>reddit can't coo-
>reddit can't coo-
Did you seriously try to get quads with your shitpost too?
Have you no shame?
can't cool? I dont get it.
This isn't good bait at all you low IQ ape.
I know this is bait, but it looks good. It's not cooking, as everything, even the bread, is obviously store bought, but if I went to a party with this I'd be more than okay with it.
arrange flowers? sure
cook? mm try again
But user nothing here is cooked, unless they baked the bread. It seems like this proves that reddit can't cook.
I can spread fruit, crackers and cheese on a cloth too, believe it or not
how can we even compete?
What the fuck
he could have dispersed them throughout the can't but no he just dumped them all in a fucking pocket in the center
if you want to talk actual cooking etc reddit is superior.
if you want to shitpost and have a laff Veeky Forums is better
If they cured their own meats and sausages and made their own bread like I do, then I'd say they did good. But they didn't. They bought a bunch of factory shit and some prissy numale or neofem wench arranged it. Woopty fucking do!
Plebbit on suicide watch.
You can't expect me to ignore the dozens of flies that are flying around that.
>putting crackers on a table
Why are redditors so stupid? They really think that's "cooking".
>reddit can't coo-
>but it looks good.
Not even. A bunch of generic and basic food items layed out with with obvious pretentious thought to assume the effect of a 'feast'. If it was a genuine attempt to look impressive than it is a failure.
It looks quite drab and could be easily replicated by buying cheap store brand products and no-one looking could tell the difference.
obviously the product of hours of slaving over the hot shelves of kroger
>Some pretentious art student spends $400 of his student loan money on this, lays it out like a faggot on the table and pretends it makes him a chef.
Reddit was a mistake.
Does Veeky Forums ever get tired of being BTFO'd?
It's exhausting. Sometimes I just want to kms myself after Reddit reks me with their master cheffery
how did i not notice this...
How do people get this bad, Veeky Forums? Like how disillusioned and bitter can one person actually get before reaching suicide?
>Reddit can't coo-
I don't get the charcuterie circlejerk
The reddit cooking board fucking sucks. The good fake shit gets upvoted up and whenever there is fake ugly shit the post gets upvoted up then LOCKED afterwards to prevent people from shitting on the food.
I prefer Veeky Forums where everyone shits on food, good and bad.
He's got a point, you know...
really makes me think
The main difference between plebbits cooking sections and Veeky Forums is that plebbitors are retarded enough to actually do that kind of shit, post it, and expect praise.
Veeky Forums might do it for a laugh, but nobody outside of the hyper-autist would make something like that seriously.
>actual cooking etc reddit is superior
See above.
Now go back from whence you came.
I never realized that suburban backyards had such plentiful farm land to raise all that meat and vegetables
>Hey Bill, what're you bringing to the company potluck?
>My famous home-made french onion dip!
>Sounds great, can't wait to try it!
>Bill why are there 30 empty containers of generic-brand french onion dip in the break room?
a half-ass charcuterie and uncurated cheese board
wow what a fucking spread
That's not cooking, that's food arrangement.
Also, while that display is photogenic, it's impractical, since people would be constantly reaching across the table to get bits. It would be better set up on a sideboard.
>All premade
Nice bait
We've already gone passed suicide.
Veeky Forums is populated by ghouls.
feast for flies
if this all cost more than $80 i would be surprised
They can't. That's all store bought.
The ligthning is bad, looks pretty good though.
None of you newfag cunts can cook either
This is the most reddit tryhard spread I've ever seen. Lacks substance, too. How many different cheeses are there? The meats look low-grade. And how many crackers do you really need? Jesus
>dude i got an idea
>just throw everything on the table
Is that fucking microwave popcorn?
>just because you didn't make it doesn't mean you didn't make it! Duuuhhhh.
DESU I think this is a nice spread, I'd fill the fuck up on meats and cheeses. But if anyone claimed that this spread "made them a great chef" I wouldn't be able to hold in my laughter.
my ancestors :-)
This is disgusting, at least separate bread from the cold cuts, and cold cuts from the cheese.
>meat and cheese platter
Not cooking.
Bad cooking.
Prove it. You're making a claim; the burden of proof is on you. Prove that no-one on Veeky Forums can cook.
>obvious pretentious thought to assume the effect of a 'feast'.
The random olive branches really gave it away
>if you can't make a proper wine reduction. You can't cook.
Prove me wrong
He is completely right
>nothing but a bunch of sticks and leaves
I fucking hate Reddit
Jesus Christ
You are retarded.
is that pic related? cause i can't really find anything that's cooked
>obvious joke thread
>hurr dude nice bait!
huh, they are right those things really DON'T melt
>Cold plate
Dude. Please. It looks good but nothing there wasn't bought from the store. They just put it together to look pretty.
I get that it's not reasonable to make most things absolutely from scratch. And if you get really anal, there's no such thing as anything "from scratch" at all.
But when you say you cooked something, the expectation is that you did more than cut it into pieces / arrange it with other food.
I can literally buy all of this from the Safeway Deli.
There was no cooking involved in your pic OP.
So i guess reddit still can't cook..
who are you quoting
>UUUHHM excuse me.... can you CITE that?
holy smokes, it looks like we got another faggot here, boys
who are you quoting
What the fuck kind of countertop is that?
Laying out a spread is not "cooking".
>throw grapes, 10 boxes of crackers and FUCKING LEAVES on a table
>putting meat and cheese on some bread is not cooking guys, trust me you are just displaying food in the form of a sandwich
Do you realize how stupid you sound to everyone hear?
what about the stuff right in the middle? won't it be awkward reaching that far?
Diferent user.
1) That food is not assembled into sandwiches.
2) Even if it was, a cold sandwich is not cooking. At most, it's assembling. If you made the bread or cooked the meat yourself, I could call it cooking, but most of what's in those pics is store-bought shit that's just been unpacked.
You calling this cooking is like you calling calling a fapping session the great romance of your life. Being the closest you'll ever get doesn't make it so.
>hey nice salad, who made it?
>oh some mexican did, I just assembled it for you :)
Unironically yes. Sorry to burst your bubble over your amazing "cooking" skills, champ.
..yeah? did you think it was somehow NOT what you said? I'm certainly not going to take credit for something as having "cooked" it unless I either a) spent like over an hour on it if it's a raw dish, or b) actually applied heat with some degree of finesse to the dish.
Everything else is just 'arranged' or 'put together' in my book; I certainly wouldn't describe fucking charcuterie as """"""""""cooking"""""""""".
that's nice that you 'mos feel that way, but it is not the definition of cooking. So, you're unironically incorrect and just trying to elevate your hobby into something that it is not
Go shitpost more "Do Americans really do X" threads on /pol/, you faggot.
If you want to discuss something it first has to be defined. For you to redefine cooking just so you can get some snowflake points does not make you a smart or capable person. If you're a girl I'd understand, but let's be honest, you're a nu-male try hard who needs something to crow about.
>just trying to elevate your hobby into something that it is not
lmfao dude im literally doing the EXACT OPPOSITE
YOU are the one saying that fucking laying meats and cheeses on a piece of wood is "something that it's not"; namely, cooking.
how the fuck are people as retarded as you allowed to even use the internet
heyy u went sum grapes to go wit ur crakers??
>the practice or skill of preparing food by combining, mixing, and heating ingredients.
Combining, mixing, AND heating.
Putting out cold cuts and store-bought cheese and crackers? Not cooking.
Cold sandwiches? Not cooking.
Cold salads? Not cooking.
take this shitty thread less seriously
>wouldn't describe fucking charcuterie as """"""""""cooking"""""""""".
Curing sausages and meats isn't cooking? Give it up. You're a fool, faggot.
I read OR when I googled it.
so grilling a steak is not cooking because you do not mix ingredients?
looks bretty good desu
but still... that doesn't take talent!
salt and pepper, cooked
plain, then it has only been heated up
Pic related.
Nice damage control, fag. I'm off to watch Soviet cartoons with a friend. Try not to be too huge a cunt, eh?
That user's wrong; charcuterie is cooking. But you can't seriously think most of those meats came from somewhere other than a supermarket.
well to be fair your body temperature will be warmer than anything you're using, so you are heating everything you touch so it is still cooking, logically speaking.
1. COMBINE and MIX the meat and cheese on the table, by arranging the meat next to the cheese
2. allow the meat and cheese to HEAT up to closer to room temperature before eating it, because you don't generally eat it at the temp it comes out of the fridge
3. enjoy some nice home COOKED meal
I'm talkiung about the act of making a charcuterie plate like the ones that have been posted; you can't fucking look me in the eye (metaphorically) and tell me with a straight face that every single one of them was made with meats that the person cured and smoked themselves.
if they (or I) did, then yeah, you bet your sweet ass that's cooking. but taking storebought sausages and salamis and wheels of cheese, then arranging them on a platter or wood block, is ABSOLUTELY NOT cooking.
but please, continue intentionally misinterpreting what I'm posting.
HAHAH underratted
not a word, bro.
i didn't realize buying cheese and crackers and deli meat is cooking