Name 1 (one) food that wouldn't taste better if you added bacon to it.
Name 1 (one) food that wouldn't taste better if you added bacon to it
no thanks memer.
>wouldn't taste better
bacon can't taste better than bacon. checkmate atheists.
If you add bacon to bacon you get more bacon which makes it better. Nice try though.
It makes whatever you cook taste like bacon and overpowers the fuck out of anything. Off the top of my head, a roast turkey would be better off without it.
Any sweets. Bacon with sugary treats is disgusting.
>Sweet and salty
There's a time and a place for that, and it's not with bacon.
No, it tastes the same. Whether or not it would be better, it wouldn't TASTE better. You're just moving the goal posts, brainlet.
in this opinion: faggot
caprese salad
anything that you don't want to taste like bacon
Ice cream that's been gooified by being microwaved.
You are objectively wrong.
do Americans really eat bacon?
Where in the world don't people eat bacon?
t. angry Amerilard
smellin like bacon
the middle east?
First world countries, where people care about their health.
Japan, Canada, West Europe, etc.
Where are you from?
I've lived in Japan and they fucking love bacon there.
Canadians eat bacon. What the fuck are you talking about?
I don't think you've been to any of those countries
France and Italy because why the fuck would you eat bacon when you could have ham instead?
If it's the fried aspect you like, you can do that with ham and olive oil too, and it tastes incredible.
literally everywhere, you fat retarded Amerishit
the great debate:
>crispy, thin bacon
>thick floppy bacon
I've barded a roast turkey with bacon. It was pretty fucking good.
what the hell is it even a debate?
both of them are disgusting. you make me sick amerifuck cunt
Name a single country where people don't eat bacon. Where do you live?
I've had filet mignon wrapped in bacon. It works very well.
you'd be surprised
Thin and crispy has no flavor. Thick is the only way to go. Most storebought "thick" bacon isn't cut thick enough.
Glorious nihon
>>American "bacon"
the only thing more reddit than this is sriracha
>canadians don't eat bacon
>back bacon is literally called canadian bacon
Nice try.
Not as much as the stupid bacon meme would lead you to believe. In my family bacon was a once a week thing on sunday morning, you got like 3 entire strips of bacon and some decent pancakes.
If there's something terrible for you Americans are guilty of eating too much of beyond alcohol it's probably actually cheese.
Vegemite sandwich
I ordered bacon wrapped shrimp once. I ended up eating them separately. They're both good on their own and don't compliment each other well.
Bacon really really isn't that good.
Go away australia.
I'm American and I don't like bacon. Or any pork products, really.
You can get some parts of thick cut up to crispy. The narrow parts. But the rest will still be a bit chewy. Thin and crispy takes too many strips to be satisfying.
fuck off snowflake
Are you also an "American" who happens to speak fluent Urdu?
Bang's root beer with thyme
i thought it said barqs
you're both wrong, it actually says bargs
Any food would be better if a lazy, shitty cook added bacon to it.
>I am america
No bitch, you're just AN american
I hate shit that tries to portray America as the shining beacon of diversity and 3rd world immigrants.
That doesn't even make sense
t. Muhammad
Not sure if dumb bait or actual retardation.