Are the haters on Veeky Forums to?

are the haters on Veeky Forums to?

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what's her endgame?

Her husband looks 20 years older

The restaurant got shut down permanently, so I assume welfare.

Fuck her cats, clearly


I will NOT allow this HATE and EVIL on MY yelp page!!!!!!!!!!!!

Family, I'm not gonna lie. It will always bother me that Amy, Ann Coulter, and Tom Hiddleston look nothing alike but exactly the same all at once.

Do any of you actually think this wasn't just typical "reality TV" drama cooked up by Kitchen Nightmares?

Are any of you actually this stupid? Have you ever read anything at all about reality TV?

I want to make sweet love with her shit-guts while staring at and kissing those manic eyes

Why didn't she just stick to just baking?

>tfw she started following me on instagram and talking to me and she wants my dick, but I live in the U.K.

If I make it out to LA to fuck her I'll do my best Ramsay impression and role play.

Did Sami ever get deported?

Have we determined whether that place was a front?

Except it was a real place, that real people went to, for real years in real life. All Gordon did was shove a camera in their faces, and Americanize up the production with flash cut edits and god awful narration.

Careful user, her Greek Mafioso husband won't take kindly to being kekked. Remember, a greek never repays his debts!

At the beginning of the episode, if I recall correctly, Gordon complimented her on her pastry display and she told him she made it all herself in house. Apparently it came out later that it was a complete lie, she was getting them from an outside vendor.

>deporting an american citizen

Are you for real or just memeing?

Who is this?

Man, why was the old UK Kitchen Nightmares so much better than the American show? Like, I can't even sit through a whole episode of the US KN.

How about you google the fucking file name like a big boy?

Underwhelming story.

the fuck

For real? That's just sad

Give Sammy a heart attack and collect all his money

this fucking killed me

She shows herself making her pastries all the time on Instagram because of false claims like this

Because it follows the same Yank TV formula.
Fake drama, bad editing and using the same 'drama' sound effects. Yanks can't pay attention unless somebody's gonna die or they're being advertised to.

I like both, the American one because of the general comedic effect and how over the top it can be. I'm not sure how people get offended by reality TV being, well, a fucking TV show, and its not like the UK version is much different apart from stuff like music and editing, the main difference is that the US one focuses more on the human ~drama~ which does get a bit boring, especially considering the fact that they're usually 100% at fault and in so much debt the bank is seizing everything and or they're going bankrupt in a month regardless of what gordo does. If you cut out the extra weeping and wailing it's fine. Also it's not as if the UK one has good editing but it looks as if it were done on a shoestring budget, which is fine.

for me it's the cuts, like in Man V Food one of my fave shows it's always

BEFORE THE BREAK WE SAW ___ WHAT HAPPENS TO MAKE GORDON SAY _____ just pick up where it left off, how short do they think American attention spans are to forget what happened during an ad break. This sums it up.

It's annoying but I'm pretty sure that's for when you tune into the tv like halfway in, I usually watch them on youtube and don't have this problem.

Also RIP the guy from man versus food, that was a comfy show.

Someone who worked at the restaurant went on Reddit and said that while some of it was played up for the camera, most of it was genuine.

Yeah I get that part, heck I watch most of Kitchen Nightmares on YT too.

Didn't Adam come back? I Swear he did a short like rebirth of the show for at least a season.

I love her empty troglodyte eyes I'd love to fuck her throat and came inside while she gag like tha turkey she is.

my sides

What's the name?

Depends on what you mean by haters. Haters as in "people who just shit on stuff to feel superior" or "people I disagree with and wish to dismiss without actually addressing their criticisms". Because we have both.

She's pretty doable
Don't know who she is though

no, majority of Veeky Forums is female, the show made her look crazy for ratings.