Just got an AeroPress for my dad's birthday tomorrow. Anyone else use this thing?
Just got an AeroPress for my dad's birthday tomorrow. Anyone else use this thing?
I heard about those fairly recently and I'm somewhat intrigued by it, but
>$30 for plastic
Granted, I haven't tasted coffee from one of those before, but it all seems like a scam to me. I couldn't see myself spending more than $10 for that.
I prefer it hugely over my french press, tastes breddy gud.
>Anyone else use this thing?
He won't by the following birthday.
He uses his french press almost every day. Is this not a good way to shake things up every now and then?
I use one, it makes coffee. What more do you want? I also use it to strain WEED LMAO and olive oil/alcohol if I'm making edibles/hash.
Why go through the effort of spurdoizing "pretty" when you could have just spelled it correctly and not look like a memeing child?
I used one for a little bit before I started doing pourovers. Definitely better than a French press if you're only doing one cup.
Why go through the effort of replying? Don't worry so much user.
>every now and then
That's the catch with any niche appliance. You think you will use it every now and then, but for one reason or another it is barely used after the initial rush.
Better to invest in a product used weekly if not more, so that way it will still be used over time.
Fuck off, retard.
At least it's only $30, and not a fucking Keurig machine.
Why go through the effort of posting when you could have just killed yourself and saved us all from your idiocy?
I'm using a french press atm but even if it tastes better, it looks like some instrument from the emergency room. Making coffee is half the fun. Why didn't they at least try to give it some nice design? Some chrome and glass would made it much nicer.
This will probably get scratches and milky over time as every plastic or simply brake if it falls in the sink. 3/10 would not buy.
Good for camping and produces a pretty decent cup while you're on the road.
There are a variety of ways to use it, however. You can make coffee for more than one person by making more than one dose of concentrate then watering it down to the ratio you prefer, you can just drink the concentrate and have a regular brewed coffee that has the caffine strength of espresso.
Does he know that he's only going to get a 7oz cup at a time
why go through the effort of making up a word and then also spelling it wrong?
>carcinogenic chemicals leaching into my food and beverages..................No. Just stop it. Use glass or expect the absolute worst.
Who are you quoting?
Isn't all plastic BPA-free nowadays?
Not in America
>>just get him one of those vietnamese coffee things
Why is everyone so against these? They make fantastic coffee and i got mine on sale for $10. Ive used it 3x a day since i got it (5 months ago) and ive seen no damage. For all you sayinf its fragile, you have to put a solid 20lbs of force on the top to strain your coffee (if you double brew and use a fine grind) ans never once have i been afraid of it breaking. It even destroyed one of my weaker mugs!
>Plastic is BPA-free
>Still makes hot coffee taste plasticky
Just use glass you fucking moron
I felt that way too, then I bought one, then I got over it. I use my V60 about ten times a year now.
>french press
The 90s were fun but they're over. I know kids these days like to rediscover ye olde times but let's not, please.
We use BPS now :^)
They're great for making Skittle vodka and for when the espresso machine breaks down
I use mine pretty much every morning. I finally had to get a new one after like seven years but I think that's because I had the og model and the plastic has been improved since then.
I have one but I like my french press more.