, and that's all that is needed for most home cooks.
sharpening knives is not a hard skill to learn. get over yourself.
My nigger, you more than anyone else, need this image.
I was raised in green chili teritor and always had a hard line no beans rule, but I had to live off of very little recently with no meat and chili beans have won me over. It's a tasty treat that proves quite filling when paired with rice.
He was clearly sarcastically pointing out that OP was a faggot, you definitely have autism but you also have the ability to hone your skills in understanding intent, maybe you should try harder if you want to post and communicate.
multiple times now pepin has stated that washing mushrooms is fine as long as it's done directly before use in cooking. The fear with washing is that the mushroom is going to soak the water right up as it sits, this isn't an issue if you wash then toss it into a pan directly. Just hold it under the tap and rub off any visible dirt, it's better than accepting that dirt into your dish
You forgot
>ejaculating into other peoples food
>peeling carrots
>getting drunk while cooking
>putting boogers in other peoples food
>rubbing the meat with my dick
>overcooking spaghetti
>chili without tomatoes
>chili without beans
I bet your amazing "chili" is basically sloppy joe meat with taco seasoning.
Furthermore, morels get tiny insects and microscopic organisms in them, I rinse them, then brine them, then re rinse and then ALWAYS cook them. I don't want to get sick from something delicious.
In most cases shit won't be free. Manure is used as fertilizer, especially in organic operations, that eshew the use of synthetic chemicals.
Except, if you are trying to imply, that you want to supply the whole need of a large-scale mushroom growing operation from your own buttocks.
That's lionsmane
Not the user you replied to but dangerous chemicals usually decompose into more dangerous chemicals when exposed to heat.
You know, kinda how smoking is bad for your health.
>putting peanut butter in the fridge
>putting bbq sauce in the fridge
>putting doughnuts in the fridge
>putting bread in the fridge
>putting chocolate in the fridge
fucking retard sister
When a dumb fuck goes to taste something like a sauce using a spoon they always put their face over the pot, Spill shit out of their mouths into your hard work!
You know that's not true, right?
All mushrooms are edible, some only once
Homestyle and People Choice can (the latter MUST) have beans in them though, sperg.
The Red and Green chili have the pasta and bean restrictions, but that does not mean all chili has no beans. This is especially true for turkey chillis which benefit greatly from the added richness of beans since the meat is so lean to begin with.