Know and despair!
Behold instant 'beetus
I would market it as hello Kitty sushi or something
Literally dafuq
>hello Kitty sushi
china has you beat
Quality post tripfag. Filtered.
oh my god that sounds disgusting
>tfw I watch my dad eat himself to death every night
>tfw I pick up his insulin on the way home from work
>the restaurant's name is Sugar Sugar
well... I mean... They deliver what they promise.
Also I love how the article frames it as "The internet CAN'T HANDLE this!" rather than "Most people online are disgusted by how sickeningly sweet this monstrosity must be"
looks like a baked alaska with colours
>THIS restaurant makes COTTON CANDY burritos
>you can go to their website, HERE
>referring to the internet as a person
internet doesn't give a shit about what you think
Hello Kitty played out.
you're right it doesn't, because it's a network of computers. it doesn't have feelings
series of tubes
internet would disagree with you.
I just want a bite of one, I think a full one would make me sick
Guys. I want to try this. How far gone am I? Can I be saved?
Animism bro. You are wrong.
that would probably be good if they used sugar free cotton candy or something to cut it down a little
>invented in Canada
Canada was a mistake, between poutine and hawaiian pizza
wtf would sugar free cotton candy be made of, copernicus?
>shittalking poutine
Sorry /b/ros I was just trying to provide the keks but it looks like I killed the thread how do I delete post?
Very subtle Hiro
honestly, I don't see a problem with it.
I hope no one does this to blini
baby boo boo
>Biting ice cream