How does Veeky Forums feel about Matty Matheson?
How does Veeky Forums feel about Matty Matheson?
Obnoxious try hard that thinks he's gods gift to the internet.
I didn't like him at first, but I think he's great now
I like him, he reminds me of a friend I had in high school. His recipes look really over the top and decadent, but after thinking about it, they are reminiscent of old school restaurant cooking. Much much better personality than that pretentious puffed-up faggot Action Bronson who actually thinks he's the shit.
He seems like a pretty likable dude on his show.
i honestly hope he dies
When he's cooking he's tolerable and even entertaining at times but on his show where he's just bumbling some around some town being an spastic Canadian bumpkin it becomes hard to watch.
I dont like his show but i like all his cooking videos. Hes probably not someone id hang out with in real life but i appreciate his energy over the internet
i like him but i found him obnoxious at first. i wonder how he got that girl though...
He can make a girl laugh, likes to party and isn't a sad shut in who spends his time with anime and video games. It's not that hard to get a woman if you're fat and ugly, sure it's harder but still pretty easy if you're not a sad excuse for a human being.
i am glad i do not know who this is.
Matty Matheson is a sandwich
I like him, his youtube videos are better than his show
He got that girl because she isn't that attractive
eh... I'd nut in her ass
Self-projection? It's not to late to make a change,user...
>Vice the person
no, just no
throw him in the oven
Very much this. He's a leftist faggot who managed to have a heart attack before age 30.
His recipes taste good, but they're lacking nutritional balance. Not "green" enough, if you understand what I mean by that. On a sloppy drunken night, I like the type of food he makes. His personality is annoying and makes watching his program impossible. His blog is dope.
He needs to be destroyed.
>managed to have a heart attack before age 30
Not surprised.
>how does Veeky Forums feel about obese tattooed hipster with facial hair #4720410998?
Throw him out with the rest
>tfw skinny hippy with tattoos that cooks
Vice where u at
I'd like him if he wasn't Vice tier