How the do I eat a plant-based diet without being hungry as fuck and tired all the time
How the do I eat a plant-based diet without being hungry as fuck and tired all the time
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Carb the fuck up
Grain Brain
this but be prepared to gain weight
alternatively get on summadat tofu and legumes
rice and beans my dude
you don't
i was a vegetarian for 7 or 8 years until i started doing hard physical labor (planting trees and fighting forest fires)
i could not consume enough vegetation to pull it off, i was losing weight on a 10000kcal omnivore diet as it was
The DASH diet, and the Dean Ornish diet, were intended to be for patients who had occluded arteries and experienced some bypass surgery, a stent or something like that. It's a radical post surgical diet that can hopefully reverse some of the fat in your veins by making your body want it back. It isn't necessarily the only way to diet, but since they had before and after pictures with patients, studies exist that they worked.
If you just started on it? Maybe you're not getting enough fiber to feel full, or you're breaking some cycle of sugar addiction that you will get over soon. Is there a serious reason to have chosen this specific diet? One of the reasons your BP goes down is you stop eating packaged preserved foods that are loaded with sodium. Having no energy is worrisome, go get some blood work done. Gnawing hunger and being tired are two different things, maybe you need a burst of B-12 or some iron, or vit D, or something else they can test for... Maybe you have a drug side effect, alternately.
Good luck user.
What the fuck were you eating? Spinach?
Lots and lots of fiber
>hard physical labor
>planting trees
a fucking tree planter lmao! start logging you fag
rice and beans and vegetables
not enough fat in those things
my hands started to literally creak. it was insane. i will never forgo meat again, although i only eat it a few times a month and i'm super picky about quality
and fighting fires you mouth breathing retard
fighting fires is what every bush worker will do at some time
so what's your point?
doesn't change the fact you were a tree planter
U can't it's disgusting and immoral. NOt to mention completely unhealthy
I don't know about that. For a few years I basically lived off porridge and lentils and it was ok.
Could the diet fixing those health problems just be a problem with people being overweight?
>be overweight
>go on a diet that has you eat lower calorie foods
>lose weight
>be healthier
what's wrong with that? you seem to think that logging is not done with heavy equipment and is done by hand with axes and horses like it was in the 1930s which tells me that you're just a no nothing neckbeard
>fuck and tired all the time
Its a natural thing call willpower at has be left to atrophy in the latest generations in america
Approximately where were you doing this? I make fun because I love, you do a good job
>you seem to think that logging is not done with heavy equipment and is done by hand with axes and horses like it was in the 1930s which tells me that you're just a no nothing neckbeard
I'm 21 years old and healthy. Just trying to ensure I continue to stay healthy in the future. But when I try to eat veggie I just end up being tired as fuck and hungry. So always I end up putting meat in my meals again
planting in saskatchewan. more general forestry and firefighting in alberta and interior bc
>a shitty dark picture of trees and a mountain
wow. great point!
Hmmm I would not expect a tree planter to know what the bush looks like in the winter
>bush in the winter looks like trees and a mountain
keep making these amazing points!
my mind is literally blown away rn
>tree planter unable to comprehend what is going on
yup it all checks out
You're advising against a veg diet because you had a job that required 9k+ calories and couldn't hit your TDEE? Most people can function in their lives at 2.5k and can easily achieve that through plants. Heck, if you're falling short just add more oil.
I always have higher fat dairy products, whole milk or what have you, when I'm on a vegetarian kick or want to save meats for a special occasion. Fats being bad for you was a meme made up by falsified studies by sugar companies that wanted to have more "low fat" products made (which tend to have more sugar which are WAY more efficiently absorbed through digestion and thus more effectively increase adipogenesis than higher-lipid content food).
>Fats being bad for you was a meme made up by falsified studies by sugar companies that wanted to have more "low fat" products made (which tend to have more sugar which are WAY more efficiently absorbed through digestion and thus more effectively increase adipogenesis than higher-lipid content food).
Fake news spread by soccer moms and broscience cucks
>virgin snow, virgin forest
Enlighten me, what is going on? Fat neckbeard taking pictures at the side of the road?
eat more veggies. broccoli and green beans are both really filling to me, try those.
brown rice too.
>my hands started to literally creak.
No shit, you were tree planting.
Yeah I'm not entirely sure what he is trying to prove, that he has been in a forest with harvesting, is a forester, or what.
I surveyed for a few years and while I never really wanted to plant, I always thought it was a commendable job. Being in a camp full of good-looking girls in phenomenal shape while working yourself to the bone and partying in town sounds like a lot of fun.
My undergrad was in forestry, so many of my peers tree planted or surveyed May-Sept to make money. I don't understand the disdain for people working hard and doing a job that is essential for forest management planning and operations.
Most nuts and seeds, and many legumes are filling and calorie dense.
A lot of nuts and seeds have lots of protein and/or iron in them, and certain legumes have lots of other essential minerals in them.
nuts and seeds be expensive as fuck though
legumes are cool
Get plenty of fats.
Supplement electroyltes.
Stop telling the truth on Veeky Forums. It will get you nothing but ridicule.
Peanuts are pretty cheap if you buy in bulk.
What was surveying like? I imagine that's a tough one given you have to tie about a million ribbons on a large block and find those indian trees while trekking about in untouched bush and getting eaten by bugs.
You need protein. On a vegan diet that pretty much means beans, legumes and/or nuts every day. If you're just eating pasta/rice and vegetables you're not getting enough. You need the beans and nuts to pull off a vegan diet.
Can you link to a blog that's not deleted
The guy who runs it recently did a thorough critique of Taubes' latest book, looks like it triggered him and got it removed for copyright infringement
You're gonna die from lack of vitamin B-12
It's not that hard. SAD is plant based since most of your calories are potatoes, wheat, and sugar.
Elephants have an all plant diet and they are big and strong and only sleep 2 hours a day.