I started Day 1 of Soylent Powder 1.8. AMA.
I started Day 1 of Soylent Powder 1.8. AMA
Can you not make these threads?
how fat are you?
Not fat, average weight
Is it cheaper than eating like a normal human bean?
What does it taste like?
$7.7 for an entire day worth of food
Pancake mix, Im considering my flavoring options
I would drink this if it was actually made from poor people
It's too expensive for a meal replacement
>reminder that soylent is a jewish scheme
>reminder that soylent contains dangerous xenoestrogens
Neither is true, well maybe the first
>the main ingredient in soylent is soy
>soy is known to cause hormonal imbalances
>were supposed to replace entire meals with soylent
do the math
It doesn't that's just misinformation from retards
nigger, soy contains lots of soflavone (phytoestrogens) which interact with ERs and generally mimic estrogens, It's the same reason we removed BPA from plastics.
No it doesn't
They isolate the protein, they claim they take the estrogen shit out.
Why are you consuming liquid nutrient substance?
What other bodily needs do you wish to remove the pleasure of satisfaction from?
Kinda experiment a bit, also maintain strict caloric intake while still being nourished for a lil while. This seemed like an easy and cheap way of doing it.
Have you considered fasting for some amount of time then going back to eating real food
Have you started mixing in flavoring yet? I like powdered PB, baking chocolate, and cinnamon.
Im planning to try chocolate or honey
I recommend just adding the chocolate, it's pretty sweet to begin with
I can haz a shill thread?
Do you recommend a specific chocolate mixin product?
Average for what country?
Is this what faggots eat during lent?
Generic as fuck baking cocoa powder
Did you try 1.6 or 1.7? I heard 1.7 was a downgrade in flavor from 1.6 which is a shame because 1.6 actually tasted pretty enjoyable by itself.
I might just try some other brands before trying 1.8. Schmilk or Joylent or whatever they are.
Enjoy your ban
Well day 2 right now. Im actually not semi-disgusted about the flavor. I decided to make an individual serving everytime Im hungry instead of doing a full meal's worth.
I think doing individual has helped the taste, as I am actually liking the taste now. My stomach pain/diarrhea has stopped.
have you ever considered suicide? if not you should you fucking degenerate soylent shill
kill yourself
Great argument, enjoy your boipussy.
so in other words morbidly obese
MEME food. Actually not food. Gave me horrible stomach cramps and I felt hungry even after eating it. I left it in the closet. 6 months later it had formed mold. Waste of 60 bucks.
at what age were you diagnosed with a learning disability?
How does it feel? Being such a weak willed faggot that the only way you can eat healthy is by eating that shit? Where is your wife? Why doesn't she smack you upside the head for being a heretic among food?
fat faggot can't control the grumblins in his tumtum so has to LITERALLY force this stuff into his skull lest he runs to the store to buy 10 candybars
>this entire fucking post
I can make a pot of healthy as fuck lentil, bean, rice, and vegetable soup that could feed me for 2 days for only 4 dollars
it'll taste a hell of a lot better too
soylent tastes like shit and is more expensive
>$7.7 a day
Soylent would only be viable if it was cheaper than real food.
actually add an extra dollar or two to that if you factor in the cost for spices
still cheaper than the tasteless gruel you're drinking though
you didn't give any sources or reasons to believe your claim, so your argument's as good as his.
Wasn't even me arguing with the ladyboy, atleast the dude was trying to bring up debatable points but the ladyboy just denied without any arguments besides "no" and "retards say that".
OP here. Pretty much. I feel like a lot of the hate is coming from some sort of extremist argumentatives.
but soylent is people user
why would you want to consume people
Better yet, why would you want to consume heavily processed people instead of enjoying the real thing? If you were going to go down the path of cannibalism, wouldn't you want to really know what it's like to consume human flesh?
how are your tits developing
First off, they're phytoestrogens.
Second, there isn't enough to do anything to your endocrine system. Your shit information is broscience.
Pretty good, thank you