Do you secretly add meat to your vegetarian/vegan SO's meal?
I like to sneak a bit in whenever I cook for my gf
A little bit of oyster sauce here
Some bonito flakes there
Shreds of bacon if I'm feeling extra cheeky
Do you secretly add meat to your vegetarian/vegan SO's meal?
I like to sneak a bit in whenever I cook for my gf
A little bit of oyster sauce here
Some bonito flakes there
Shreds of bacon if I'm feeling extra cheeky
>somewhere, OP's ugly girlfriend is taking monstrous shits and she can't figure out why her anus resembles that of a 9 year old muslim girl every other tuesday
The lady I work with cooks spaghetti sauce for her husband and son. They are vegan and she sneaks meatballs in the sauce and takes them out afterwards.
very cheeky, i like it
I am vegetarian and I wouldn't give a shit, as long as it's not an actual part of the sauce. The sauce doesn't become magically contaminated because it used to cover meat.
OP is a moron though. If your SO finds out, ask yourself if it was worth it.
Superiority breeds jealousy. Meatcucks have such an inferiority complex it's Hitlerious.
>SO's meal
please do not ever post on this board again
Cook how you want and tell her to fuck off if she doesn't like it. There are no vegans in starving countries
I have a vegan friend who insists that he's allergic-yes, allergic-to all meat.
Sometimes I feed him vegetable soup made with chicken broth just to watch him be fine afterwards like "HAH. YOU LYING LIAR."
I don't do this to any other vegetarians I know because I don't actually care what other people eat or don't eat.
It's highly probable there are. It's not like they need to go out of their way to find something without a specific luxury ingredient shoehorned into it. And then there's the "as far as possible and practicable" clause.
India is full of them.
Yeah and there's someone that hungry that won't eat an animal product or byproduct if presented to them?
My brother used to work at a vegetarian restaurant in Nashville years ago.
He was always first to get into the store for prep and would swap out vegetable stock with beef stock he made at home
By choice?
Inferiority breeds jealousy. Vegancucks have such a superiority complex it's hilarious.
I do not associate with mentally ill people
>Do you secretly add meat to your vegetarian/vegan SO's meal?
I don't want my wife to get sick & get cancer on a strictly Vegan diet so I started slipping in ground pork or ground chicken with little flavor in her foods so she can't tell.
Funny thing is, her Iron levels are back to normal and her energy levels are back to where she was before she turned vegan.
Sometimes with dogs, cats, & vegetarians, you have to do whats good for them without them knowing.
Guarantee you that she either wasn't eating enough or did not get enough vitamins in her diet due to sheer ignorance of how to properly eat on a vegan/vegetarian diet.
If I needed a bf who eats meat, I'd replace the bf, not his food.
>Funny thing is, her Iron levels are back to normal and her energy levels are back to where she was before she turned vegan.
>Sometimes with dogs, cats, & vegetarians, you have to do whats good for them without them knowing.
lol. do you hold her nose until she swallows a piece of steak?
Why would starving people in a poverty stricken country be offered a luxury product like meat and forced to starve otherwise?
Because the reason you stated, they would way meat to not starve because it's available
Eat meat
>being married to a cuck
>letting him cuck your son
Yeah, except for all that cheese and ghee.
Gave some leftover Thanksgiving stuffing that was cooked inside the bird to my vegetarian sister. I didn't even think about it.
>the animal died
>you still got the unhealthy fat
>you still got the antibiotics
Might as well enjoy the fucking meatball m8
>animal fat is unhealthy
Stop using India as an argumental crutch, you anemic dipshits. Vegetarians are a minority, and vegans a minority of a minority.
That's way too much fucking trouble. Just serve her some overcooked fish mashed into pieces and tell her it's wheat gluten.
Even Jains eat dairy.
Meat is not going to be the only thing available.
Maybe he is allergic to some type of meats but most places and people would not mind mixing those meats while preparing the food, so he just plain says he is allergic to all of them. I am allergic to crustacean and I really like to eat octopus, but in some places my throat start to swell despite is just a fucking octopus, and that means they contaminated it during the preparation.
>my gf
Stopped reading right there, faggot
You're no better than a rapist. Hope you're proud of yourself.
>even thinking about dating someone you dislike and disrespect, even a little
>actively being a douche to the one youre supposed to love
Better life choices could have been made, op, you absolute child
>you absolute child
Wait until he starts making some.
>have people over for dinner
>they're vegans
>"is there meat in this?"
>tell them no
get fucked lol
>are you sure, user? this part here looks a lot like meat...
what then?
It's uhhhhh prototype quorn
Meat, no
I often use bacon grease though whwn making pizza to grisp the crust more, and season it so as to hide the taste
Enjoy your dioxins.
Those are marriage criteria. It's a lot of fun to date someone you don't respect, give it a try if you get the chance
India has people who claim they have been surviving on nothing but water and su sunlight for decades