Any actual chefs here?

I have an issue. I'll be the first to admit this is a problem. I have scabies. It hasn't been a big deal for a couple months, but my irritated skin is becoming noticeable. Management basically told me not to come into work. Is there anyway to either file a formal complaint and get my pay or just sue? I've had this issue for a while now so I don't see why it's suddenly a health issue.

I love what I do. These fuckers tear the hell out of my hands but I soak them in lemon juice every day before work to calm them down and maintain some cleanliness. I shouldn't be blamed for an illness like this. What if I was in a wheel chair?

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Not sure if b8 or OP is a disgusting retard.

Ewe you fuck that pic is disturbing

try and claim workers comp or file for unemployment

> What if I was in a wheelchair?
Is being in a wheelchair contagious you retarded faggoty fuck?

How the actual fuck did you manage to contract scabies in this day and age???

>I love off-topic shitposting, lolol!
eat a fat dick and get hit by a bus

I like that pic, it's cute

Can't you cure scabies in like a week or two?

I've had scabies, I got it when I was backpacking in South America. It's not fun. It's also not that hard to get rid of assuming you live in a developed country, the fact that you've had it for FUCKING MONTHS means that you didn't see a doctor when you should have. I'm guessing you're American and you live in one of those states that is trying to sabotage the ACA because like, who gives a shit if our service industry professionals are all carrying infectious diseases? They need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps or some shit right? Muh gommunism.

I wouldn't be so quick to blame American healthcare. I don't think it's really that expensive to make a doctor's appointment and get a prescription for this. It's not like he has cancer. I think he's just a gross retard who doesn't want to go to the doctor

>I don't think it's really that expensive to make a doctor's appointment and get a prescription for this
He's in the food service industry, chances are he's got less than $500 to his name at any given time and may not even have an actual bank account. A $120 visit to the urgent care sounds like no biggie if you're not living on the edge, but to him he's probably thinking "oh this will just go away on its own" and like many other things in his life, it's only now getting addressed when it's a full blown crisis interfering with his ability to earn a living.

Maybe this is a dumb question, but are there any countries where he could get an appointment AND a prescription all for free?

Because I lived in Canada and I had free appointments but had to pay for prescriptions which wouldn't have been that affordable if I was poor.

lol implying obongocare has done shit to solve our healthcare problem

gb2reddit you retarded libfag

I've had scabies, I got them just from hand contact

You should be fucking fired for going to work with that shit, I punched my friend in the fucking ribs once I realized he was the one who gave them to me because he was too lazy to go to a doctor and let it linger for months

Scabies is not an "illness", it's a parasite, no different than lice or fleas, you are bringing bugs into a workplace and putting everybody you work with and serve at jeapordy

I dunno but I had to go see a doctor and get some pills when I was in Singapore and even out of pocket it was only like $100 USD for everything, this is in a rich, highly developed country where beer costs $20

So presumably if you're on some government single-payer plan somewhere, they should be able to get out of pocket expenses down for a skin infection, like another user said this isn't cancer, we're talking about drugs where a couple hundred bucks worth treats an entire third world country

The American system is just fucked and there are too many entrenched interests trying to make it even more fucked so they can skim off their little piece of the action

The average price of a doctor's visit for an uninsured American is $160. Plus $40 for the scabies meds.

I get that uninsured Americans are paying more (in my example versus yours it's $200 vs $100), but it's not that bad. If you're too poor to afford $200 for a basic healthcare issue that randomly comes up, then you're really fucking poor and probably can't afford $100 either.


street clinics my friend

shit like scabies TB etc is fucking not something you want a human thats moving in a urban environment to have its highly fucking contagious

Dude you need to get your ass off 4chanand onto youtube to find your remedy. I would suggest looking at natural methods to rid yourself of that plague.

Youre fucking stupid and Im mad that I live in the same world as you

>$160. Plus $40 for the scabies meds.
What? Go to home depot and buy some insecticide. Fuck it, go to Amazon:
See that shit? That's what goes into the second-line treatment for scabies. Dilute it down to 0.5% to 0.8% active (100 parts water to 1 part spray) and apply it to the affected skin. If it's that fucking expensive to go to the doctor then when it's something you can self-medicate for, just fucking do it.

>controlling infectious disease outbreaks in the general population is for bleeding-heart libtards
This is why we can't have nice things

Get some veterinary permethrin, cut it with hand cream or something to get it down to 5% concentration, then apply it like the prescription shit that is stupidly expensive for a small tube.

Or he can get the insecticide that's actually used to treat scabies and is relatively safe to use on his skin.

that's not what i said at all you cretin, i said you're an idiot because you think obamacare does anything more than take money from whites and give it to spics and nigs

What the fuck! I had scabies once a few years back. Wanna know what I did? Checked with the doctor, got some nonprescription creme and stayed home for two days, freezing everything I had been in contact with.
Same with my then gf. Don't work in a fucking kitchen when you have bugs in your skin, you disgusting animal.

Permethrin is the first-line treatment because it's less likely to cause irritation. I reckon it's probably more expensive than what is basically a lifetime's supply of malathion though, which is also a far more effective insecticide for scabies mites.
But seriously OP, buy one or both of permethrin and malathion and sort your shit out.

>dark skinned people can't carry or transmit diseases to light skinned people
Neat! You should definitely tell the CDC, they'll be fascinated by your findings.

In the UK yeah

>give it to spics and nigs
the extra money you pay now is going to the owners of insurance companies. the insurance companies demanded that money so that they'd take less healthy people as clients. There is no money going between races of people

Probably not completely free. I had a bad rash couple of months ago that wouldn't go away. Three doctor appointments, including a biopsy and stitch removal and couple different meds cost me less than 100€.


Why the fuck do I ever come to this board before I eat?

You can get rid of scabies you know.

>freezing everything I had been in contact with.
Same with my then gf.

I've got some bad news about that girl you dated, bro.

He could literally go to a minute clinic and get a prescription and pay $30 at most

>Is there anyway to either file a formal complaint and get my pay or just sue?

You inconsiderate fool. There's a reason why food healthy hygiene measures exist and clearly every chef or cook should be made not just familiar with it but forced to abide by it legally.

>I've had this issue for a while now so I don't see why it's suddenly a health issue.

And you knew about it all this time but it doesn't cause a problem to you so it's not anyone elses problem!

Why don't you go read up on how human-human infectious diseases are spread.

> and maintain some cleanliness.

That's not good enough.

>What if I was in a wheel chair?

Completely different as being in a wheelchair isn't a transmissible disease.

buy durvet horse ivermectin paste apple flavored from amazon. like 7 bucks a tube. only take enough for 250 lbs every 3 days. 5 doses per tube. take it in the morning two hours before eating. buy martins permethrin (NO petroleum distillates) 10 percent from amazon too and mix it in a zip lock with skin lotion. slather that on you before bed and anytime the itches come back. seriously this is the way to kill scabies with the same shit the doc will perscribe at a fraction of the cost.

>bleeding heart libtards trying to tell OP he HAS to go to a doctor
yes goyim you need our expensive plac- er, medicines. Stay healthy and vote against the ACA repeal!

I laughed.

This thread is horrible. OP is suffering and came to you all for advice, and all he gets is judgment...

>don't do anything
>put other people in danger of contacting your gross disease

and when the itching has stopped for like a week and you can shower without itching, then they are likely dead. but if it comes back, repeat the process again. you will kill them this way. same exact shit a doc will perscribe at ten times the cost.

Oh yeah, she cheated on me a year later and we broke up, I'm over that.
It wasn't her that gave it to me though.

Stop putting your coworkers at risk for infection of your own illnesses and get that shit treated, you fuckwad.

Op if your are still here the cheapest thing to do is take really hot showers. Like as hot as you can physically stand. Anytime your arm or leg itch just go put the part that itches under a hot stream of water for a minute or so until you can't stand it anymore. It will hurt and turn red but probably won't cause any damage permanently. The heat will kill the scabies under your skin.

Your also have to wash everything you own in hot water. Get a plastic bed cover because ofc you can't wash a mattress.

maybe the affordable care act made his insurance unaffordable with higher premiums.

If he painted himself brown and showed up to an ER he could get free treatment.

Go to Tractor Supply, buy a bottle of pyrethrin then mix it with some kind of a thickener like baby powder and rub that shit into your problem areas before you go to bed you'll be fine.

don't get any with petroleum distillates though. martins brand is OK to use on your body. it's made to be used on livestock and pets when diluted. if you can get it at tractor supply then great. if not your can get martins permethrin on amazon for 25 bucks a quart.

get some horse ivermectin at tractor supply too. take the right dose for your weight before you eat breakfast or right before bed. works best on an empty stomach. that shit will kill them from the inside. its completely safe for humans in the right dose. or the doc can perscribe stromectol which is human ivermectin in pill form....but that shit will set u back like 300 bucks.