Yo Veeky Forums where can I get some sopa de macaco?
Does it taste good?
Sopa de macaco
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what is that thing in the bowl that looks like a face??
A monkey's face.
macaco's head
uma delicia
An unfortunate distant relative of the young Brazilian man in the photo.
a face
Uma delicia
South American countries, usually ones where good meat is rare.
It probably tastes gamey, not much good meat on it, but who knows.
why is this a meme with you people
what's wrong with y'all
Our simian cousin
Do Americans really eat this?
why do you post this thread every day
lol meat is not rare in Brazil
It has one of the highest (cow) beef per capita consumptions in the world.
This is just niggers being niggers.
fuck brazilians
Brazil is basically two countries:
The developed, white-majority Southern tip bordering Argentina and Uruguay, and the Africa-tier nigger-majority north.
Rio de Janero is he shithole where these two countries meet.
I'm a South Brazilian basically living in a different country and culture. Please don't lump me in. Most of us would like to seceede from the shithole north.
ok ok, we get it you are the different and special one, but no one cares, back to /pol/
also can you give me some sopa de macaco?
>I'm a South Brazilian basically living in a different country
keep dreaming macaco
>good meat is rare
>south america
Are you literally retard?
>sulista autista ataca dnv
puta que pariu mano, que cancro vcs sao, pq n podem jogar uma bomba ai logo?
vá comer sua sopa de macaco, favelado.
>unico argumento que sulista autista tem
lembrete diario que tu continua a ser do brasil , entao vai comer sua sopa de macaco tambem
vcs nunca serao independentes pois os unicos que apoiam o ""movimento"" sao autistas de 12 anos que passam o dia no pc
boa sorte, recalcado
>Brazil is basically two countries:
The developed, white-majority Southern tip bordering Argentina and Uruguay, and the Africa-tier nigger-majority north.
Similar to the US only our coastal states are equivalent to your south brazil and the rest of the US is like your ignorant, superstitious north. Interesting.
41fucking kg!
Oh, I'm not complaining mate. Sounds lovely
So suddenly pork is not red meat? Or goat and mutton?
Or the uma delicia macaco?
This graph is bullshit.
>imagine being so ignorant about the world outside your basement
Why do so few Brazilians identify themselves as preto?
>The culinary definition has many rules and exceptions. Generally meat from mammals (for example cattle, horse meat, bull meat) and meat from hunting (wild boars, deer, pigeons, partridges, quail and pheasant) excluding fish and insects are considered red meat. Although poultry is usually considered white, duck and goose are red. For some animals the culinary definition of red meat differs by cut, and sometimes by the age of the animal is when it was slaughtered. Pork is considered red if the animal is adult, but white if young (e.g. suckling pig).
I think the graphic is for moo-moos
What if sopa de macaco was actually uma delícia?
The graph refers exclusively to cow and veal meat retard. It says so there.
t. macaquinho
and it is
it's not the case anymore
meat is really expensive nowadays
now chicken and pork consumption is higher than back then
Holy fucking shit what's wrong with Brazil? :(
looked up monley soup and this is what i got