Make sure you look for this stamp to ensure it's quality
Make sure you look for this stamp to ensure it's quality
The only legit one is hot dogs and even then I'd rather by one in Yankee stadium.
ITS not IT'S. You'd use IT'S when you want to say IT IS. Get it?
>Make sure you look for this stamp to ensure it is quality
Works for me
No, because saying "to ensure it is quality" would also make sense.
No it doesn't you retards!
Thanks user, that's how I know it's shit
>actually wanting chicago over ny style pizza
>actually wanting chicago over ny style hot dog
>actually wanting chicago italian beef over cheesesteak/pit beef/beef on weck/prime rib sandwich/literally any other regional sliced beef sandwich.
Lets be honest, Chicago really needs to get it shit together. I mean even the airport sucks, O'Hare can O'Suck My Dick.
>ny pizza
Literally soggy cardboard. ZERO flavor.
I'll pass on the Chicago junk food. There's so many good restaurants in that town why waste your time with afwul 20th Century relics like hot dogs, bad pizza and greasy beef hoagies?
>chicago pizza
Literally a shitty loaf of bread with watery marinara on it. ZERO flavor.
know how I know you've never actually had one?
No, this is actually a common misconception. An apostrophe designates ownership, e.g. "The boy's ball."
Just had 'go 'za for the first time my friends and let me tell you:
That sweet sugary Wonderbread® Crust combined with salty Kraft® cheese singles and lashings of ketchup really hits the spot!
Try some flyover pie today!
>eating any burgershart junk
>No, this is actually a common misconception. An apostrophe designates ownership, e.g. "The boy's ball."
The contraction of IT and IS is IT'S. Otherwise you'd use ITS.
>chicago pizza
Enjoy your pizza soup
t. NYC
Except the US has no system in place to assure food quality (other than that it is safe to eat). You can call anything "Extra Virgin" olive oil in the US so long as it has olive oil in it.
Welcome to English. Enjoy your stay.
Stupid fuck.
> Italian beef
Sure, a poor country infested by the mafia sells 'beef' abroad. It's totally not horse, donkey, dog, or police informant in there.
>Ensure it's quality
>Ensure it is quality (food)
>Ensure its quality
>Ensure the food has quality
Jesus, what do they teach you Lib Arts fucks?
>Doesn't know "Italian beef" is a sandwich in Chicago with roast beef and giardiniera
You're trying so desperately to troll, and failing so hard at it!