I found a mug of wine in a dark, enclosed area I don't normally enter three months after a party.
My lack of spare closet cleaning has brought new life into the world.
Look at it.
I found a mug of wine in a dark, enclosed area I don't normally enter three months after a party.
My lack of spare closet cleaning has brought new life into the world.
Look at it.
It has these interesting red, shiny spots on the right.
Who put a mug of wine in a closet
This disgusts me more than pics, OP.
Lick it.
Some jokester. I honestly don't know and intend to ask everyone I invited out of curiosity. Nobody is a likely suspect for this kind of thing.
It's a good mug. I missed it.
Don't worry everyone, I scraped it out and soaked it in dish soap and vinegar before washing.
You picked it up from it's home? It will die! It lives on wine
>the hangover coffee never tasted so bad
Looks like a fun guy
I have more wine-- I can re-pot it.
Should I, though? I was kind of thinking about throwing it out because spores.
Mold isn't a fungus, dummy
It is a virus in the same species as the Staphylococcus viruses
I need a vote, guys!
Should I re-pot the mold, spores be damned, or throw it out? Not eating it because I'm not suicidal anymore and have plans this week.
eat it
dubs btw
We all know the truth.
Neat. Just make sure you blow your nose and splash some water on your face after looking at that shit my man.
Well, it was just a get-together to eat a potluck dinner, get drunk, and use the apartment pool. It wasn't exactly wild times.
Until mug.
Put it in a McChicken and let it grow into Nega-McChicken
Eat it.
The spores have already been there, you just created a nice womb.
Put it back in some wine and show us the results some time from now.
The real question is who put bella in the witching elm