Rev up those webms
Veeky Forums webm
I hate it when the cooks use their fucking greasy-ass utensils on my bread. I don't want to be able to see my reflection on my goddamned dough, you fuckwits.
Martin yan baby
2nd to none
Time tested excellence
You can't be that ugly, user.
Not texan or californian
Nevada, Arizona, or New Mexico would likely still enjoy
I'm sure you have inner beauty, and some sexy trips
fucking showoff
so you leave it out for 30 days and cut off the bad bits as they form?
Does this make it better? Educate pls.
Dry aging a steak gives it a very distinct flavor, kind of like aged cheese. The aging also breaks down collagen fibers in the meat which makes it more tender
this is horrible
fuck amerikwa
No part of that looks appealing.
I hate these faggot videos where everything is shot in overhead and sped up
Now THATS an innovation.
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swear to god, japs are fucking retarded and their food and culture is shit.
Does any one have that webm where regular food is plated in a posh manner?
>ctrl-f jack
>no results
This is a good thread.
>oil catches fire
This thread sucks a dick
You have to keep it in a refrigerator that will allow you to have complete control over temperature and humidity, it allows the beef to age without going bad or absorbing any other flavors.
disgusting and degenerate
i bet the bourgeois pig scum sitting at the table ooed and aahd and probably lightly applauded as it fell apart
the high speed aspect I totally agree. any high speed filming makes me rage inside
>now we randomly dredge cheese all over the bun making it inedible because scraping it strait off the wedge makes the Reddit audience buy it
>choking down Hebrew sausages with your obese wife
just another day in America
why is there one of those cheapo walmart hubcaps in the grill
It's a BIC Flame Disc probably because he didn't want to carry charcoal around
jesus fucking christ
thats impressive
praise amerikwa
why is the burger meat dripping
its not supposed to do that is it
Cripples are food, right?
I can't fucking believe this is a thing.
that stubby backwards foot is cute af tho
People who grill hot dogs parallel to the grill bars should be destroyed
i want to cut her leg in half vertically to see how the leg meat fused together
what the hell is going on here
I agree but this is very low on the list of infractions by Jack
Everything looks so dry
he's not even pressing it all the way down
what video is this from?
that sand is super hot and the liquid is boiling up or some shit.
it seems like its endless liquid but if you look at the cup near the end, you can see he doesnt really pour as much as it seems.
>thigh cancer
What the shit
Yan is the man
that's actually pretty smart
There used to be a bubble tea place in my own where every once in a while they'd offer limited time meals. Since there wasn't a big functional kitchen in the back everything was done near the counter in view of the customers including the noodles.
The dude that did the noodles told me it was a family recipe for the soup (which contained beef and herbs and other stuff). Fucking delicious and kinda sad the place is closed down now. I could've gone for those noodles again.
Aaaaand that'd be 60 $ each sir
I'm sorry you feel that way.
Fuck off commie cunt
If I remember correctly, that was a robot demo set-up by a German engineering company, not American.
wtf I love Islam now
>go to Korea
>chain bread stores like Paris Baguette and Tous les Jours everywhere, literally every other block in Seoul
>that's their Starbucks, basically
>bread quality is superior to pretty much anything sold in the U.S., except maybe a few extremely expensive bakeries in downtowns of large cities
How did South Korea surpass the West in bread technology?
Fucking kek
sand is heated, it boils the coffee in the container and you are supposed to pour off the foam. reheating again and again while pouring off the foam.
a thotdog
Paris Baguette is great, go there every day for breakfast.
>when you realize doctors are just fucking around doing weird shit trying to solve problems like everyone else
aaaahhh yes
>빵, 빵, everywhere a 빵집!
Even in bumfuck nowhere Korea there were multiple bakeries. It was nice.
Paris Baguette always had cakes for Christmas and New Years. I loved them, but my father-in-law was pretty much a Baskins Robins shill.
Dude could have bought a box of toothpicks for $1 and poked the cake to see it was done. I guess Jewgle ads are not paying enough for a $1 box of toothpicks. SAD!
>being jealous of a fat american on the internet
just another day in Bongistan
what a lazy piece of shit
they hate us cause they ain't us, right my fellow diabetic?
kill yourselves you easy amused, uncultured autists
fucking disgusting gluttony
why do Americans have such a great disdain for vegetables
Location is no excuse for this, and you need to go for a walk.
No, not to your local chip shop you fat fucking brit.
It's obviously a novelty sandwich you moron.
why do you cucks go to Burger King and not Burger President?