No Costco dog thread

Why aren't we talking about this life hack on steroids? Let's fix this ASAP. Do you see how cheap it is?

It's gotten smaller

Got mine on Saturday. Mustard and onions. God tier.

We don't all have HIV and live in New York in mom's basement tho.

>$6 a lb
>hamburger is still cheaper


>doesnt factor in labor
Hi brainlet

>buy 1lb hamburger
>pay $4.36

>buy 4 hot dogs/1lb
>pay $6

Omg guys check out this original food hack and be sure to subscribe to my channel if you already haven't.

Do you not know what labor means?!

it means you cook your own food and save money?

finally, a worthy replacement for the mcchicken.

I unironically dreamed that my brother and I were getting Costco hotdogs when we got in a fight with some redneck and I woke up

stop shilling faggot

pro-tip: buy/eat your hot dog before shopping, not after. you'll buy less dumb shit and eat less questionable free samples.

I don't understand why people are trying to turn the Costco hot dog into a meme.

The Costco hot dog is no meme.

I don't see any memes here, friend. Just a discussion about hot dogs.

Me either. Nobody talked about them two weeks ago, but now it's multiple threads a day.

Either one user's mind was blown by discovering them, or a handful of anons are trying to make it a meme.

Stupid either way.

Its both. One user made a couple threads honestly discussing it, and then others popped up mocking him, and then it was full blown memery. Following it from the beginning, I honestly find it pretty funny. It would be bigger if mods werent deleting threads.


Costco dogs are delicious. Love biting into a juicy, succulent dog

I think other boards are circulating this meme as well. I believe Americans are behind them.

This is because the burger meme has gotten stale so an old American classic like hot dogs now has a chance to shine and make Europeans feel jealous about not being able to enjoy a Costco hot dog.

You're just mad you can't eat costco dogs

Poland will be a super power by 2020

Have people never hear of costco? Do they even know about membership retailers besides hippie supermarkets? Have they ever seen free samples? How the fuck doesn't everyone go when they need to stock up or get premium quality electronics? Its like a super walmart with sizable decent food in the front for a hobo's amount of pocket change. I really actually find the barebones warehouse interiors quite nice.

what am I looking at? rice? onions?

onions and green rice