Is there anything wrong with eating the same food everyday if you're getting sufficient nutrients?
Is there anything wrong with eating the same food everyday if you're getting sufficient nutrients?
is that pati?
sadly my images are poorly organized and - more importantly - her owner has contributed more to Veeky Forums than I ever will
post more pattis please, I need a folder
ideally you could get quite a bit from the archive but it has, historically, experieced significant downtime
also, I am stupid and not savvy at searching it
dats a good patti
>PBR and cats
You are scum
kots like beer
You'll get tired
i havent eaten any greens for 2 weeks.
what'll happen?
>tfw no kot to cook with
Feels bad man
Eventually youll get bored of eating the same thing, most likely, but no not really. I ate literally nothing but steamed chicken breast, rice, and those cardboard box frozen pizzas for about 13 years. Literally never ate anything else in that period. It was horrible and I still puke when I eat rice nowadays.
I havent eaten any greens in two years.
only that you would be missing out on a lot of good things