Post your gamer fridges and rate gamer fridges here boys

Post your gamer fridges and rate gamer fridges here boys

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I feel so bad for the people that eat like that and think it's normal

I dont eat like this, I just had some chicken curry tonight. This is only my gamer fridge.

Quite a gamer fridge if I ever did see one!

Looks like the fridge of someone who couldn't get to diamond in overwatch without being boosted



this is my gamer fridge

Does that boost your FPS?

Im thinking of getting a mini fridge like this and putting it in my room for snacks when i game,read, or watch shows/youtube
Probably gonna put a bunch of LaCroix, some diet soda, homemade celery (i eat fuckloads of this and its so good with no calories) and maybe some grilled chicken breasts and salad. definitely some tendies and hot sauces too. Some cheese would be nice too.
Thoughts? Suggestions?

How is celery homemade?

I do this, highly recommend it. It saves me from having to walk downstairs or into another room and get my drinks and stuff, which is great when my housemates have people over

>diet soda
>homemade celery
This isn't gamerfuel

this made me violently ill, fuck you.

I meant pickled

Looks cool

I'm more of a midnight scavenger. I look around for the best tasties and take what I can get.


What kind of tasties?

>gamer fridge

I have a real fridge because I don't live with my parents.

>gamer fridge

>you'll never spend a whole night gaming
>gotta get to work and make money
>gotta take care of the kids
>no more chilling, drinking, gaming
>my best days are behind me

you dun goofed bro

I have a popcorn popper and loads of kernels. Pour melted butter on top and I eat through a big ol bowl

>no kids
ya dun made yurself a genetic dead end and a disappointment to yur parents

I need a mini fridge. Definitely one with a freezer. Any recomendations?

Looking for the best deal

How are the dream-crushing piles of filth?

>steel reserve
Jesus christ, one or two of those vile things gets me through the whole night

So it's just ornamental shit food that you don't eat?

Snacks, you fucking mong

Try the Goodwill. Make sure there aren't any nests under it.

I'd wait just a little longer if I were you; you'll probably find the best deals at literally walmart during the fall/back to school season, lots of sales on mini fridges aimed towards dorm-bound uni/college kids

On the other end of the spectrum, cruise around the dorms at the end of spring semester. Spoiled rich kids just dump their electronics and appliances out for free

The one I have was $110. It came with a pretty sizable fridge part and a decent freezer. It does what it needs to do.

You mean parents

Is the powerade there for the morning after drinking alcohol?


Sad Op, very sad.

I had one that I had posted on /g/ back in 2011 that a sign guy that swapped work with my dad shop had vinyl wrapped. he also had also done up our shop microwave, and fridge with some pseudo racing livery.

if you got a sign shop that can do custom stuff, I recommend it.

>this thread exists just 4 me

lads i need good snack ideas that dont consist of slabs of cheddar and mustard, or a wheel of brie and bread

pickles, hummus, summer sausage, pickled eggs, deviled eggs,

I love how they upgraded to 42 ounces.

>Gamer fridge

So that's how you explain your mini fridge so you can camp out in your rooms neet style and avoid your room mates (parents).

Mountain Dew Pitch Black is the holy grail of all soda, fuck.

>not traveling around to 3rd world countries and inseminating hundreds of women who crave rich, western white cock.

This is my plan at the end of my life. Fell a bunch of foreign women with my seed so I can attempt to continue my genetic line without the bullshit of raising kids. Sure I'll probably get a bunch of diseases but I don't plan on living past 45 with my lifestyle anyway.

Then you fuckin eat this way.

>hides to avoid people who actually have friends

This is the saddest shit

>being a gamer means you have to eat garbage
It is possible to cook your food and then play video games you fat slob

Do you also have a pee bottle?

Are you 18?

Holy fuck nigga, defrost that fridge.

I have a shitposting fridge. I cant really play games on my computer. It has tea and diet coke the patricians choice.

right? im convinced op is just memeing

since im not a fan of raw celery ive been meaning to try it pickled
got a brine recipe i could try or do you buy it?

fuckin gotem

>Post your gamer fridges and rate gamer fridges here boys
I have always had a garage fridge, which is in constant use to house beverage choices, and handle things like a whole watermelon, big bowls of party food like potato salad, casseroles of desserts or big cakes, slabs of marinading ribs, and a few things in the freezer like frozen turkeys and stuff you dont need to keep in the house fridge. But, also I've lived in a 4 story townhouse, and I can assure you that you can get parched after sex on the top floor and its a PITA to go down to the kitchen, if you didnt preplan. I don't see an issue with a gamer fridge, but I do see an issue with stacking a bunch of shit all over the floor and surfaces. Buy some organization, that is indoor camping slovenliness. Also, all of your snack choices are filthy for keyboards.

pickles, sardines, crudités, nuts, seeds

>running video games on a intel i7

my 980Ti still chugs along on my i5 because im too lazy to upgrade it

It's amazing to think that everything in this picture is made from corn, water and salt.

I believe the carpet is made from manufactured textiles, from cotton or other materials.

That doesn't really work anymore. My school and some others that HS friends went to have dedicated dumping grounds for donating stuff to local charities and shit.
The area is almost always indoors, like in a dorm you'd need a key to get into.
Plus you have poorfag students like me that are digging through the trash first

>gaymer faggots

Real talk whoever's room it is on the left has patrician tier taste in rhythm games.
IIDX Empress arcade poster and a IIDX GOLD promo poster.


>not having a corn carpet

>cat sitting on desk
>cat looks at monitor after i open OP's pic
>cat gets scared and jumps back

>no nitro takis

>nephew is 23 year old NEET
>facing homelessness because he stole $150 from his half-sister
>spent it all on junk food like OP pic and dip

What the fuck, man. I could see a dopefiend pilfering from family to support a habit but this shit is just bizarre. Also, where do NEETs go when they finally get kicked out? He sure as fuck isn't staying with me.

>muh genetics
Just donate to a sperm bank ya doof.
>muh parents
Don't be a little bitch, it's your life.

why are there two half empties

>where do NEETs go when they finally get kicked out?

why did you put rarara in the fridge?


RIP in peace nephew. No way he'll survive out there.


Kick ass cooling system.

That's a lot of food user, you should have told us you where having guests