Why did God have to make coffee smell so good but taste so bad
Why did God have to make coffee smell so good but taste so bad
Just hang in there, Kid.
He thought it'd be a funny trick
It gets better past middle school.
palettelet detected
It's actually the opposite and in a moderate amount.
It smells like dust and perfume but tastes okay.
to me it tastes about like it smells
>dust and perfume
tastes like coffee
To teach you to resist temptation through negative reinforcement and aversion techniques.
This way, we will follow through on your end of our covenent with Him to avoid hot drink as was commanded us in D&C 89, the Word of Wisdom.
Coffee smells great but tastes bitter to me. I only drink it when I need caffeine, but I go super dark. Coffee stouts are richer and better tasting.
I drink it either short, black and sugarless or long with milk/cream and quite a bit of sugar; sometimes bitter is gud.
Pre grounding beans have god tier smell, agreed.
Dark roasts are literally burnt and of course going to be bitter. Outside of that bitterness is from improper brewing such as too high water temperature and over-extraction, usually these are found with drip machines
Coffee will always be bitter due to the alkaloid content, it's just a matter of degree.
Some coffee tastes good enough to drink black, some is undrinkable even with milk and sugar. You have to find good coffee, it's not all the same, not even close.
so what is a good coffee that is common enough to be found in grocery stores?
What's the problem? It doesn't cost anything to smell coffee.
One that is properly made from freshly toasted and ground beans
You're probably either using shit beans or otherwise fucking up the brewing.
I think coffee tastes great but it fucks my stomach up so I hate it.
Colombian Huila, tastes like very rich and smooth dark chocolate when black and like a good mochaccino if you add cream and sugar.
I've got acid reflux and I really like sumatran coffees, it's one of the few ones that doesn't make me want to die. Look for beans that are low acidity
It tastes good if you're an adult.
>I only drink it when I need caffeine
>so I use the coffee with the lowest caffeine content
Same thing with tea.
The brand illy coffee is damn good.
entry level pleb filter garbage
>taste so bad
Why are so many people on a cooking forum that have an unironic bad taste?
I usually stick to Maxwell House, it's not great but it's not shit either. Folgers taste like burnt water and Chock Full O' Nuts has literally zero flavor.
Haha, nice picture, mind if i save it?
It's Gods' way of reminding us that in sweetness, there is also bitterness. A balance of life. As you said, the smell is intoxicating, it brings along this sensation of ecstasy, a sensation that man would always strive for. But in taste, it is bitter, and together they balance each other, creating perfect harmony.
kill yourself
Shameless new england shill
>I-It's an acquired taste
That just means it's shit and you have to trick your taste buds into accepting it.
The biterness comes from the oils being released into the water. two things you can do is to use a lighter roast and maybe a different method for making the coffee. Espresso, manual drip, and coffee presses can produce coffees with less oils in it.