>"Yeah I only eat my steak well-done!"
"Yeah I only eat my steak well-done!"
Other urls found in this thread:
looks fucking delicious give me a recipe
missing ketchup
Are we posting food kino?
Woah is that mount doom?
Looks like burnt sugar it something
>"I only eat my meat rare!"
So memes aside, does anyone here in Veeky Forums eat well done steaks?
This baby
I wish i would have landed this post
Veeky Forums eats whatever their mum's makes them
Enjoy your cancer from the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from overcooking.
Reminds me of a pizza I made once after a night of drinking.
something tells me you weren't drinking milk
You're right, it was water.
Google image search reveals that that is not in fact a nice "well-done" steak but in fact burnt meatloaf. Checkmate raw-foodists.
>tfw you remember how you don't actually give a shit what other people do with their food
I don't eat steak but if I ordered one I would
I don't order them well done, but I'll eat them if offered. It just doesn't taste as good that way to me.
Over-cooking isn't the same thing as burning you retard
There's the Trump Steak I ordered.
I have that same saucepan.
My sister in law bought a bunch of thin cut steaks once and made them all well done. I would've preferred mine medium rare but I'm not an impolite brat and ate it without complaint
>look ma I posted it again
feel free to go back to /lgbt/
>So memes aside, does anyone here in Veeky Forums eat well done steaks?
Sure. I cook them well done at home, and some steaks are actually better well done, namely skirt steak with chimichurri gets the better texture and loses its chewiness, and I order them medium well (to account for carryover cooking). It nearly always turns out well. I'm not grossed out if a little pink left, but if it's rare, I'll just never eat there again. If you can't get a simple thing like steak temperature correct, you don't deserve business. I have pregnant friends, elderly parents and even siblings on immuno-suppressive meds, and they don't need some minimum wage idiot dictating customer service requests as worthwhile or not to taste.
I also find that the best most known steak restaurant in any city always gets it right. I can assure you that Berns and Shulas, Rays the Steak, BLT Prime, or wherever you dine will get it right every single time. I wouldn't order a filet well done, of course, because I know better, and I think that's part of the issue. Ribeye and NY strip will always be perfect, as will anything off the bone that isn't filet thickness.
It's rare to see a political web comic where both characters are portrayed as petty assholes
>Orders medium well
>A little pink is unnaceptable.
Ok, pal
I very rarely eat steaks. Once in my life have I ordered a medium+ steak and couldn't eat it at all, it was so disgusting.
Steaks in general are shit food and rare steaks are the shittiest I can imagine.
Ok, this is obviously bait. But in the event that it's not, how is steak shitty food?
That's obviously not rare faggot, that's blue.
Medium well will do.
People do the same thing with greentext. Someone will make an argument, someone will respond with greentext turning their argument into a strawman, add a one line snide remark and act like they've won the argument.
that's not how you make lava cake, but A for effort
This cartoon shows trump supporters can't handle the bants.
100% accurate
>PeOpLe dO ThE SaMe tHiNg wItH GrEeNtExT. sOmEoNe wIlL MaKe aN ArGuMeNt, SoMeOnE WiLl rEsPoNd wItH GrEeNtExT TuRnInG ThEiR ArGuMeNt iNtO A StRaWmAn, AdD A OnE LiNe sNiDe rEmArK AnD AcT LiKe tHeY'Ve wOn tHe aRgUmEnT.
>Someone was upset enough to make that comic
Kek'd m8
Nice numbers you have there
If your skirt steak needs additional cooking to be tender, you're cutting it wrong.
>my relatives will literally die if they eat steak that's slighty off
>they still pick the steak at the restaurant instead of the constellation of other, more worthwhile dishes
Not that poster but I've always found steaks less than well-done to actually be chewier, even if they're good quality or cut correctly. It might be softer when it's cooked less but the muscle fibers don't break apart as easily as it does when it's well-done.
>if you're not going to eat something the way i like it then you should just eat something else
If your life is literally hanging on the disposition of a local cook you despise, then yes it would be wiser to pick another choice.
>a fucking brimstone fire rock