Go to KFC

>go to KFC
>get Georgia Gold Tendies
>fat ugly bitch comes out, and tells me "The tendies were kind of small, so I added in an extra one"
>they were all regular sized, and she just gave me a free one
>she wanted the dick

Post stories like this.

I think that's just someone being nice, not flirtatious behavior.

You weren't there, bitch.

>live in bumfuck nowhere
>buy clean as fuck old bimmer
>area is so poor that driving an old bimmer makes you seem elite-class
>still go to jack in the crack for burgers at 3 am
>black girl working there: "ooooh das a nice car"
>flirts with me
>I should've hit the posie

Last time I went to KFC and got some tendies the black guy working there gave me a couple extra for me having to wait because they weren't ready. Does that mean he wanted the dick?

Quite right. If that story is even true, which I doubt it is. Who lies on an anonymous Bulgarian Bologna Sandwich Meat discussion board?

Blacks are just chill like that man

>tfw you're so desperate for human contact that you assume someone doing their job means they want your junior sized peen

>go to KFC
>get Georgia Gold Tendies
>fat ugly bitch comes out, and tells me "The tendies were kind of small, so I added in an extra one"
>they were all regular sized, and she just gave me a free one
>she wanted the dick

I've heard the darkies have a fetish for little pink pee pees

>go to mcdonalds
>order 1 mchicken menu medium with an ice tea
>girl at register asks if I want some sauce with the fries
>say no
>order is done
>she quickly puts some mayonaise with my order
>i walk away

she wanted my mcD

One of the Mcdonalds near my house always does that
>Order couple dollar menu items back when they had good stuff
>Asked to pull to the side while order is being made
>Lady apologies for the wait when she brings my food and threw in 2 large fries

Another one
>Order from same McDonalds
>Get to window
>Black girl asks if I want a McFlurry and gives me a free one

I was paranoid as hell about that McFlurry.

Sucks you can never be chill around them tho

Ehh sometimes you can, depends on the situation

Me personally I can't be chill around anyone unless I've spent some time with them (an hour give or take) until then I'm too hyperaware

>go to kfc
>chicken not actually fried in Kentucky

wrong thread, friendo

dat AIDS doe

>I subber from social memexity
How are you ever going to get a job if you cant communicate with people

most normies are badge whores and know nothing about cars. People comment on my $12k 2007 lexus all the time even though they drive some new slush box that was twice as much as my car.

That happened to me except it was an ice cream at mcdonalds. I didn't eat it cause I was worried she was pranking me and stuck up her vagina or something.

georgia gold tendies are gross

why the fuck do they come with pickles

>Go to Popeyes for the first time ever
>Order a $5 box
>Uhh, we all out of [whatever chicken it normally has], will tenders be ok?
>Sure whatever
>You want a 10% discount cause of that?
>Okay please pull forward!
>Cashier is a 7 ft black tranny with one of those skrillex haircuts and bright green eyeshadow
>Very clearly the only employee working the entire place
>Didn't get the discount
>Gave me three extra pieces of chicken and an extra biscuit
Still never going back there, that was fucking werid

My dad got offended at me when I told him a Lexus wasn't a fancy car

98% of office jobs only require you to sit awkwardly in a meeting every now and again, the rest of the time its staring at a computer monitor.

>most people are dicks
>someone is nice to you and you talk shit about her on a Cambodian sock weaving forum

Maybe you should kill yourself, OP.