So I've been seeing this shit posted around and I have a friend on facebook who watched it and is now a vegan (seriously, two days as a vegan and their is vegan memes all on my front page now).
Anyway, I just finished watching the movie. I want to be healthier and to have a better diet but I didn't like the guys tone.
What is the counter to this film or am I going to have to become a closeted vegan?
This meme
*There are
Eat a decent amount of meat in every meal, occasionally mixing it up with stuff like fish or beef or pork. Eat a variety of vegetables and have vegetables with every meal. Eat a moderate amount of carbs at every meal. Eat a variety of fruit regularly. Do not eat large amounts of sugar; look at the ingredients of EVERYTHING you buy and look if it has High Fructose Corn Syrup in it and if so pitch it and buy something else or buy the ingredients to make it. Eat mushrooms occasionally. Take a multi-vitamin, and take fish oil. It's that easy.
Oh, and start visiting Veeky Forums.
Yeah, I'm diabetic. Fasting isn't the best idea for me. I was hospitalized and nearly bit the dust a month ago because my sugar was 50, my temp was 86 and my blood pressure was 86/39. I'm not too heavy either, so I'm not trying to loose weight. I used to be heavy. I'm 6'2", used to be 6'3". I weigh 195, used to weigh 270.
I just want to eat healthy. I have diabetes, gout and psoriasis. I'm 37
Type 1 or type 2? I'm a type 1 and I eat keto. 50 mg/dL? It may feel low relative to your typical level, but if you're really in control (70-90 mg/dL), that doesn't feel too bad. In my experience, the blackout level is around 10 mg/dL. Anyway, if you're a type 1 I can talk you through titrating your basal insulin dose in ketosis. If you're a type 2, I'm curious about which drugs you're on. The analog insulins that I take seem to make me pack on fat way more efficiently than natural human insulin, however, I think they're in the same ballpark still. On a conventional diet, to maintain near-optimal blood glucose levels, my total insulin usage started at .58 IU/kg body weight. All other factors controlled, such as the exact same number of calories (I even use a fucking food scale), exact same amount of exercise, and sleep schedule, in ketosis my insulin requirements have been .34 IU/kg. And I am shedding fat like crazy. It's just the insulin sensitivity. That's it. That's why diabetics have difficulty losing fat. You increase that by not eating the carbs. Not gonna lie, it's a fucking razor's edge for the first week while you're adjusting your medication, but it pays off. You get to be very close to what normal have in terms of ease in weight loss. And you're on the same page as I am now. You want to go from a little bit chubby to basically ripped, right? As far as I can tell, keto is how you do it healthily.
Oh, and I don't fucking fast. I do the 70-80/20-30 fats to protein macro split with enough vitamins and fiber in seeds and vegetables to make digestion happy. I'm pretty muscular, too. You can't tell me that macro split wouldn't be good for your gout. You can do this on any type of diet, choosing any source of proteins and fats you choose. Hell, I even tried it full vegan mode for a couple weeks for shits and giggles using tofu as the low-carb protein source, although I usually have more of a pescetarian-looking diet. My A1c is 5.
>What is the counter to this film or am I going to have to become a closeted vegan?
The counter to that film is stop eating everything in excess.
Don't eat a cheeseburger for lunch every day. Go for a jog once in awhile. Have at most one 20oz bottle of soda a week. Don't eat a pint of ice cream every 4 days.
You don't have to give everything up to eat healthy, and you absolutely don't have to be a vegan. Just stop consuming shit in excess.
Well, obviously eating meat isn't unhealthy -- just looking at the average diet of the average human being today, it's pretty clear that "eating meat" and "being unhealthy" aren't exactly the same thing. It's true that americans eat a lot more meat than they have to, though. Two pounds a week is enough, much more is just self-indulgence. One thing the movie gets right is that too much meat can be unhealthy. Of course, it tries too hard to vindicate sugar, which is even more obviously unhealthy. Empty calories yo.
Becoming vegetarian or vegan also means having some more difficulty getting enough protein. Unless you specifically watch your diet (or take supplements), it's pretty easy to just forget. Lacking protein also makes it easy to feel hungry, which can lead to overeating.
Vegans especially need to watch their diets, since it's a pain in the ass to get the right nutrients. You basically have to take supplements to get the vitamin B12, calcium, and iron that you need.
As to any other points, it's pretty easy to google "what the health fact check" and see for yourself.
>What is the counter to this film
call your friend a faggot and post a bunch of pics of yourself eating bacon
>You basically have to take supplements to get the vitamin B12, calcium, and iron that you need.
not if you eat a lot of cereal
the number one reason to go vegan is for purely ethical and environmental reasons, watch cowspiracy and our daily bread instead
My sugar was 50 after the paramedic gave me two toothpaste tubes full of glucose. I don't know what it was before the ambulance got there. Maybe I'll look into keto more.
I can't do carbs. 30mg per meal, max.
what do vegans eat cereal with? water?
Oh wow, so instead of taking plain supplements, you eat sugary shit that has added vitamins and minerals
You do realize that soymilk, almond milk, and rice milk exist, right?
So yes, the answer is water.
nigga have you even ever tried that shit, fucking delicious
cow's milk tastes like plastic in comparison
>cow's milk tastes like plastic in comparison
stop drinking skim you pleb
he's vegan so he likely fell for the 'fat is evil' meme
I have, they taste awful to me. Not to mention that most brands of soymilk, almond milk, etc, are loaded with additives that I'd rather not consume.
Coconut milk too. I fuckin' love that shit
You're eating cereal the milk is there just to moisten it
>more difficulty getting protein
Soccer mom broscience. Getting protein isn't a problem anywhere in the world unless you live in sub-Saharan savannas
Yes. The ex wife makes me feed the kids almond milk because she's a dingy anti-vaxer, paleo-diet, soccer mom who is afraid of gluten and dairy and thinks she live in Orange County.
It's lightly flavored water.
Limit your meat intake to 1 to 3 meals a week. Mostly eat vegetables. That's it.
I think this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to try to only use ethically raised meat too.
>Eat a decent amount of meat in every meal,
Don't do this, OP. Plant protein is far better than the protein found in meat, which is very low quality and leads to things like heart disease and erectile dysfunction.
Plant protien= bitch protein
No unlike meat and dairy it's free of mammal estrogen
I quit being an alcoholic. I had stopped eating food and just drank alcohol. It was killing me. 3 days later I was in an ambulance passed out with around 40mg/dl. I don't have health insurance. Now I drink alcohol to live. I realize I am going to drink myself to death because I can't afford medicines. I'm 38 years old. Don't be me.
It doesn't sound like you quit being an alcoholic.
i liked this vegan chicks response