How are you holding on, folks?
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Am I the first to post or is there another active thread?? I have been drinking beer for about 10hrs. I quit drinking the hard stuff several years ago..
Where's My Umeå fag at?
Just made a new one because the other hit bump limit.
"pleasant and quiet life"
Might depend in who you hang out with I guess but for some it's a lot of drinking(me), other lots of studying and maybe for some pleasant.
But there are battles for positions, jobs and papers as in any other place, not a magical place where everything is pleasant.
But for me it's easy and I know that I will have money for another semester so it's an easy way to live.
I started doing drugs at 15, and have done most of everything except the big ones ( heroin, crack, meth ). But after a few years of that people started dying and going to jail so I moved away for academia, lost touch with those kind of people. So now I just drink because it's the only legal option I got.
Things have never really been good, just bored out of my mind all the time and the future holds nothing of interest. So I'm bored now and the future don't look any better so why stay sober to live long?
Yeah I was looking at my bottle as well, might have to slow down or open the wine to take a break form the vodka.
How old are you?
And just try to not drink that much before getting there, would suck if they told you no.
isn't being an alcoholic in nordic countries a privilege of the rich unless you moonshine?
600 Euro a month for a bottle of vodka a day.
Beer and so on would be cheaper % wise I guess.
And it's about priorities, a drunk will always have money for booze. My rent, bills, and food are probably equal to my drinking.
It's all very doable.
Haven't had a drop since July 5th. Feeling great, working out more, sleeping better. If I can do it, anyone can.
Congrats! That's no small accomplishment. Don't forget how bad you ended up feeling.
I had to go to ER again last because my taper wasn't working. Got librium script and am in bed resting. The staff were kind but made it clear that three visits this year is too much for withdrawal. Told me to figure out what my triggers are and work on alternative acts when I want to drink.
I dunno that sounds reasonable but i don't have much luck in that dept. How do you ppl do it?
I feel so incredibly shitty today. I can't tell if it's the SSRIs or just some "standard" fatigue but damn boy i almost feel disconnected from my body.
if you are new on ssri they will do that
they take a couple of weeks to even out
At work today, someone bought me this. I'm really grateful and can't wait to break into it, but I don't think I've ever had it before.
What can I expect lads?
I take them since 6 months though.
I upped the dosage monday, but that's a very small up i did. Like 2mg more.
I got there and bought some vodka.
I'm now on My way Home. Some Guy wanted to sell me valium. I dont have The money.
Boredom is not a Good enough reason. Please get out of this worthless cycle. I'm 35 and i didn"t get to expetiene real lite.
Umeå dag. Add My kik 44rubles
>600 Euro a month for a bottle of vodka a day.
Kek, that's more than my total neetbux.
So I guess you have no money left now, well you will survive at least. Wouldn't have been a good mix either way, just a blackout.
It's always easy to tell other people that.
So what is your plan now?
Drink and sit at the computer or do you got some nice view with a place?
Dude what?
It all depends on what the normal person makes, people make more than 600 euro here.
What would a minimum wageslave make after taxes?
We don't have minimum wage but instead we have strong unions.
It's interesting.
But I can tell you that all students get 1000 euro a month loan which pretty much all of them live on. So I would assume that the average pay is more than that.
het jy kik?
>Stop drinking hard liquor
>Instead drink a fuckton of beer
Har du kik?
That's a good move though. You can escalate your tolerance/dependance way easier on hard liquor.
Umeå fag. Add me on kik. 44rubles
Ooooh now I get it and no.
It's straight vodka at this point, rarely a good idea to give out more personal information at this stage.
Here have a picture.
A kik accoant is not bad. Add me.
Don't do it user he will kill you
I actually don't have one.
I assume so.
Not even a fucking kik account? Do You think you're The only One WHO robbed a bank?
stop pity jerking each other off and check yourselves in to a sober living environment you fuckups. it's a disease, go treat it and stop wasting everyone's time and resources
Try smoking pot. Go to AA meetings, or find another association that does meetings as AA can be too religious (they should have tips about your triggers) Become a cutfag, worse case you visit another department at the hospital. Take baclofen, antabuse, or that other molecule that reduces cravings.
Get one
Come on shitlords, be more fun.
Let's have some better pictures in here.
Still suitable.
For me staying sober depends on social isolation. Being around other people always forces me to drink. Not because they drink, but for me to tolerate being around them.
Not trying to be edgy or anything, I just can't stand people. I get a physical reaction to being near them.
For me the dangerous part is drinking alone because it's the part that I like.
Drinking around people isn't good but not as bad. We all have our own daemons.
>Not trying to be edgy or anything, I just can't stand people. I get a physical reaction to being near them.
Same, having to go shopping or to a public place physically drains me for the rest of the day. Which is why I'm afraid if I started drinking I would become an alcoholic.
anybody here interested in a plug dj room? just chill, drink, talk about life and play music.
Ultimately I stopped going out because I couldn't do it sober but I also no longer wanted to make a fool out of myself drunk, so the drinking habit stuck but now in isolation.
I'm off the booze for about a month now though.
That's why I can't hold down a job, after 8 hours of forced interaction I feel like I need three weeks off to recover.
Got diagnosed schizoid last week.
I love drinking alone.. hate doing it around people.. I always feel like I overact and then spend the next week/month feeling terrible about how i acted... but sober for 3 weeks sunday from 3-9 beers a night.
Yeah I really did think about quitting but I really would lose pretty much all of my so called friends.
So instead I came up with excuse to why I should put it of a bit more. They all suck but you know...
if you wanna come in, join plug (dot) dj /alck
it's chill once you get used to it.
Yeah there is so much safety in drinking alone, not going to do anything that you will regret, no judgment.
Just alone and a good time.
As a kid, mom was a drunk and drank at home alone, and I always told myself that as long as I did it around people and not by myself I wouldnt become her.. lasted until 23.
I actually like the people I used to drink with and wish them all the best but I don't want to be around them.
It's a strange feeling and hard to explain to people without having them taking it personally. So I mostly just play dead and keep the phone on do not disturb.
Yeah I have no real answer for you, I realized that my farther was an alcoholic when I was way older. After that I realized that I drank more than him....
I have no words of encouragement I'm afraid.
Don't you get that panic attack when checking your phone when you wake up praying you didn't blurt out things to exes and old friends or something like that?
I wish my devices had breathalysers so I can only go on Veeky Forums, youtube and wikipedia while drunk.
My hope was in getting a new job and reinventing myself as a new non-drinking person. But it seems more and more like and excuse just to push it further down the road.
if anyone joins it's currently empty, will be back in 30 mins.
I basically never blackout no matter what so I usually remember. And I can somehow keep the worst secrets under wraps even when drinking until I can't walk.
The fact that you want that might in itself be a hopeful thing though.
I haven't worked since 2012, I feel thoroughly divorced from normieland.
Just pounded 5 beers on my 30 min lunch break.
You'd make a great spy.
Having a few quiet pints down at the pub post work. Fuck, I hate my job
Yeah, guess I still have some hope.
Sounds less than awesome.
Sounds like fun, ask them to call me.
'16 van bro.
Less than awesome, but the best way I've found to spend an afternoon staring at a laptop doing jack shit for $30/hr.
Those 4 hours drag on for an eternity.
How do people stand the taste of hard alcohol? I used to drink hard alcohol but with mixed drinks. Drinking it straight would make me feel sick. Good thing I got my beer though.
Didn't even look at the picture.
yeah whatever gets you through the day.
You get used to it, all I can say.
Never heard of it
What good would a sober living environment do? People get kicked out of those all the time for using.
That's a rough diagnosis. At least you have an idea why you're so anti-social now. Think how much easier it would bento enjoy and thrive on people's company.
Has anyone here been in an inpatient detox clinic before? I'm not sure that's what it's called but the woman I spoke to said I could be there for 4 months. I'm in the UK and don't know how things work. Will they literally lock me up. Be able to smoke? Will it just be alcoholics there or other druggies coming down from their shit.
>it's a disease
Did you go to White Castle?
Kek. If you're downtown, wanna grab another beer?
Vasa here, fuck you
I'm in New York. I just enjoy practicing doxxing people. For reasons
There is literally blood pouring out of my nose and ears.
This is presumably not a good sign.
Just means you have too much blood. Have you been putting the leeches on?
(((Jew))) York. Have a beer on me.
>touching me on the subway without consent
Nice way to get your head kicked in.
Inpatient detox is about 5
Inpatient rehab is 30 days more
Yeah you can smoke
Suggest you go!
To answer all your questions : it depends on the place. Ask the place itself.
I went to 2 or 3 detox and one rehab.
Detox is about a week, rehab is longer (a month to years). You can smoke, unless it's a place that also treat smoking (but that sound like a bad joke, or a place for American movie stars who want "calm" holidays).
They don't "lock" you, if you went on your own will you can leave when you want, but the point is to stay until you're better, and you'll probably want to go drink at some point, so they'll try to discourage you from leaving to get drunk.
After the first week or two, you can arranges leaves where they check you didn't drink when you come back. It's encouraged in rehab as a test and as a transition back to normie world.
First week is hard, and they often also ban phone/internet (place I went allowed to have music on your phone if you give the sim card) so you don't spend your time fapping at bottle pictures or receive ads for heroin (yes, it's a thing.)
It's better than tappering/detoxing at home, they can give you sleeping pills, raise or lower your treatment when needed, give you anxiolytics if you're on your nerves, etc.
All places I went to treated alcohol and drugs, with different ratios. But after the first week or two, it's more or less the same boat for everybody. Except the detox in the loonie place where depressives were just getting their anti depressant adjusted while "dangerous items" (like strings and cords, better charge your laptop during the day) where banned at night.
I advise seeing a doctor. Now.
Yeah, life would have been a lot easier if society's incentives actually worked on me.
Things could be a lot worse though. I'm in a first world country on neetbux in the internet era. Can't think of a better time and place to be a hermit, except for the future.
If it's "literally pouring", I think he dun dead already.
Drugs, hardcore drugs
You still alive mate?
Having to go without booze is one thing but doing so surrounded by normie strangers in a strange environment seems like absolute hell.
I've been sober 2 months and I feel worse than when I was boozing. In the end it didn't even matter
>I've been sober 2 months and I feel worse than when I was boozing.
Are you sure you're not biased? I've often felt this time until I relapsed and woke up hungover and realised that I merely forgot how bad drinking was.
>In the end it didn't even matter
Good point, I'm going to a wedding soon so I'm sure I'll find out
Don't make a fool of yourself user, the pain of regret will outlast the pleasure of drunkenness.
I'm just gonna stick to beer, and since it's in America I'll be bloated from the budlight after a few beers so that I can't get shitfaced
Going on my fifth day of not drinking. I've done it before multiple times. I just drink everyday when I start up again. Trying to make it a weekend/days off thing. Going for a month though so I can get back in shape. Dam do I miss drinking my 4 lokos though
Got two gold's in the freezer rn
It's pretty good
4 lokos are vile. not worth how cheap they are.
Normies? There are fellow alkies and drug addicts, that's far from normal. You can stay in your room most of the time if you want, only go out to smoke. They won't judge you for being a shut-in.
Nurses and medical staff are used to alkies and drug addicts, they're nice and don't expect you to act like a normie either.
Have you asked about outpatient?
Your tolerance lowered in 2 months, and if you're like most of us, you'll instinctively want to be drunk as soon as you're slightly tipsy. It's an easy trap, it got me several times. Alternate soda/water and beer, remember it takes time to get into your bloodstream so let the beer in your stomach be digested before having another one.
Why did you say >In the end it didn't even matter?
Liver didn't make it?
>tfw trying to stay sober around my dad who is also a drunk
I don't drink spirits but when I was boozing I drank super strength beers and ciders, which won't be at the wedding and my gf will be there to stop me fucking off to a shop.
>Why did you say >In the end it didn't even matter?
chester from linkin park hung himself earlier
I wasn't the user you were conversing with desu I just jumped in to express my horror at having to go outside while also getting sober.
Sorry for the confusion.
>Tfw parents give bringing you booze
>my gf will be there
Having someone who knows your problems with you helps a lot.
My father, my mother and step father are all extreme alcoholics. 75% of the reason I drink is to deal with their antics. Can't beat em join em. But I can't go to rehab or I'll be barred from joining the service. What do?
Outpatient rehab. Cut links with family.