Ask woman out on a date

>ask woman out on a date
>take her to some fancy restaurant
>she orders a salad, to which you ask if she's certain that's what she wants
>"it's fine, I love salads," she responds
>get annoyed that you take her to a fancy restaurant just so that she can order a plate of fucking leaves, which tastes the same anywhere you go
>food finally arrives, when, just as you're about to dig in, she asks if she can have a bite of your food
>you wince, nearly telling her to fuck off and walking away

Why do women do this? This shit honestly triggers me. If you want a bite of MY food, you should've ordered something other than a fucking salad, you roastie whore.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't have a grillfriend so I can't talk about that, but I've seen my mom do that millions of times to my dad. LIKE SRSLY ORDER SOMETHING ELSE IF YOU WANT REAL FOOD!! Don't steal a bite of our burgers or steaks when you've got nothing but leaves to give in return. No one wants a bite of your shitty salad!

epic spergout, sure does have a lot to do with food, and totally isn't blogging bullshit or fabricated tales of a basement dweller!

You're obviously hanging out with the wrong sort of women. I don't know any women who do this.

I do this almost every time.

I don't want to eat the calories, but if something looks good I want a bite of my bfs plate. I always wait for him to have some first though. He's so used to it that he just gives me his fork or gestures at some point now.

It's a date nigger. I would be flattered and see it as a step ahead she wants a piece of my food. If It was my wife I'd be pissed. I'd give her my fucking plate if that would make a good impression.

>He's so used to it that he just gives me his fork or gestures at some point now.

you're the worst type of girlfriend a guy could have.

Big fat KYS!

It's fallen out of practice, but traditionally the hosting male orders for the whole table.

This practice was heavily used throughout romantic and Victorian times, as restaurants were developing and men were knowledge of roastie behavior.

He's not hanging with any women. This is his idea of a woman as gleaned from popular media and Veeky Forums. No woman in the world would go to a fancy restaurant paid for by a guy and order a salad.

>t. Virgin

>he doesn't order the woman's food for her

>No woman in the world would go to a fancy restaurant paid for by a guy and order a salad

It's a big world and lot of history, bretty sure this shit has happened before at some point.

my last 4 gfs have all ended up asking me to order for them as our relationship's developed

i don't even really like it. it's cringe as fuck to say 'and she'll have...' to a female waitress

A girl did this with me in high school once. Maybe she just hadn't finished her whore training yet.

i don't know why he's even denying that it's common, women are weight conscious, this is not a myth.

>not using this opportunity to sexily feed her
>get sauce on her dick
>suck it off

t. /r9k/ browsing retard

>No woman in the world would go to a fancy restaurant paid for by a guy and order a salad.
I pay most of the time friendo. I make like six times as much as him.

Why do you think that is? I've never had my bf order for me except in another country where I don't speak the language and he does.

>it's cringe as fuck to say 'and she'll have...' to a female waitress
When your next girlfriend enters that stage in the relationship just come up with a cool line to say to the waitress that doesn't feel cringy and awkward.

You should consider
>and she'll have a bill
>and she'll have a fucking plate of leaves
>and she'll have a vegetarians weakness
>and she'll have a break up broccoli plate
>and she'll have a dinner alone. Have a nice evening honey

Yeah, I was just thinking that it could very easily be explained by a girl that is watching her weight.

In LA they might. Or at a place specifically geared to that kind of food, like Fat Radish or Dimes in NYC - places where folks from the fashion industry hang.

I have kind of an opposite story to this

>Meet a very cute girl on dating app, she seems a bit too hot for me but asks me out anyhow
>We go out to Zea's, a decent restaurant, and she wastes no time ordering food, getting an appetizer and a half rotisserie chicken
>She destroys her food, polishing it off before I even finish 1/3 of my plate
>Giggling, she tells me that she missed lunch and she's sorry, then proceeds to order another half rotisserie chicken
>She barely takes a few bites of this second half, telling me that she sure did make a mistake ordering this second plate of food and proceeds to ask for a box
>Because I'm not an idiot I tell her that since this is our first date we'll be paying for our own meals
>She sulked as I finished off my food, dropped cash on the table as soon as she could and left

Bitches man.

You took out a girl to a fancy restaurant in HS?

Yes and they order salads quite often. Almost never at a fancy restaurant though.

At a place like that there's no reason to be upset by someone eating a salad.

dodged a bullet. got to remember that she was on her "best" behavior

>Bitches man.
They're not worth it.

"Fancy" by our standards, plus i lived in flyoverland at the time so that lowered the bar considerably.

Are you so self conscious that you're embarrassed to make demand of a staff member?

Such a beta pussy that you can't make decisions for your spouse?

Not to mention that you're fucking whipped into thinking you should care what women think of you.

I guess this shouldn't be a surprise considering you can't hold down a relationship.

Women obviously see a weakness in you.

OP, out of curiosity was this for lunch of dinner?

>paying for ourselves
if you dont do this on a first date you better be doing brief coffee dates. some hoes are pro daters looking for meals
gj user

I have a similar but in some ways opposite problem as that guy. I end up ordering for any woman that I'm eating out with almost spontaneously and then get a pang of guilt for being a Don Draper wannabe.

>Such a beta pussy that you can't make decisions for your spouse?
Im sure you're the manliest dick out there. Stop.Forget women man. They're not worth it

>Such a beta pussy that you can't make decisions for your spouse?

Go back to /pol/ faggot. Go put our wife beater on and smack your wife around to boost your ego.

>Such a beta pussy that you can't make decisions for your spouse?

you get this from the fact that i have just explicitly stated that i've done it willingly for my last 4 girlfriends?

>He's not hanging with any women. This is his idea of a woman as gleaned from popular media and Veeky Forums.
>No woman in the world would go to a fancy restaurant paid for by a guy and order a salad.

Most of the women I've gone out with have ordered the priciest things on the menu. Not sure which is worse desu.

I don't see the problem. My girlfriend and I often order two separate meals and share a little of them, you get to experience more food that way, and it gives you something to talk about. I get the impression that OP is the kind of person who is constantly at odds with other people. Why bother dating if you don't like to relax and have fun in someone's company?

The priciest is the worst. If the grill decides to get a salad rather than a steak then she's stupid but if she orders pricy things she's a rude bitch.

I think he's too high strung. Probably got too much stress on his plate already (no pun intended) and can't handle a relationship but is seeking one anyway?. He's a ticking time bomb and women should stay away until he calms down a bit.

If he's this angry on a date he's going to murder her on their wedding day.

Savage af, desu

What difference does it make, friend?

That's what I was getting at. Unless you grew up super rich and fancy restaurants are the norm for you, you try to get something memorable when you go to a good restaurant. Even women who eat salads 7 times a week order something substantial on these dates.

Tbh, I'd be quite put off by a woman eating a steak on a date.

I don't see any reason to be upset by someone ordering a salad at all. My point is I've only seen this done at places that specialize in that sort of thing. Or during lunch. But I've never seen anyone go to a nice upscale restaurant for dinner and order a salad. A couple of apps instead of an entree, sure. Even I've done that. But just a salad? I've only seen that at the kind of fashion crowd places where the salads are meant to be main courses. And I have learned to avoid those places because holy shit do you pay a ridiculous amount of money for those salads, and they're not even that good.

Well, I would find it way more acceptable if it was for lunch than if it was dinner. Either way I wouldn't spaz out but if it was lunch I can see her maybe saving space for dinner or since lunch is a bit more quicker (going back to work and all if you work during the day) it would make sense she order something smaller.

Like I said though if either way I wouldn't be offended but if it was lunch I would be like "aaah, that makes sense".

Women I've asked told me that they do this for one of three reasons:
1) she doesn't want to look ravenous. It ain't sexy.
2) she wants the dick. Getting fucked with a full stomach is uncomfortable.
3) she doesn't really know if she likes you yet, is leaning towards 'no,' but is still giving you a chance. Since salads can be eaten quickly and, as in point 2, don't fill the belly (and therefore don't slow you down), she can make a quick exit if she feels like this date isn't going somewhere she likes

MEALS are the problem
Just order appetizers and share.

Why do you need to eat a gigantic triple stacked hamburger (or something equivalent) on a date? You should be eating light anyway...

Order lighter food, and more of it...and share.
Girls want to pig out just as much as guys...but
hey this is a date...You're not with your homies,
she's not with her G's...nobody wants onion breath
and meat farts one hour later...


Find a decent spot--not a fancy restaurant....
And order small...bag extras up and make plans...
Fancy shit and big meals are for dead couples....

>But I've never seen anyone go to a nice upscale restaurant for dinner and order a salad.
That's what I meant. If you're going to a restaurant that specializes in these "light" meals, ordering a salad is a matter of course. I've never seen a woman order a salad at dinner in a fancy restaurant. But then I haven't really hung out with the fashion crowd.

if it's a fancy restaurant the salads are often elaborate and complete dishes in themselves.

>If you're going to a restaurant that specializes in these "light" meals

What kind of restaurant specializes in "light" meals? and what kind of restaurant doesn't?.

good looks senpai

How about this OP, the girl really wanted a salad, for whatever personal reason. Maybe she's watching her weight, maybe she was just craving a salad at that particular time. But maybe, as well as wanting a salad, she wanted to experience something else the restaurant had to offer, at the same time as giving you something to talk about. And so she asked for a taste of your food, thinking that you wouldn't miss or even notice a single bite gone from your big-ass entree.

If this really bothers you, I suggest that you get your mental health reviewed before you continue dating since you clearly aren't ready.

By fancy I don't mean the kind of places with tasting menus (although they're getting more common) that imo goes beyond fancy.

Brunch spots for one. Light is in scare quotes because these meals can get quite heavy. A dinner restaurant serving French or Italian doesn't advertise itself as light.

>Brunch spots for one

What brunch spot would you consider a restaurant?

My point is I don't think any "restaurant" at least relative to this thread specializes in salads. I think they all specializes on regular dinner meals but have salads available.

>t. Fat roastie

Both the NY restaurants that the user mentioned have brunch menus. Dimes especially is known for being a brunch/lunch spot. But I agree with your overall point.

Here's such a place:

I see they went with comfortable seating.

>first date
>fancy restaurant

Sorry we don't all want to eat at Taco Bell, Cletus.

>Dimes in NYC
>Dimes especially is known for being a brunch/lunch spot
>Here's such a place:
ballant shilling. why not just take an ad out for your jew york pretentious shithole you faggot

And here you have the tables so close together you might as well just have one big table, and even if you are rail thin you'll still knock over the broads drink next to you trying to get out

It's a borderline ridiculous place, but successful as hell. Even the name is indicative of the crowd they're looking to attract. The place is called Dimes because the idea is that 10/10 women eat there.

Why the fuck do you care? 1 It's probably the cheapest item there, 2 she probably just wanted to try what you had, 3 you'd be complaining that she was getting fat later on anyways. Jesus christ, stop sperging out.

Like most women I too want a spouse which takes control of me and treats me like a woman and makes the decisions for me in every aspect. You should feel flattered, instead of acting like a beta sub.

Shilling?! I just thought it was a perfect example of the kind of place where a woman actually would order a salad for dinner. I don't think that qualifies as a recommendation, especially here. I'm just pointing out such places do exist.

Here's another example (also another fashion industry hang):

what is it with the use of the word 'spouse' itt? i never said anything about a spouse.

That's the goal of dating in a healthy relationship. Giving up control to each other peice after piece is the way you get from gf to spouse.

>like Fat Radish
>Here's another example (also another fashion industry hang):
Oh here we go again. What's this owned by the same guy? How much are they paying you?

Women order salads at all kinds of places, not just pretentious jew york places where you have to share a seat with the guy next to you.

>fashion industry hang
just a place you think the "fashion industry" hangs. It's just a bunch of wannabes. the real industry is in a nice restaurant laughing at you plebs paying 4 grand for a 60 dollar FOB New York hand bag

Female here: The reason I don't order real meals if I know that the guy will pay is to not make the bill greater than necessary. I rather snack something ib4 and just order something for company but I also like to taste new thinks so sometimes I ask if I can have a small bite.

It's a good conversation topic and if you're not socially retarded you can make a sexy move and get a bit intimate (lean over and indicate that he can just feed you a bite).

Stop being a permavirgin.

>just a place you think the "fashion industry" hangs.
In the case of Fat Radish it was opened by a team that catered fashion industry events. I know because I used to work in the business. Did countless trade shows and even a little modeling. Still have friends in the business. It is a horrible industry full of venial egomaniacs. But there is a lot of money there, and these folks will happily pay $13+ for a toasted quinoa salad.

Maybe she doesn't want him to think she owes her something. No bullshit, I've seen /pol/ go full retard and say getting pussy is as easy as taking her on a date. It is likely she ran into
One of these clowns.

>Inb4 pol is a joke

>(lean over and indicate that he can just feed you a bite).
this never goes like in the movies for me. I make the bite too big or too small, I take too long to realize what she is asking, and/or it falls.

who fucking cares

honestly i don't think i'm a casanova or anything but it really does bemuse me when people on here are like 'WHAT DO I DO WHEN A GIRL ASKS FOR A HUG AND I AM HOLDING A FORK WHERE DO I PUT THE FORK'

it's not a big deal

I'm not that serious and don't mind looking stupid while chewing down on a massive bite or laught it off if it lands on the table. Actually I think that's a nice thing, that way both can relax and laugh together.

Next time just tell her to come more near you or make some stupid plain sounds inb4 it fails and attach some stupid 9/11 joke afterwords.


Extra points if you can imitate different

This place seriously looks like it was decorated for a kindergarten class.

This is why small plates became a thing over the last two decades. In an intimate setting it's more fun to just get a few different things and try a little bit of each. Dissolves the whole my plate vs your plate thing.

I used to like this girl when I was in school. I was eating something like chex mix and she signaled that she wanted me to give her some. As in feed her using my hands. Oh shit. I was scared of her lips touching me fingers so I dropped it from a few inches above her agape mouth which was looking skywards. Some of it went up her nose.

b my gf

I hope more small plates come to my area, we have a few now but not enough. I like trying the different things. I always go for the tasting menu in french restaurants or look for tapas places, etc.

wat about the germs?

That's why I like the AYCE buffets. You just snack, move around and talk on the way and can change your sitting place with each round, making it more or less intimat. Bonus: You only pay once and both can relax.

Sorry user, already taken. But we are out there.

dude she a nice girl. showing you she is nice by eating slad and willing to share food.

Don't date roasties.

Do you want her to touch your peepee? If so, germs are the first barrier to intimacy you need to overcome.

too scary i'm sticking with 2d.

Date better women. Seriously.
Dates are about 2 things : Seeing how you get on with someone; and having fun and indulging a bit. I'd never order a damn salad on a date. I love salad, but I can eat a salad any day. On the first date I ever had with my husband, we had tapas and wine, then walked around the city for a bit talking, and then went and had crab and shrimp boiling pot, eating with our hands and wearing bibs and drinking more wine. It was a fucking blast. Been together ever since. Our second date, I cooked him steaks with marrow butter, twice baked potatoes, and grilled vegetables. If you like someone, don't be a boring shit.

My only problem with small plates places is that the bill starts racking up really quickly. Still, I've had some great meals at such places.
AYCE places are not much of a thing where I live. The only ones I've ever been to have been very mediocre buffets that I wouldn't go back to.

If I think I might get fucked, especially in the ass, I'll order something light, perhaps a salad or soup. My BF always appreciates this, and it's my subtle way of letting him know he's getting some later.

yeah i'm not much for having sex when extremely full. and for anal can't imagine that being a good idea after a heavy meal.

>>she orders a salad

lol. That's what you get for dating a fucking skinny ass white girl.

Deep down, you all know you want a big woman who knows how to eat & fuck. In that order.


>bretty sure this shit has happened before at some point

I'm bretty sure there's a woman out there who can't come unless she tapes two balloon animals of each kind to her ass first, but it'd be silly to go home after a night with her and say "Why are all women obsessed with ark roleplay?"

Lol, is this what fat or ugly motherfuckers tell themselves when they're so disgusting the only women left are those that are just as gross as they are?

All right man, I don't think a girl ordering a salad for a meal is as rare as that what do I know.

She's trying to establish dominance. I demand something from each of my friend's plates whenever we eat together to demonstrate my alpha status over them emotionally and physically.

>Man offers to pay
>Man gets upset when I order the cheapest thing on the menu

>SO trying to eat off plate
give them a bite, take a bite of theirs

>SO wanting you to order for them
don't say I'll have X, just say "one X done this way, one Y done this way"

>date ordering most expensive item off the menu
ask for gas money or ask them to order something more reasonable if they arent going to chip in

Why not just order the dish anyway? It's not like you have to eat the whole thing then and there.


Because he orders something rich and I just have a bite. If I ordered it most of it would go to waste.

Sometimes I do though, and then he ends up eating half of it along with his meal.