Don't knock it till you try it thread
For me, it's peanut butter, syrup and waffles, the best breakfast.
Don't knock it till you try it thread
For me, it's peanut butter, syrup and waffles, the best breakfast.
I don't know why you think I would knock that, it sounds delicious. But that is an absurd amount of calories to eat in one sitting.
I don't use that much syrup so it's too dry for me to have peanut butter on waffles or pancakes. But a few people have said they'll mix the peanut butter with heavy cream so it's not as dry, haven't tried it but it sounds like it would work.
I have no objection
>Don't knock it till you try it
Is this not considered a normal combination? What else would you put on pancakes?
Add banana slices and whipped cream and it's perfect
You retard, they sell that at Denny's
Chips on a sandwich
Maple syrup and creamy peanut butter on a piping hot piece of multigrain toast has been my go-to midnight snack for a while now. Shit's delicious.