Overprice food

Why is ice so goddamn expensive? I keep having to steal it from the ice-machine at work because buying bags all the time really adds up.


expand your palate pleb

It's a buck for a bag at McDonald's.

Running a large freezer in yor store is expensive.

>buying ice

Ice is cheaper than refrigeration desu.

Just make your own, dipshit. Like seriously, anyone with a refrigerator can make ice. People have been making and keeping ice since the Roman times. George fucking Washington ate ice cream every day, but your dumb ass can't even make a single tray of ice? What the fuck is wrong with you? If it's that much of an issue, just buy a shit load of liquid nitrogen and pour it over water. Then pour the rest over your thick fucking head you absolute moron, you king of the dunces.

It's a high margin item at convenience stores. It's priced that way because it's a cash cow for them.

Why are you buying ice all the time anyway?

No it's not

I worked for one of the big ice companies and there is a monopoly problem. The big guys have run out all the little guys and have been sued by the government on anti-trust grounds for colluding to carve up territory. I never heard what came of it but nothing has changed that I've noticed.


What if we start a mining operation on glaciers to produce "organic" ice. Meanwhile, the tunnels can be transformed into a sort of "nature" hotel.

Plus we can hide the bodies in the ice.

Why are Americans so obsessed with ice? Everywhere there are big containers full of it. What do they use it for?

People too retarded to make their own at home.

>yuropoor is so poor he can't afford a bag of ice
>insists on cuck-trays to freeze his own
>thinks he's the smarter one

Ice numbs the tongue. Which makes their terrible sugar drinks tolerable.

fat people get heated quickly

If you look closely you'll find most places have styrofoam coolers next to the ice bags. You're supposed to put the ice in the cooler and use that to keep your tendies cold if you're going to be outdoors for very long.

>ice is as good as free using trays
>there are people who actually buy ice packs for personal use

>They don't buy gluten-free, non-GMO and grass fed ice.

>His ice isn't shade grown, fair trade.

Hey, Hitler, i didn't know you were buying ice.

pretty fucked up how some people are not poor huh?

>His ice isn't grown in community gardens ran by white people with silly hair colors in gentrified New York neighborhoods.

This guy

>spending money on things you can get for free

so they sell ice at a loss?