god damnit they got to me. everytime i eat meat i think about pic related.
God damnit they got to me. everytime i eat meat i think about pic related
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So? It's not contagious and any tumor would be just as dead as the rest of the meat anyway.
I eat tumors all the time. They're delicious with milk.
>everytime i eat meat i think about pic related
Well, sorry to break it to you, but you're an autist.
Shhhh, don't tell anyone but meat is actually the inside bits of animals
i guess it's like how theres a certain amount of rat shit in our food that the FDA doesn't care about.
And ground up cockroaches and twigs are in coffee.
Bugs in fruit juices.
Rodent hairs and more bugs in peanut butter.
Worms in canned mushrooms.
Nobody can realistically screen all that food.
At least a tumor is what you're paying for, that is, flesh.
Fuck off to /reddit/ with this faggotry.
thanks for reminding me it's summer. i haven't left my basement in 72 days.
You're retarded. Learn biology. You could literally eat tumors pan seared in duck fat. That's not how cancer works.
>pus pockets and cysts allowed in fish
You should reasses what it actually means to consume meat.
i know biology shithead. it's not about getting cancer it's the gross factor. i bet you drink k your own piss because it's literally water. fuck off.
>At least a tumor is what you're paying for, that is, flesh.
My brother ate lots if meat and he got cancer, do you think this is why?
Wouldn't cancer cells be harmless as long as it's not growing and prospering inside your body?
Why so angsty?
Of course! Correlation equals causation, after all!
technically speaking, zucchini is a tumor that grows from a plant. #imjustsayin
meanwhile, if tumors were present in the meat that I buy, I would spot it when I'm breaking it down. I don't buy the pre-ground slop at the supermarket, I pare down whole sections of beef, pork, and lamb, and I buy either fish filets or whole fish.
Maybe if you actually learned some basic butchering skills you wouldn't piss yourself in fear at the thought of a cow having a tumor.
a tumor is just an uncontrolled mass of cells
as far as I can tell that's not going to be different from just normal meat
>zucchini is a tumor that grows from a plant
wtf no
harvester combines often mince small animals like young deer, rabbits, birds etc
>zucchini is a tumor that grows from a plant
The first burger was so good, I decided to eat tumor.
actually you can get pretty fucked from eating cancer cells
Tumors put hair on your chest.
>buying ground beef
Found the problem
top kek.
well we all die someday
Holy shit do humanity a favour and kill yourself right now
Cancer, by definition, is just uncontrolled cellular growth. There is nothing inherently poisonous or communicable about eating meat from an animal that had cancer. However, many tumors have really unusual and nasty kinds of cells growing in them, like lots of white blood cells, puss, hair and even teeth. Google "teratoma," I don't feel like saving any of those images just to repost them here.
>technically speaking, zucchini is a tumor that grows from a plant. #imjustsayin
Please stop posting forever.
>not harnessing nutrition through osmosis of the air and photosynthesizing the suns abundant radiant energy.
holly fuck and bloody hell, why did I googled that.
Except there is a direct link between cancer and large consumption of meat
>direct link
Stop using phrases that mean nothing. If you think there is proof of a causal relationship, you'd be wrong.
>They think only animals can get tumors
abscesses, cysts, and tumors are all regularly found when butchering animals
Don't google shit, people tell you not to google.
Mmmm daddy loves him some cordon bleu chops
Dear retards, animals with cancer usually don't live long enough to be slaughtered and animals that die before slaughter aren't sold for meat. Those with giant tumors are uncommon if not rare.
Isn't the only reasons humans get cancer so much is because we've figured out how to treat everything that would otherwise kill you and grow old enough that it's almost inevitable? Plus we actively kill the animals at some point. I'm guessing the rate of cancer for animals is pretty low. I'd be more worried about shit like this
You know that eating cancer cells doesn't give you cancer right? It's identical to normal meat.
Except rat shit is actually bad while tumors literally don't make any difference
This is a cancerous chicken in Spain, pic is from 3 or 4 years ago, don´t remember.
the first contagious form of cancer will come from animal and mark my word. itl'll be in so many shelves before they realize what has happened that half the population will be gone. vegan nor human will survive because if you sneeze man next to you will get tumor.
screencap this post
[Citation needed]
the first contagious form of cancer has already been discovered you know.
they're called memes
Makes me proud to be vegan. Wow. How disgusting that is.
>GMOs are safe hurr durr
You're an idiot.
Don't spics actively cultivate and eat that shit? I forget what it was called, but it is so fucking gross.
There are multiple studies showing an increase in the risk of multiple types of cancer from consuming meat.
I don't buy ground meat. I grind my own burgers.
What now?
Haha, you're a retard
Go ahead and post them then
That looks like a shit rib
studies also show an increase of cancer the longer you live, beat cancer don't let it beat you.
>What now?
Probably cook them after grinding.
w8 why is eating a tumor gross someone explain to me real quick
Abcesses probably give the meat an exotic flavor.
You just need to scoop out the excess and give the meat a light glazing of pus. Vegans are over-reacting, as usual.
Prospective cohort studies show that eating processed meat every day might raise your background risk of one type of cancer from 5% to 6% over a lifetime, while eating unprocessed meat doesn't do shit.
If that's enough to prompt a drastic lifestyle change then I won't stop you, but it's not a big deal.
just cook it well done, cancer is delicious
>technically speaking, zucchini is a tumor that grows from a plant. #imjustsayin
Don't do marijuana friend.
Nasty load.
Butcher here, I do see abcesses and sores every now and then at work. The procedure is to throw them away and completely sanitize the work station.
Vegan fear isn't entirely unjustified but still unfounded.
>Vegan fear isn't entirely unjustified but still unfounded
How is this any different than rot/worms/bugs/etc in produce?
You're fighting a loosing battle kiddo.
>rot/worms/bugs/etc in produce?
You see that shit? Have you seen sorting machines that sort out rotten tomatoes?
Maybe not for your ,39 tomato sauce but if you either a) buy high quality or b) make your own you wont have any
>You see that shit?
Rarely, but more often than I see flaws in meat.
>>Have you seen sorting machines that sort out rotten tomatoes?
I have, actually. A company I used to work for sold conveyor belting used in the food processing industry. But that doesn't really matter since it's entirely possible for food to spoil while it's on the shelves at the market.
My question was simply why would vegans sperg out about defects or spoilage in meat where that can happen to any perishable food, including produce.
jesus fuck, imagine the smell
Yeah, it's called Corn Smut and is caused by a fungus. Apparently it's a delicacy in Mexico and yields more profit than growing uninfected corn.
t. retarded vegan on the internet with zero scientific background or understanding of what cancer is on a conceptual level
Pretty sure cancer growths are more fibrous or something.
They tend to be harder than the normal cells around them because they're densely packed and/or can't decide if they're muscle, bone, or what.
Animals usually don't live long enough to develop cancer. Chicken get slaughtered at about 6-8 weeks, pigs at 6-8 months and cows at about 1-3 years.
Btw, plants get cancer too.
>What is USDA
Try not living in a third world shithole.
>Btw, plants get cancer too.
Yeah people will go on about pus in milk or whatever but ignore that there's mold in peanut butter that can cause cancer. It would be better if people demanded higher quality foods of all kinds instead of saying their preferred diet is perfect and everyone should switch to it
But then how I am supposed to make myself feel better by upholding my diet and shitting on yours?
This. Animals are slaughtered as soon as they reach sufficient size, and cancer is an age-related disease. Its rare for very young animals.
Maybe if you're eating horses that have become too old to be useful. Or a trophy buck that you hunted, maybe be near the end of its natural lifespan. But still cancer rates are not high in young animals. And anyway, who cares. If the meat looks off, I'm not buying it. The nasty shit goes to prisons and school lunches.
I have a feeling that cancer doesn't spread like that.
I guess we'll have to learn to get along with each other :(
mexiniggers eat the shit out of this is like truffles.
Yup. Huitlacoche/corn smut. It's corn infected by a fungus. It actually tastes really good and it's super profitable to grow. No denying it looks kinda gross though.
I mean if the cow had cancer isn't it just mercy to kill it?? And it would be a shame to let the meat go to waste.
>worms in canned mushrooms
If u eat canned mushrooms the worms you eat are better than you
ah kk good to know
so the meats a bit tougher sometimes?
in ground meat? That's what we're concerned about?
>so the meats a bit tougher sometimes?
And radically different in appearance
>in ground meat? That's what we're concerned about?
Probably not, no. It would be easily found before the meat went into the grinder. You shouldn't be concerned about anything, OP is bait. It's designed to trigger fear in people.
>You shouldn't be concerned about anything, OP is bait. It's designed to trigger fear in people.
He means atom.
He's a retard.
>implying someone who would unironically say that would know the difference
Literally everything gives you cancer now. Just stop worrying about and live your life. You're going to die one way or another.
but what about those tumors with hair and teeth in them
those are pretty gross
It already is
The tumors in question are dead tissue just like the rest of the meat, in fact, we've probably eaten benign or even malignant neoplasms all our lives through meat. Cooked right there should be no bacteria, and our bodies have to break down the protein before it can be absorbed through our intestines.
that shit don't bother me
>shows people videos of animals being torn appart alive
nobody cares
>shows people a video of a duck who can say i love you
nobody cares
>B-but milk is for baby cows, you are eating puss, and tumors and this and that
vegan, will they ever learn?