Post good rice cookers. I want to start eating cheap but without doing any of the work.
Post good rice cookers. I want to start eating cheap but without doing any of the work
Listen here OP, why don't you take your ricecuck and dump it in the trash because that's where betas like you belong. Take yourself a pot and steam it like a real man, not with some gay ass rice cooker. You disgust me, OP.
>I'm somehow better for watching a pot of boiling water instead of just letting a machine do it
>i don't know how to cook rice
I'd imagine they're mostly the same unless you're going for one of those fancy pants Jap models with the cooking modes and displays and shit. So just grab a fairly cheap one but check reviews online, worked for me when I did it.
>Get a load of this faggot using a TOASTER! What, watching a pan on the stove with the bread in it too much WORK for you?
That's what you sound like.
Anything with a locking top.
The glass lids ones have a tendency to bubble over and splatter rice-water everywhere
>a pan on the stove
>not a tray in the oven
you fucking disgusting pleb
Get a small kawaii Japanese one
My parents got a large shitty one and it's too big
the only saving grace of rice cookers is that you can treat is as a crock-pot with two settings: super low and full blast. also steam tray inserts.
>tray in the oven
not sure if hotel chef or poo in the loo but both are as bad as each other.
>keeps trying to sound like a patrician
>picks the plebbiest way to toast bread
He meant that you don't boil rice or leave the pot uncovered you gargantuan faggot.
I was trying to stoop down to your "toaster" level by using a machine. The only true way to toast bread is over flame.
a rice cooker thread on Veeky Forums is how episode VII was spoiled for me.
fuck rice cooker threads on Veeky Forums
Unless you want to eat rice with every fucking meal, just buy a fucking steam tray insert and use a pot.
stop this.
wtf this made me lol.
A rice cooker episode ruined the fact that arya stark murdered all the frey in one fell swoop while impersonating walder frey
>get some rice
>get some water
>boil the rice for 8 minutes
>time it with something if you're afraid of forgetting
No need to buy a gay ricecooker.
But user, toaster is single purpose. Storage wise, it's better to toast on griddle
Glad I stopped watching that show, havent a fucking clue what any of that means anymore.
just cook your rice in a normal pot
>implying watching the pot is required
I spent $130 Canada-bux on a Tiger brand rice cooker. One of my most-used kitchen appliances.
There's a steamer basket insert for steaming vegetables, and the rice always comes out fantastic.
Nice feature is the delay-timer. I can fill the rice cooker at 10pm, and tell it to be ready for 6:30am for when I'm packing lunch in the morning.
Used to have a cheap one-button rice cooker, but it always burnt the bottom of the rice, the rice would stick to the pot, and the rice water would bubble out from the lid.
I have the one in the OP pic. It's good
>130 Canada-bux
What is that, like 13 human dollars? Not bad
How well does the delay timer work?
You posted one, now go buy it
What I do is pressure steam whole grains in a pan elevated inside a pressure cooker. Instant Pot works too. Got my stuff before that existed.
I'm asian living in asia and we use rice cookers.
You are fucking pathetic, you do realize high end japanese restaurants use rice cookers? It's literally the same process except you don't have to take care of a pot for 20 minutes.
>NO! I must gaze upon rice pot, folded 1000 times, with my chef's glare that makes the rice somehow better
this isn't about you gook
Amusingly, I find this opinion usually comes from the Southern United States.
This, i've had my tiger brand rice cooker for like 10 years with no issues ever. It has never burnt white or brown rice and has a gasket around the lid so you can cook rice for dinner and the next morning it is still soft and warm.
Even the cheapest of tiger brand models are better than any other brand.
>These faggots are too good for sticks and a fire.
You have to go back newbitch.
>Even the cheapest of tiger brand models are better than any other brand.
I mean, Tiger's up there but Zojirushi's still top dog.
Cuckoo is also respected and Panasonic makes something not shit now and then.
toasters are lazy bullshit gadgets. They only toast bread! I hope it is at least a toaster oven.
I used to be on board for Toaster ovens, but they break far too easy unfortunately.
Choice A: Zojirushi or National/Panasonic
Choice B: A heavy bottomed pot with a heavy lid
Everything else is not worth the money.
you know what a real good rice cooker is. a stove and a pan. but i got a sandwich maker so whatever.
to be whole i think i might need a rice cooker and fry daddy. damn you capitalism.
Any ricecooker would do, to be honest.
The ones without locking lids are generally to be avoided
Any cheap rice cooker will work. Buying good Japanese rice is the important part. If there is English on that bag don't buy it.
w-what's wrong with Calrose
Hohohoho, stupid American.
You ever been to the south? Then you'd know why he said that.
>just throwing your bread on the stove like a lazy bitch instead of giving it a personal touch
Grain length. It's not BAD like the Uncle Ben's he's thinking of, but it was developed as a middle ground for East Asian cooking which means it's a bit coarse for Japanese while not being as flavorful as you'd often want for Chinese.