Eat out in Hungary

>Eat out in Hungary
>Go to the beach
>Expect high prices
>Get surprisingly reasonable prices and good food

What sorcery is this?

Because everyone in Hungray is hungry, and they need cheep food.

I'll see my self out.

why the fuck woul you expect high prices in hungary

are you retarded

wow reddit seeing itself out for once
are they finally learning?

does not computer

We do have the largest lake in central europe.

Of course your meal was reasonably priced, you are eating fried cheese. Not like other items were significantly more expensive or anything.

I looked at the Wikipedia article on Hungary because I was curious about that lake and I was mildly surprised to find out that the entire country of Hungary is smaller than the state I live in, North Carolina, by several thousand square kilometers. Fun fact I guess?

that's deep fried cheese isn't it

are you on the neusieldersee?

Trite as shit

>north Carolina
Also not computer