Tell me about reviewbrah.
Tell me about reviewbrah
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His sister is hot. In a very weird way because you can see him in her.
Same goes for his mother.
He reviews fast food items and energy drinks in a suit.
Has an enjoyable personality and charm that injects an otherwise dull subject with insight and snark.
I don't watch his videos with much frequency anymore but do catch an occasional episode.
he's an only child.
He lives the mindset of the past and follows through with it every day. I have utmost respect for that.
Despite his success I do believe he often feels very lonely and empty
Is he a cuck?
I'd probably watch him if I ate fast food and didn't already thoroughly understand all the same tricks they all use.
Does he have a day job?
He has said in his "day in the life" vlogs that he sleeps all day mostly. Then he just sits on his VOIP radio all night after he gets food.
boring and redundant reddit tier meme shit
Hillary Clinton's next suicide victim
How old is he actually? He somehow looks twelve and forty simultaneous.
he's 37, he has been in foster care since 1991 going from family to family
>boring and redundant reddit tier meme shit
As opposed to all the quality content here, amirite?
Is that a wart on her toe? I can't fap to this.
Who is this semen deamon?
A child with makeup from some movie. Was it just called Orphan?
Anyway, in the movie she turns out to be a well disguised grown woman, but until that reveal the character is played by a child.