Why is Veeky Forums so anti-México?
Why do you hate us?
It's a foodie's paradise.
Best food in the Western Hemisphere.
Why is Veeky Forums so anti-México?
Why do you hate us?
It's a foodie's paradise.
Best food in the Western Hemisphere.
Other urls found in this thread:
until you shit your guts out bc mexico doesn't fucking understand what 'food safety' is
>eat our food it's so good
>can't even drink the water
get your shit together and we can talk
That's not why Americans get sick
I live in San Diego and can get real Mexican food any time I want, it's pretty overrated t.b.q.h.w.u.f.
It's got good food but the people are shit and the culture is shit. Mexicans fucked up their own country and now they're shitting on the United States as well.
>Best food in the Western Hemisphere.
Reason enough
Show some dignity and self-respect what need do you have to put that before anyone
Lets agree mexican food is terrific. Case closed. Saying shit inciting sna/ck/ers is stupid and lacks class, it brings me to wonder if you are at all mexican or some asshole pissing off already petty ninnies here.
Too much sauce, too much fat, and very one note flavors.
I love mole.
>and very one note flavors.
cannot be over emphasized enough
you may fuck my sister, user
Ive heard horror stories about people getting brainworms from it
I'm sorry but I just hate mole sauce. Tastes so bitter and gross.
I do love Mexican food though
those are the hues tho
Tied with Cajun imo
Because Veeky Forums is 95% Americans and Europeans, the most prejudiced people on earth.
> Implying orientals aren't more prejudice than Europeans/Americans.
Lmao no
Veeky Forums is not anti-Mexico. /pol/ is, and they troll here relentlessly.
Other way around, faggot.
The only people on Veeky Forums that are "anti" any country's food are /pol/tard sturmdrumpfers who have never set foot out of the US let alone know anything about the food of the country they're gnashing their teeth about. In most cases they couldn't even locate it on a blank world map.
95% of Veeky Forums knows them for what they are: Ignorance incarnate.
>most obese country in the world, merica is only 2nd cause of this
>poorfag food culture surrounded by poorfag diet around high calorie 'delicious' foods deep fried shit
American 'mexican' food is unironically better.
maybe you should fuck off back to /pol/
>Mexicans fucked up their own country
It's extremely overrated using the same 5 ingredients ad nauseam
Don't you mean 'those damn ching chong white their weird "exotic" food', Mr America?
Its genius.
Just like Italy then
Los Angeles spic here.
I don't hate it but I'm so burnt out on it. I love homemade fajitas and enchiladas and stuff but there's only so much you can take when it's at every family get together every couple of months.
In Europe? Yes. In the US? Get the fuck out of here you xenophobic piece of shit, all races, not only whites.
But whites mostly.
>American 'mexican' food is unironically better
Is this what shit taste is like? What a fucking curse.
No wonder there's all these yurop threads about the US, burgers truly have shit for tongues.
>Mexicans fucked up their own country
You seem to be implying that those human piece of shit narcos represent my entire country. Also, it's pretty funny how you're completely oblivious to the fact that the relentless thirst for drugs your country has is a huge part of why my country is a fucking slaughter house.
But that's ok, you're in the majority here: of people in your fucking country who is too ignorant and also proud to admit any kind of responsibility for your own fuckups who causes misery and death to other countries, specially in Latin America.
The American way, they call it.
Love my Mexican peeps and the food. Good stuff. There are a lot of economically illiterate jackasses on the right who don't recognize the value of an increasing population on a nations economy. The boomers triggered a large economic boom that lasted until now, as they are dying off. They need to be replaced and babies aren't coming out fast enough, so we need more Mexicans. Please. Come as fast as you can. As many as possible. We need your rich heritage to add to our fading and, largely irrelevant, culture.
My family get togethers involved grilling chicken, brats, london broil and burgers. Noodle salad, potato salad, copious amounts of beer, firearms and hotrods. I'm willing to trade places with you from time to time. What do you say?
>london broil
Never had it so you got a deal
>we need more Mexicans. Please. Come as fast as you can. As many as possible. We need your rich heritage to add to our fading and, largely irrelevant, culture.
That's like a small, little Mexico? Further south, right?
It unironically is, not that it takes a lot to beat tacos and quesadillas
I prefer Chilean food. The skinny long Mexico.
mountain spics, fond of eating rodents
Do they get a bonus to mountaineering or anything? Should I choose a Peruvian before I roll stats for my ranger? He's going to be sort of a mountain man in a rain forest type setting.
Are you having a stroke euro? You are just as racist as Americans. Maybe a little less,but not much
.... and the USA
+ endurance
- charisma because they are extra feo
I'm surprised no one has posted any gifs of that nasty ass street food with like potato chips and onions and fuckin fruit and candy and tomato juice and shit
I think it's called tostalocos or something
Right, right, gringos get sick because of the ghost of Montezuma. Not food poisoning.
You don't have bad food in your country?
Or are you so ignorant and stupid that you think some shitty food truck represents the culinary of an entire nation ? Do you apply the same criteria to to your own country?
If that's your perspective on America then thanks for proving my point, Kai.
Why do gringos get sick whenever they leave America, and even from eating at high end restaurants on countries with much harsher sanitary codes?
They've grown dependent on the flouride in the water
I actually like Mexican food a lot. It's in my top 5 favorite ethnic cuisines.
I was just surprised no one has posted any of those gifs yet because they're pretty popular on this board.
I see tostilocos as the Mexican equivalent of American carnival food like deep fried twinkies and shit
I'll take "Things That Don't Actually Happen" for $400, Alex.
How am I proving your point by pointing out your general attitude towards the rest of the world in a mockingly way? Have you read some of the posts Itt? I know not every American is like that, although you probably also think that, but mostly because you feel like those who do are "flyover trash", wich is yet another prejudice that Americans have even against their own compatriots.
>You seem to be implying that
>Also, it's pretty funny how you're completely oblivious to the fact that the relentless thirst for drugs your country has is a huge part of why my country
Yeah, same with Canada and all our other trading partners. Oh wait.
>my country is a fucking slaughter house.
Who seems to be implying? :D
OK james, why don't you have some Kool-aid and corn with mashed potatoes? Maybe while watching WWE?
"You seem to have implied " is in no way redundant, retard.
>general attitude towards the rest of the world
>Have you read some of the posts Itt
>although you probably also think that
>mostly because you feel like
>another prejudice that Americans have
Pace yourself
Ok....? Don't you have to fight da Joos or something?
Don't bother, I'm Mexican and I also think that nasty shit needs to die. Most of my people thinks the same.
Racism mostly (I know Mexican is not a race, but try telling that to americans)
Americans have that too, they just pretend they don't after the " deep fried butter truck " fiasco blew over.
is goo gringo, ju wan more?
So the problem with his post is the pacing , not the argument? Gotcha
>Don't you have to fight da Joos
how did you know I hate Dutchmen?
It kinda is a race though, many Mexicans are Spanish-Native mudbloods
Because you were defending America, wich is one of the most prejudiced countries in the world, so you are probably American? Thanks for proving my point again, btw
Like almost every SA country Exept Brazil? If you think that this racial composition is Mexican, you are more ignorant that you are racist, but you are still both. Thanks for proving my point yet again, John.
If you think of this racial composition as mexican*
>assuming I'm white
Nice racism user.
Mexican food relies too much on corn and beans.
How did I imply that you are white in that post? By pointing out you are most likely racist? You see, this is the problem. correlating ideas and actions and thought with a "race" is what makes you a fucking racist. You just can't break away from This bigoted way of thinking, and as a very productive American person that makes me absolutely shocked, since I can't understand how the American founding values that I respect so much can coexist with this ideology
Very pro american person*
What's with the fucking taco defense force here? The only countries you can pull the "at least we're not as bad as-" is Swaziland and Haiti.
Distinctly not less. Canada is probably the least racist country, but the US is definitely number two
>not a statistically white name
You know that we all know you chose that name because you totally buy into the whole "white people are raycist" bullshit. Nice damage control.
they took our jerrbs
t. cleetus McOxycodone
(as well as the lower rungs of every other country with significant immigration)
Thanks for proving my point yet again. I posted John because it is an American name, retard. You know, black people are not called "la dasha" around the world. It's an aspect of American culture
>"Gringo burro. A prova de que a vida é um desafio injusto e cruel vem do fato de que um bosta como você nasceu em um país tão magnífico quanto os estados unidos. Porque você não não se mata e abre espaço para que gente como eu possa curar sua pátria?"
See? I'm not an American white hating commie. Besides, I'm white myself, I just choose to place my loyalty in my people, not my shade of skin color, my height, or any other arbitrary value I can quantify in MS paint.
>pointing out your general attitude towards the rest of the world in a mockingly way
When did that user ever show an ignorant attitude to the rest of the world?
The Orient actually is more prejudiced against other races and ethnicities than Europeans and Americans are. Minority races in Japan are constantly put at a disadvantage compared to the majority, most notably in the workplace.
And if you need to mock others to try and support your argument, you need to take your shit reasoning back to r*ddit
>When did user....
When he grouped more than half of the world as "oriental"? Yes, they live in the oriental hemisphere. No, that's not what he meant
Also here:
But go on, le reddit, right?
The region of Asia which is considered "oriental" (East, Southeast, and parts of South Asia) have a population of about 3.9 billion. That's a bit more than half of the world's estimated population ( ~7 billion) you fucking idiot.
And a disdain for the Dutch with your assumption of his race or nationality doesn't prove that he's what you believe he is.
But go on, muh evil burgers, right?
>That's a bit more than half of the world's estimated population
Exactly thanks for strengthening my point for me
not him but
>more than half of the world
Racist defence force?
>Mexican food is just 3 ingriedients/it's so unsanitized/it's just tacos/it's just webm's of people dumping shit into plastic containers
Yeah, if you only go around eating street food and fast food the whole thing is pretty shit, that's why the "authentic mexican food" meme is such cancer, even i hate the fuck out of it
>Go to a town i havent been before with friends/family
>"user let's go to the market so you can have the real "whatever-town" experience
>Fuck that, take me to the nice restaurants you only go to once a month
Yes, street food/fast food in mexico is fucking trash just like in pretty much every country on earth, only slobs and disgusting people eat it on a daily basis, i bet there's some pretty disgusting "authentic" food in your towns as well
But for a foodie, if you know what to look for and where to look for it, this is paradise, amazing bbq's in the northern states, that seafood renaissance in baja, the fancy "mexican cusine" restaurants in the nicer parts of mexico city, and that borderline experimental take on traditional mexican cusine thing they have going on in oaxaca (
I'll take cotija cheese over parmesan cheese anyday and if you dont even know what that is you're a fucking loser, fight me faggots
Eaten in over 20 countries. The only place I got sick was at the restaurant of a 5 star hotel in New Delhi. I trusted that water to not be tap and it was. I no longer trust any water in a glass that didn't come from a bottle poured in front of me, other than places in the US, Canada, most of the UK, and Germany.
This is what homemade mexican food looks like
Keep the french invasion in france, mexicans earn 30/50 usd week if they are lucky
Kek, this is me actually.
>tfw born in Greatest Country on Earth
>tfw rest of the world are pic related
>turtle soup
Mexicans are truly culinary masters, right up their with the Chinese and the 19th century US when turtle soup was actually a thing
I love Mexican night at the house. Every Thursday of every week. Stuff is so good.
These threads don't help your cause in any way. They just make you look desperate for attention in the cesspool that is Veeky Forums.
The only time in my life I've tried eating at a mexican restaurant I had diarrhea halfway.
t. non-amerifat
That's because they aren't dirt poor.
I always find it funny how butthurt Veeky Forums gets over Mexican food, every thread is the same. I love it, especially their excellent seafood.
>Like almost every SA country
But that's wrong retard.
The Spanish-Native mix is called mestizo. The only countries where mestizos are the majority are Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Paraguay.
South America is incredibly diverse in terms of race. Mexicans are very different from South Americans, which in turn are very different from each other.
America just happens to exist next to the largest, most populous, mestizo-majority country so you assume that's what all Latin Americans look like.