what about you
what about you
I fucking hate cilantro
It doesn't even taste like soap to me, it just tastes like shit
I don't like white rice, I think it's bland and doesn't have enough texture. Have had multiple varieties prepared in many different ways. I like brown rice though.
passed a store display holding bottles of mcdonalds big mac sauce about a week ago...i felt myself die a little on the inside, but i have to admit im curious if anything would actually work well with it
It's just remoulade
Everything goes well with it
what the h*ck do you put on burgers you maniac
bbq sauce
i used to know a guy who would straight up ditch the regular condiments for peanut butter on his burgs. hed still have lettuce onions and tomatoes, but the only condiment hed use was peanut butter.
i have very conflicted feelings about this but most of them are somewhere around disgust.
Peanut butter goes well with beef, and it's a sandwich
The tomato with peanut butter, ehhh
what the fuck is with americans having liquid on their burgers
Stop ruining our culture's food you fucking terrorist
>I think it's bland
This is the most appealing quality of white rice. It is a blank canvas that ends up tasting like whatever you put on top of it. It is solely there as cheap filler for cheap calories. Try this:
Rinse some white rice 3-4 times to remove all of the excess starch. Cook 1 part rice with 2 parts liquid (preferably chicken stock, but water is fine if you add some salt) preferably in a rice cooker. When done, take out a scoop and add a tablespoon of Irish butter and a some soy sauce.
That was just butter and soy sauce. Think of how good it will be with some gumbo, purple-hulled peas, chicken cacciatore, etc. on top.
I've tried that, but I still don't like it. Brown rice doesn't have a much stronger flavor, it's just a bit nuttier, but I think the texture is way better. It's almost like the texture of fish eggs, how it pops when you chew it. I love that texture. White rice just kind of turns into loose mush as you chew it.
I can't stand:
Any hard alcohol
remove yourself from the human race
>pickles (but somehow love relish on my hotdogs)
>most indian food
he should try it on a couple things.
I used to absolutely HATE mustard as a kid, but then while sharing a pretzel with my mom a little mustard was still on the bite I took and I was like hey thats not so bad. After that probably a year later I asked for a bite of my dads hotdog which had mustard and I loved it. Now I could put fucking mustard on everything, yellow, dijon, whole grain I dont give a fuck its just such a wonderful addition
OK, you just noted that what you don't like about white rice is the texture not so much the taste. I think you are over-cooking your rice. Properly cooked rice is not mushy. Though, if you like brown rice, keep cooking it instead.
For me, it's wasabi, the worst food product.
I hate onions. I can deal with them if they're chopped finely and cooked well, but raw onions are horrible. Even cooked onions are crap if they're chopped too large.
Honestly can't think of anything off the top of my head that I've tried more than once and absolutely hated.
Maybe shitty store-bought tomatoes, those fuckers had me thinking I hated tomatoes for like 6 years.
>animal fats
>sweets that aren't dessert
What do you like?
I dislike parsley.
people who systematically hate on ketchup are just as bad as people who put it on everything
>hate on ketchup
*hate ketchup.
>hate ketchup.
Being a BITCH
you mean, horseradish?
Both, horseradish is different I think
Wasabi is only really grown in Japan and England.
Horseradish grows just about everywhere.
I didn't know peanut butter was a liquid
>Irish butter
so butter with whiskey mixed in?
>light rum
I don't like tomatoes.
watermelons. never got the appeal
I usually throw in some white onion and a piece of garlic into my white rice as it's cooking
If it were up to me I'd execute people who eat mayo. I know some of you are ok tho.
I like it because it tastes like soap. Makes my mouth feel clean
That's it. I like anything and everything except onion. Raw or caramelized, doesn't matter, it tastes and looks like shit.
Fuck off you reverse nigger, watermelons are high tier
I hate eggs and cheese
i absolutely detest milk, it's just fuckin gross
>eel served in a sweet sauce
>vienna sausages
>overcooked vegetables
>gifelte fish
I have sweet pickles. Fucking disgusting.
Raw onions are sickeningly sweet to me, mostly because I never expect them to be that way, so I can use them in dishes but alone: caramelized onions as a side dish, on a burger, on it's own, I can't eat them
Tomatoes are flavorless mush and they just feel gross, but that's mostly because of how they're cultivated to prioritize color and size rather than how a wild or real tomato tastes like
Soups/Broths with a billion vegetables in them
Like, homely soups
The feeling of mushy squash or mushy zucchini is horrid, and drinking the soup afterwards is gross because of all the flecks of random shit in there
>Overcooked vegetables
Fuck these
>raw fish (most of the time, sometimes I love it, don't know why)
>seaweed in general
>raw olives
It doesn't even taste like vomit it tastes like the stomach acid you throw up after you don't have anything left
Have had some I tolerate but none I liked
baby carrots (They're already peeled and washed user why bother with big ones) Fuck you they suck
>Raw onions (cooked are fine)
I know, very random.
My dislikes:
>tomato (unless it's in a sauce, pizza or sandwich)
>bacon and pork (except ham)
>turquoise colored mint popsicle
>any hard alcohol (wine, champagne & beer are ok)
>kiev cake (disgusting!)
But because they're associated with niggers they'll never be bro tier tho
are you mormon?
Not that shit
Anything dairy is just inherently off
I don't even give a shit about cows
No, not religious.
so what alcohol do you like?
raw tomatoes
I hate mostly everything desu
>Ground beef
But i'll tolerate and eat anything, except pork and fish.
None to be honest. They're all disgusting to me and I've tried tons.