>that first sip of thread of the week
Old one hit the bump limit. Get in here sip boys.
That first sip of thread of the week
S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7
I'm fucking hyped for my /sip/ tomorrow morning. Some fellow /sip/pers and I are starting a road trip and are going to down a few when we head out.
S I P T R I P 2 0 1 7
>Milhouse has a purple sips
Of course he does
I appreciate these threads for the comedic value alone.
Please, enjoy your sips.
will enjoy a sip on your behalf tonight
Tell me it's not discontinued. I really enjoyed this sip. I love lemon flavored stuff
Not discontinued but very rare, buy while you still can
Everyone I know hated this, and now it's been discontinued in favour of a shitty apple flavour.
Does anyone else remember this? It's fucking delicious for cancer water, and don't you dare tell me that orange abortion Monster makes is any better.
>what the FUCK is your problem
Just tried this after constantly seeing it posted.
It was utterly mediocre. How this drink gained such a following here is beyond me. Is it just for the memes? It can't be for the taste, that's for sure.
Sipping Rockstars in the house tonight!
I bet you're the kind of philistine who just chugged it in one go.
where do you buy your sips?
do you buy in bulk?
At my special sip spot. It's a Valero gas station. They tend to stock a superior variety of sips. I'd buy in bulk, but I prefer to support local sip establishments.
>he doesnt sip rockstar lemonade
enjoy all your babby sips
at least the booze hounds in the alcothreads are interesting while you fatasses are just annoying
Tried that white Monster today. It taste exactly like Fanta. Pretty disappointing.
You are all fucking sheep
I'm sipping one of these right now
I haven't been able to find a Monster Hydro anywhere, is this a notoriously rare sip?
>Blacked, dry chicken breast
>Unseasoned, overcooked white rice
>Unsalted, unseasoned brocoli
Go back to Veeky Forums jesus fucking christ
*sips fedora*
>white rice
Monster is gross.
That is not cooking, it's at best biochemistry.
Artificial sweetener might mess with your gains and you won't even know it.
at least put /sip/ in your original post so it can get filtered properly
This is my sip to go. I get 6 of these every week for the price of a pack of cigarretes, basically one of the best choices if you are looking for a daily sip. On saturdays i usally get some Ultra red or Lo-Carb for the night. Monster is a little bit more expensive than Rockstar, but you know what? Its worth it
A-am I in the club too?
tastes like someone pissed in your laundry detergent. Poor quality sip
tfw never fell for the "chicken and broccoli" meme
rockstar is not a sip
You have to get the Sobe "power" it has proline which is not in any other energy drink I have found and gets you fuckin pumped like nothing else.
Quit being a douche and let the supporters have their fun. It's all they have.
still on the lookout for this
Well shit.
Go to 7/11 boi
I thought everyone in this thread was being ironic
>he's never sipped
I definitely have drank my fair share of monster I just didn't know there was a whole subculture built around it
Rockstar and Monster are exactly the same dimensions and caffeine content. It's sip. Sorry I don't shill out 2 bucks a can like you retards
>Troll brands painfully obviously
>Get free shit
>same caffeine content
No. Not even close. And it's "shell out." Not "shill out."
Nice anime shit, gaytard.
No i'm pretty sure you're shilling hard
How customer service works sadly
I had a monster energy drink for the first time last night and I'm someone who doesn't consume caffeine whatsoever.
It took me about 10 minutes to finish the bottle, which I followed up with my first Red Bull but could only finish half because literally watery sugar, and about an hour later I was vomiting all my bathroom floor and shivering like crazy. It felt like my eyes were going to pop out of my head. My stomach literally felt like it had 5 cell phones going off at once in it.
Never. Again.
>butt-devastated red bull shill detected
Long time sipper, first time poster.
These are my sips so far this month.
What sip should I be buying tonight? They go 4 for 7 at my corner store.
Maybe try some actual sips.
Are you saying none of what I posted fall into your narrow definition of "sips"?
Even the one that you highlight on the far left of your own fucking picture of "sips"?
Fuck you, you're probably french.
Sugar free rockstar is 10/10 delicious
these threads are absolutely monstrous
someone in al/ck/ literally fucking died last week. how is that interesting?
Studiously sipping
who died? smirnoff bro?
Don't be such a bummer, dude
Grow up and get down
I didn't see the ultra black. When I saw all the rockstar, I vomited directly onto my screen, obscuring the right side of your photo.
Also, yes, "sips" are exclusively monster ultras. Know your Veeky Forums memes.
>see this thread
>go out for a midnight sip
I worked a few weeks at a flavored drink warehouse, there was just me and another guy there and they had a massive fridge in the back filled with "damaged" cans they wouldn't sell. It was filled to the brim with Monster and I was told to help myself, in the two weeks I worked there I had siped every monster in that fridge to completion, I put om a lot of weight working there.
There is no need for Red Bull shilling as its already globally known as the best energy drink there is.
Just drink coffee????
? ???
>tfw prefer the taste of Monster but drink Red Bull to support red pilled companies
Such is life
Yes it is assumed he is dead at the moment
He's smug because he and everyone else in Europe knows he's right.
Where can I find these sipcaps, nibbas.
Did I do better on tonight's pickup then Mr Sips-definer?
Also, asian dude was trying to buy cigs in front of me. Had ID. Arab dude behind the counter wouldn't sell because "All asians look the same to me". fuck'n calgary man
I picked up about 10 of those the other day to get me through the week
I usually go one a day until my weekends. My local Walmart Market stocks their loose leftover cans of Rockstar for 98c a can so I just go in and grab whatevers 0 cal (or close enough, the Rehydrate is only 10 cal) in 10-15 can bunches.
Kind of ass carrying home bags of loose cans but w/e great value
>Also, yes, "sips" are exclusively monster ultras. Know your Veeky Forums memes.
This isn't Veeky Forums skinny boy. Run home to your weights and squats. We have taken this meme. We have made it ours.
Come on guys. Don't you know these things are bad for you? Why not get your high from a combination of healthy foods and exercise? :)
Coffee is bad for you, society, and the environment. At least with energy drinks I only poison myself
>They're price gouging his sips
Time to buy bulk and start selling on the corner
First sip of the week here too. Have been avoiding it but today I was running errands and has the opportunity.
same here.
I can appreciate the occasional energy drink to get you trough a days low (that combination of coffeine, fizzy, sugar, random substances that might be good or really bad for you plus a shitton of placebo really activates my almonds), but this white monster shit?
Since it is 0 calories, I hoped that it would be less sweet, but boy was I wrong.
That stuff is like sugar3. How can you even make a substance that sweet? Absolutely pic related.
You just aren't autistic enough.
How did you gain weight when sip is 0 calories?
1) not everyone follows your silly definition of sip being zero calories only
2) artificially sweetened beverages still cause weight gain despite being zero calories. Google it.
>2) artificially sweetened beverages still cause weight gain despite being zero calories. Google it.
nod really
Its not a direct causal link fool, the best explanation of the correlation is that people who like sweet tastes will pursue unhealthy food in other forms more
Rockstar Lime Freeze/Killer Citrus is the best sip I ever sapped
tip for my sippers
if you have a local BJs, they sell a variety pack of zero sips. i think it’s white, red, and orange. maybe blue too. it’s the same price as other cases, but we i personally like being surprised by the next sip to come out of the case
Thanks for the sip tip.
S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7
Everyone in this thread posting unironically is under 21 and most likely in middle school, right?
You've never sipped, right?
i sipped
>only 90's kids will remember
I drink coffee, alcohol and water plus the occasional sweet tea
checked trips
gave me an audible giggle
>mfw this white shit actually helped me lose 11 pounds