How do people drink this? It tastes like fucking sock water.
How do people drink this? It tastes like fucking sock water
is is
Good way to stay hydrated. Would drink from the company fridge if hungover at work because it's free, was great for full weekend benders back when I wasn't old as balls.
Coconut water with a bit of pineapple juice is fantastic.
I didn't like it at first but I kept drinking it and now I love it, best way to drink is (little secret of mine) especially after a long night of partying is to drink half the bottle of vitacoco, and then fill it back up with sugargree red bull, and then give it a little shake. It's the best stuff ever with a bit of red bull
i'll try it, red bull gives me panic attacks, but i keep the sugar free stuff around just in case.
i like it but i've been a bit off it since i left some in my car overnight in the summer and went back and the smell was like nothing i've ever smelled before
would mango juice work? that's all i got
>red bull gives me panic attacks
Fucking millenials. I swear if we ever have a war with China they'll win because our men are a bunch of gluten intolerant allergy infested fags.
we can Round Up (tm) all the soy and rice wells, grow huge on cow's milk, and take them out
i'm sure of it
>How do people drink this? It tastes like fucking sock water.
yes, good description. That particular brand is HORRIBLE and gross.
Try some aloe drink next time you want something funky that has perceived health benefits. To me, aloe tastes like delicious aqua fresca, a watermelon aqua fresca, hint of lime, cold and with chunky bits that are reminiscent of bubble tea
I used to drink blue monkey brand all the time, they were hit or miss, some were funky, some were deliciously sweet. You gotta drink it ice cold, its definitely the ultimate hangover cure especially if you drink it before bed
yeah it's gross as shit, coconut anything is the biggest island-nigger scam out there. Such a trash fruit in all it's forms
Drink real coconut water
Coconut water always give me belly ache and shit liquid. Fresh coconut water is decent taste wise but industrialised in can/bottle is disgusting.
I think it is the worst brand of coconut juice.
The only bottled coconut juice I actually enjoyed was Harmless Harvest's coconut water but unfortunately, it is really expensive.
Eating too much coconut meat is actually a laxative I believe.
Why not just try it and find out?
not gonna waste my precious mango juice if i don't have to
Bet the people that drink that also drink almond """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""milk"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
i'm a synthetic gatorade man, for these purposes