What are the advantages to boiling your wieners?
What are the advantages to boiling your wieners?
Cutting it off will have less sensitivity
slightly less cancer than other methods
getting em nice and soggy
Ain't none. This is the superior water dog.
you can make a lot of them at once with minimal spacial requirements. that's the reason carts and lunch rooms do it that way, not because the product is better than grilled
I never understood this, before I bought a hot dog cooker I just microwaved them because I didn't want nasty, waterlogged wieners
Cooks the meat instead of reheating it.
Better color.
More plump.
Arguably better taste.
You get to steam the bun while cooking your weenies
Just steam them you prole
You should always fry your weiners till browned before boiling so you get jooshee weiners squirting thick hot porky liquid down your throat.
>hot dog cooker
one of these pieces of shit
works well enough
I'd pair that with this
And this
What is the disadvantage of microwaving wieners?
It really depends on the dog. I think that Sabrets are better boiled, they seem to made with carts and boiling in mind.
On that topic, what are some underrated dog brands?
You'll keep more of the fat in it by boiling, whereas grilling or pan frying usually makes it split which lets fat leak out. But, you get less flavor on the outside because no caramelization. Just depends on your preference. Some people like hot dogs grilled until they're almost crunchy, some people like them boiled.
I eat them raw. Sometimes I pick a pound up from the deli and eat them on the way home.
>There are retards who buy this shit
I always thought these products were so sort of money laundering scheme.
money laundering scheme? i bought it at shopko
It creates hot dog broth that can be used later for soups or sauces.
they look like an open wound
why you get two wieners?
It's my chilis secret ingredient, hot dog broth
>hot dog broth
That must be fun to clean.
unexpected explosions
hot dog flavored water is delicious
When I accidentally boil my wieners they tend to burst
Is it something with the American wieners or what :/
I think the idea is that they create the product and a company to go with it and then they claim they sell way more of them than they actually do to launder illegally gained money
most are actually meant for crippled fags who lack dexterity to do normal shit but that is a super tiny market so they sell them to everyone
did you poke them with a fork?
>When I accidentally boil my wieners they tend to burst
Well no shit. It's almost as if boiling temperatures causes water in food to expand?
Turn the heat down. You don't need a full rolling boil, you just need to heat them up. Then they won't split.
You guys realise a hotdog is made with a bratwurst not this 'wiener' bullshit?
It only the cooking board after all......
Boiled hotdogs are less salty.
>Veeky Forums - super poor
Boil them, then lightly sear in a pan with some butter.
you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
Why bother with boiling them first? Hot dogs are already cooked, so you don't need to worry about cooking them through. If you are searing them in a pan with some butter that's enough to heat them up to eating temperature.
>buying a hot dog cooker
Ever hear of the Juicero? Think you'd like it.
>Hot dogs are already cooked
Maybe if you're buying disgusting shit-tier hot dogs
All hotdogs are shit tier and precooked. You're a fucking moron.
Hotdogs are smoked.
Name one that isn't already cooked.
Granted that better sausages like bratwurst, etc, may be raw but who the fuck calls that a "hot dog"?
Oh yeah, forgot that smoking wasn't a cooking technique.
You can steam the buns while the dogs cook
Still better off broiling or grilling tho
Who else enjoys the brine from canned hotdogs?
Is there anything else I can do with it besides drinking it, or using it to boil them?
I hate you
Sorry but this is the best way to cook hotdogs