I used to hate the taste and texture. But now I think they're ok. It's basicly the perfect food in many ways. But I need to start using it more in my cooking. Got any go-to recepies with shrooms you'd like to share with us today?
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wtf theat better not be drugs you sicko?
What's the non-drug word for it?
chanterelle crepes are quite popular over here, I might post a recipe later whhen I have the time
mushroom puree, mushroom tarts, mushroom quiche, pickled mushrooms, roasted mushrooms, sauteed mushrooms, fried mushrooms, stuffed/breaded mushrooms, mushroom stock, etc
the sky is the limit my man
Cooking with chanterelles? The trick is not to overwhelm them with other strong flavors, they're extremely delicate. They tend to go well in risotto, or crepes, or as an additive to white sauce-based dishes. Don't use anything like tomato, cheddar, soy sauce etc. You won't even taste the chanterelle if you do.
I hate mushrooms
Their smell reminds me of cum
same but if anything that's a positive
thyme, garlic, and white wine are the chanterelle's best buds
Post it faggot!
>It's basicly the perfect food in many ways.
What, you think it's not?
This recipe is amazing.
It uses blue oyster mushrooms, although sometimes I use golden oyster too.
I should note that oven times may vary once you put the mushrooms in. Just keep checking on them to make sure you're not burning them to a crisp. They should only be very slightly browned. Be especially careful if you're using golden oyster since those tend to crisp slightly faster than blue oyster.
I've been doing avocado toast with them. Sautee some onions and mushrooms and put it on top. It's a really weird combination I know but tasty.
>mushrooms and avocado are a weird combination
what the fuck
>tfw too afraid of the jack o lantern to pick chanterelles
They don't look anything alike, user. Post pictures of what you have and I'll ID them for you.
t. mycofag
Shrooms taste like diarrhea but most of the potency is lost in cooking them, you don't need to incorporate drugs into food for no reason dude.
My favorite, I like to fry them in oil when I'm having weeaboo noodle soup.
they taste like nothing. they have a dirty taste, but not very strong.
I like shiitake but that is about it.
Had them lightly boiled in a soup once and thought they lacked taste.