How are you holding up, al/ck/emists?
How is hospitalbro's colour doing?
Did beachbro make it home after all those pints and valiums?
Is smirnoffbro alive?
How are you holding up, al/ck/emists?
How is hospitalbro's colour doing?
Did beachbro make it home after all those pints and valiums?
Is smirnoffbro alive?
Other urls found in this thread:
>How are you holding up, al/ck/emists?
about to drink a beer with some tomato soup and hope the combination doesn't make me puke, got a 4loko for later when I wanna escape reality
>How is hospitalbro's colour doing?
>Did beachbro make it home after all those pints and valiums?
I doubt it, probably got arrested
>Is smirnoffbro alive?
I think you know the answer to that one
I just want you guys to know you've probably swayed many anons from the path of alcoholism just with how depressing your threads are
Yeah, thanks a lot you wastes of space
This might help me more than you
What is it you are trying to run away from by drinking ofren?
Yea, that is what has been happening to me reading these
I didn't know Veeky Forums had such an interesting back story to the community, I have to be honest I have been sober for 2.5 months now and I think I'll continue
I used to drink to be able to be around other people since that's what you're supposed to do. Then I gave in to my tendency to reclusivity and kept drinking out of habit, because it was enjoyable and to stave off bad moods/feelings of impending doom.
So basically to cope with the negative parts of my own life and to pretend to be a normie on the one side and coping with the general state of things on the other. To feel like, things in general, are alright.
Then I got into the standard downward spiral of tolerance and dose increase and drinking against hangovers and finally physical dependence and getting withdrawal in the mornings, which got worse and worse and ultimately scared me straight a few weeks ago.
Good, 5 weeks sober
Can everyone sober just fuck off?
i was an everyday drinker whether at home by myself drinking myself to sleep and feeling like dogshit at work all the next day, or making an ass of myself at parties. spent about 10 weeks in the hospital for something unrelated. lost about 15-20 pounds, havent had a drink in about 2 weeks. i feel great, but i still wanna have a beer. i know if i start im gunna wanna drink until im comatose. eh, them feels man. maybe ill learn to keep it under control. keep on keepin on bros.
Do you go to church to meet FORMER christians, and atheists? No? Fuck off, these threads are for drunks
dont know how to edit posts, 10 days in hospital not weeks
Broke 6 months of sobriety last night and still drinking today. Feels terrible man
Enjoy your honeymoon phase, kid.
Pour it away man
What made you do it?
how should i celebrate?
by cracking open a nice delicious beer. mmmmm
Just got bored of sobriety I guess. The first few months sober are easy, there's that glow going on and everything seems to be on the upswing and it's great. But after all the initial excitement settles down life goes right back to being the same way it was when you started drinking
thanks for all the support
I'm almost a month in and starting to feel that happening desu.
I was thinking of maybe getting some weed to have an alternative to the sober state that doesn't involve booze.
That's a good idea. I don't live in a state with legalized weed unfortunately, because when I have access to it I rarely drink at all. It's pretty fucked when you think about it that weed is largely illegal and booze is so accepted
Good food, or some sort of gift to yourself. A nice knife, a meme coffee maker, a thicc expensive rare hardcover, vidya, whatever makes you happy but would normally feel decadent for you to get yourself.
And think of it as buying it with the money you have saved by not boozing.
I lurk these threads to scare myself away from the bottle.
Trying to forget I'm an alcoholic, and avoiding withdrawals. Not sure how it started.
Can people who tell other people to fuck off fuck off?
Go to a bar. Or a drinker thread on .
>maybe ill learn to keep it under control
Or maybe you'll learn moderation isn't for you. I hope you're right.
With tap water!!!11
I haven't done one thing to better myself this whole weekend. Instead, I've been in a drunken stupor and jacking off since Thursday ànd lost 100 bucks. Life is strange
Yeah, this is the classic progression right here.
A few bottles of champagne
>editing posts
The longest I've ever been continually sober in the past 9 years is one month. I've went back at the one month mark three times.
Booze should be accepted because not everyone is an alcoholic, and I say this as an alcoholic. It's just a matter of time for weed really, I don't like weed but I think they should just cut it loose already and let people have it.
I get that, but for alcoholics it's so insanely destructive. It's the same with opiates, everyone who takes them isn't an opiate addict, but when it gets bad, it gets really bad. With weed there's really nothing destructive about it. Laziness maybe, but not a lot of negatives
just bought this on amazon
Booze can't be prohibited, as history shows. It's too easy to make. Just leaving out wet carbs will do it.
Even distillation is extremely simple.
everyone who wants to avoid normies and non drinkers get in here
>Drank for the first time in 2 weeks last night
>Ended up going home with a blonde bombshell
Thank you based alcohol gods
You guys ever wonder if people can tell your drunk/been drinking?
I don't drink and drive so a lot of the times I go places I have my brother or my dad come get me if there is a family event or something.
I know my parents and family know I've been drinking, But I wonder about waitresses/people I interact with around town.
I drink vodka neat so I'm not sure if people can smell it on me
/r9k/ booze threads are way more normie than these ones.
booze breath is mostly the alcohol coming out of your lungs, so that goes for vodka as well. get your blood alcohol high enough and you start exhaling the fumes.
not a bad idea, some addiction doctors recommend it as an alternative to drinking
>second night in a row drinking an entire fifth of vodka in two ish hours
>woke up after blacking out on the floor
This is new.
>another day of wishing I had the balls to kill myself
You and me both buddy
Anyone tried this?
I know, it's cracked, but there is some legit advice for hiding booze on your breath in that article. Also you can get color contacts to hide your pupil dilation.
desu I thought I might have a problem with drinking but I started smoking weed around the same time and I barely drink now, and almost never get drunk. I've been actually drunk once since last november. I've been tipsy off a cocktail a few times since then though.
nigger poison
I've been drinking almost every day for the past 6 months. How fucked is my liver from this?
>second day sober
>no alcohol sale on sundays
>one more work day
>then free bird for 4 days
im gonna fuck up so much
Interesting. Do you happen to have a source?
The Reddit mascot looks so fucking cool.
not him but I can assure you (from a purely personal and empirical standpoint) that's it's much better for your health and mental state to smoke weed rather than drink alcohol
I dont think I'm an actual alcoholic even though I've been growing into one lately but the day after is not nearly as shitty with weed. The high/buzz can be unpleasant for some people but apart from the lack of motivation and the higher risk of wanting to do more and at any time of the day weed is better than alcohol in every regard. No puking, no tarry sharts, less depressing thoughts, no liver failure, less headaches, less muscle sores... I wish I had a reliable dealer where I live because I can handle myself and my negative thoughts so much better when I'm high all day erry day off of light joints instead of having to down a tall bottle of hard liquor a day to stand myself. I'm drunk and rambling but whatever, even if it's still an addictive drug with its downsides, I think weed is way more manageable than alcohol and has more benefits
I just bought the cheapest bottle of mead from bevmo, what should I expect?
>GP appointment in 10 hours
>Just ran out of booze
>Can I have one of your booze-smelling-fruit gum?
Buy durian sweets, that could work to mask booze. Co-workers will hate you.
Ask a doctor, he'll prescribe you blood analysis.
Liver damage isn't even the worst you should fear.
>inb4 Dr. Dre
I'm curious too.
Although, it's not surprising some doctor had some sense, looked at the damages of pot and alcohol, was familiar with the concept of changing an addiction for another (it often happens involuntary), and thought it wasn't such a stupid idea.
>it's much better
It's less bad. Not exactly the same meaning.
> it's much better for your health and mental state
>and mental state
Every time I smoke weed I go into full-blown panic mode.
Sweet tasting liquor.
Real mead isn't sweet and it isn't really popular
How do you even get it then? Brew it yourself?
>Liver damage isn't even the worst you should fear.
What is the worst I should fear?
You can still buy it, but it's not the "cheapest" you can find.
Never tried to brew it myself. I've only done beer. I have the impression that it's hard for some reason to make mead, but it can't be that hard considering how old it is.
Then smoke less until you build up your tolerance, dumbass.
Not that guy but the withdrawal
>This drug is SOOOO much better in EVERY way! It has NO downside!
>What about this one
Stoner logic.
I'm not a dudeweed guy, but I know there are different strains.
Some get you "hyper and creative" and others get you chilled and couchlocked.
Sativa, I think is the on you want for the chill
Your marijuana deficiency is what's causing you to fail to see the logic. Need to blazz for it to make sense
>How is hospitalbro's colour doing?
About the Sam, 33.6 bilirubin.
But 30 days clean. I walk 160 feet feet on th walker, 500 on the wheel chair and did a full round at the recovery gym
Yeah I know it's not for everyone but for me the marijuana-induced anxiety is much more bearable than the alcohol-induced depression
You're sensible to THC. Try a high CBD strain, or pure CBD (doesn't get you high and legal almost worldwide.)
Pancreatitis is excruciatingly painful. Liver failure too, but it has the decency of being lethal in less than a month.
includes :
Permanent brain damage, PTSD inducing nightmares, death.
And once that's over, welcome PAWS and anhedonia.
Don't listen to that troll.
Regardless of what other people tell you, weed effects everyone differently. Generally the less of a normalfag you are the worse your experience with it is going to be, even in moderation.
How much were you drinking before your liver gave out?
>Generally the less of a normalfag you are the worse your experience with it is going to be
That is weirdly true
Sorry for the shitty spelling. I just woke up from a nap.
How's everyone else today?
About a 5th/th day for 10 years
Damn, glad you got in before it got worse, after 6 months of sobriety I think you are eligible for transplant
My hepatatologistd agree if I stay I won't need a liver transplant. Kidney though... that is an outside possibility
>How's everyone else today?
Unfortunately sober
I'm pushing off the shore right now, me
Last sober post of the night.
tfw sober as well
What a boring feel.
Please please please have a nice, slow, long, gulp of brown or clear liquor until the infinite blackness sweeps over you forever.
I'm sober as fuck, and I'm posting and you can't stop me
>crave a drink
>walk to shop
>walk past my gym
>work out instead
feels good desu
Do we have any news of user who went to swim in the ocean in the hope of drowning?
Been keeping drinking under control for several years. 2 DUIs and destructive behavior in my 20s got me to switch to solely beer about 4 years ago. Can go about 3 days without drinking or smoking cigs before I crave it and reward myself.
On the upside I am very routine oriented so I don't allow myself to drink unless or go lift weights and stair master a bit. Getting big! However, that means on days that I work out I basically have to drink afterwards or it will feel pointless.
I know that feeling, but on a proactive front.
I can't work out with a hangover, so I often stop myself from drinking so I can work out tomorrow.
Deciding to go to the gym a year and a half ago was the best decision I ever made.
Try reading.
My urge to drink peaks hard around early evening.
I get past it by promising I'll go to bed early and read for a few hours.
It helps
I don't think so.
>get all this motivation to start doing all kinds of shit
>become sober
>no motivation anymore to do anything
I joined several months ago and have only gone a handful of times since then, the last time before today being 4 months ago lol. I'm weak as fuck and skinnyfat with crippling autism/social anxiety so I only go when its empty (24hr gym) and if someone turns up I pack up my stuff and go home
Feel the exact same way.
In fact, I was drunk when I first committed
I was at a friend's brunch (he decided to randomly have a big brunch thing and invited all his friends).
Since we're all degenerates, we naturally brought booze to brunch.
He was saying he wanted to join a gym. My other friend said, yeah, he'd go.
I've always wanted to, so I decided to speak up and say I'd go as well.
Once I had other people to go with, it suddenly became easy to find the motivation. A combination between not wanting to disappoint them and a bit of competitiveness about not wanting to see them get better than me.
On a side note, gym buddies are about as strong a type of friendship you can have. Feels good
Open your eyes.
Take a deep breath and return to life.
I felt a lot the same way when I started going.
Like, if anyone else saw me working out they'd think
>What the fuck is this loser doing here? He's not even doing it right. Weak bitch.
Going with friends the first few time made it easy to go alone. But I think I always could have.
It's about turning that feeling of inadequacy and not-belonging into thrust on your squats.
I just drink some energy drink, it has 0 sugar, it also has B vitamins
Usually drink a bottle of that before opening the booze
Tis the life lads. 1st of 4 then finishing with a pint of titos.
I have no idea what this, or what a Titos is
Yea that sounds good, I don't have any friends tho
Looks like a 16oz double pale ale
Titos is good qualtiy vodka
Wake up and fight.
Fight for the Love and the burning light.