Can you get high from smoking oregano or spices in general?

Can you get high from smoking oregano or spices in general?


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Man I remember being 14.

Not for the most part. But dont even try it, just wait till later in life until you get access to weed. Dont believe those stories that your friends tell you of "I heard you can get high from...". Don't try eating a bunch of nutmeg or anything else like that, that shit is 100% not worth it and you will feel more awful than you've ever felt.

Just don't try it. All "alternative highs" are either not worth it or extremely dangerous. Wait until you can smoke weed freely.

Nutmeg in very large quantities an get you high, but it's rife with side-effects and can kill you if you take too much. The high can last for days and is hallucinogenic, but also makes you nauseous, givea you headaches, anciety, and sometimes amnesia.

Would not recommend. Just do a real drug like weed or kratom.




fuck off and die



Yea once I took 40-50 grams of nutmeg (I was at 72kg of body weight then) gulped it down with water and a bit of yoghurt. My friends couldn't do it eventually as they were sipping it and ended with max of 20grams (only one was lightheaded the other day). I thought how much Im fucked but It didn't have any effect for 3 hours so I thought I'll be fine. As I got home and went to bed I really wanted to scream as loud as I can, dunno why. It was 4 or 5 am so I did my best not to and eventually fell asleep. I woke up to piss a few hours later and my head hurt so much I couldn't walk or even see anything. Half blind on my knees I got downstairs took a piss almost passing off, went back to bed somehow and faceplanted the floor thinking Ill hit the bed. I slept for 2 days and nights only doing trips to my chocolate stash and to the kitchen to get shit that I made before it probably saved my fucking life. I couldn't even look at the phone and was too dumb to talk, no hallucinations, no trips, only being affraid that i will never get out of this state and that sleeping actually feels great and maybe it will finally happen and I won't wake up.
On the third day I could walk but couldn't think, still was tired, got a delivery guy with a tablet and a printer, barelly signed it and couldn't figure out how to set it up. For the next 2 days I had to repeat in my mind what somebody was saying otherwise I wouldn't be able to even understand it, leave alone answering. When I left home I felt spaced out, it took me a week to be In a normal state but sometimes even later I found myself kinda dumbened. After a few months none even placebo side effects lasted. Wouldn't recommend it, get yourself proper drugs or even better don't get any drugs. Get drunk if you want to feel disgusted with yourself and that's it.

Cool story bro

What the fuck? I had no idea nutmeg was so dangerous.

I think if I actually tried fresh nutmeg it would kick in but dried got me only the side effects. Idk really, maybe the dosage also fucked me up.
As i read lately it would also help to get ones heart's pressure up.
Sorry to disappoint you. Just wanted to get some anons aware.

catnip, but you'll need to smoke a lot of it.

weak comment sis

Smoke inhalation is a hell of a drug. Especially when it blocks your oxygen.

so hold on you just swallowed a shitload of nutmeg powder?

did you honestly think that was a good idea

>so hold on you just swallowed a shitload of nutmeg powder?
Added a some water just enough to get it down fast. Otherwise it would gross me out.
>did you honestly think that was a good idea
At that time? Sure, it was only a spice, how could it fuck me up, so I thought.
Heard from a friend it will get me high and didn't bothered to do any research. If I remember well I even took it the same night. Being chronically depressed wouldn't help either even if I would read about it.

Nutmeg in large quantities is a disassociatve. My ex gf and I did it once in highschool because I was a fucking dumbass. Just felt really fucking weird and some hallucinations. Do not recommend at all.

i tried this once when i was like 19, i just got kind of dizzy
probably from lack of oxygen


just drink kratom tea. it is a type of evergreen in the same family as coffee. It gives a stumulant effect along with general feelings of well being. completely legal in many states, just go to a smoke shop and ask.

It's illegal in Arkansas, but I just go across the state line to Oklahoma and buy it. It's a good alternative to opiates, which I have a high sensitivity to due to shit genetics.

This is just anecdotal, but I find putting some dried sage in with a joint makes it extra mellow.

Make poppy tea.

isnt sage related to salvia?
although from what I recall, regular joint smoking temperature is not enough to render the hallucinogens on the salvia divinorum leaves, you need a proper butane torch or something like that in order for you to get high on it
also, the salvia divinorum high is pretty intense and might make you trip absolute balls, so be careful if you try that

same genus (Salvia) although culinary sage doesn't contain any salvinorum as far as i know.

don't use kratom. it's possibly the worst drug every sold for money. i don't mean that it's bad for you, or addictive, or anything like that. i mean worst in terms of just being uselessly shit at getting you high.

nope but i imegine it could be pretty tasty

Salvia is the name of a whole genus of plants. That genus includes both culinary sage and salvia divinorum (the drug).

Culinary sage has nothing to do with salvia divinorum; it does not contain salvinorin.

my friend did nutmeg at this thing at the park without telling us
he vomited like crazy, he lied on the floor screaming nonsense
at one point some girl that knew him approached us (mind you we where pretty fucked up ourselves) and we tried to convince her he was fine by making him say hi to the pretty girl and he ended up vomiting some more
he wanted to take a shit so we took him to the public bathroom and i think he shat himself, he stayed there for like an hour and the janitor wanted to close
thats when a police woman showed up apparently that girl we said hi to called her, she just asked us if we where looking after him and we said yeah and she said ok, and fucked off
We had to walk him home because he kept trying to go to the train rails and falling to the floor for some reason
Best par was when he told us allrght guys im going home and basically kept tripping until he made a long circle and ended up next to us again, fell to the floor and passed out

huff paint or glue my boi

This. I drink a cup of kratom tea a day.

I had a friend in highschool that spent a few days getting high off of aerosol whipped cream can.

Literally how? The high you get off the nitrous oxide propellant in whipped cream cans only lasts around 45 seconds to a minute. To get high for a few days you'd need at least two dozen cans of whipped cream.

As in he spent a few days with whipped cream canisters in his mouth while at school.
You're welcome.

Also most herbal teas give you some sort of mild high.

>mfw eating nutmeg reading this

Not recommending for smoking but tarragon contains a benzodiazapine (think xanax) derivative and a tablespoon of it steeped in a cup of hot water sweetend with honey is just swell senpai.

I'm not really seeing anything on the internet that confirms this, are you sure?

>mfw basil dreams

Okay, explain. Because I've heard many people say the exact opposite.

I ate 3 nuts once. All it did was give me a headache and make me thirsty.

how did you know?????

Can second this. It took four bowls and I could only feel a bit. 2/10 would not recommend

Bananadine senpai, just peel bananas, scrape the inside of the peel, and bake it until it turns black. Roll it in your finest papers, or if your a real g, smoke it out of a banana you've shoved a pen through.