Lets get a thread going about shit people do in the kitchen (or grill) that annoys you and could be avoided. Ill start;
>Hockey puck burger
>Bun goes beyond meat edge by a large margin.
If you serve this to your friends and family seriously KYS. It doesnt take rocket science to properly patty a burger. I can not coint how many BBQs I've gone to where this bullshit pops up. It happens way too much.
Unforgivable food fouls
overcooked chicken is my biggest pet peeve
Overcooked steak
>knew a guy who couldn't cook
>he buys a bag of frozen pierogis
>normally, you bring water to a boil, add the pierogis, and wait 3-4 minutes for them to cook
>he dumps the entire bag of frozen pierogis into a pot of cold water
>puts the pot on the stove, turns it on, and walks away
>for a good 20-30 minutes
>drains the pierogis, which are now a giant pile of split, slimy, overcooked pierogi skins
>dumps them on a plate and eats them with ketchup
There was a reason this guy was 350lbs.
as a russian, this offends me greatly
"I use olive oil for everything!"
>All his food has dark yellow burn texture all over it.
>rent large double cabin with extended family
>uncle (who eats either pancakes or waffles for breakfast every single day, no exceptions) has annoying busybody nervous talker Wisconsin wife
>Wisconsin wife gets bored and boils all our broccoli without asking anyone
>wasn't aware it's eaten any other way
"I use sirloin and lean beef for my burgers, only the highest quality for my burgers, youre just a pleb with your ground chuck"
>All his burgers are dry, concave and shriveled up.
Fat is neccesary for a good burger you moron.
>oil at all
H=N/C, or Healthy Life Expectancy equals Nutrition divided by Calories
Extracted oil is as close to zero as it gets.
ranch dressing on pizza
cheese on chicken or seafood
wrap sandwiches
overcooked pasta
well done steaks or lamb chops
mayo on Italian subs
sweet corn as vegetable side dish
canned gravy
powdered soup base
artificial vanilla flavoring
dough conditioners
frozen vegetables
bottled salad dressing
bright yellow mild mustard
sweet pickles
pasta sauce in jars
turkey lunchmeat
ground chicken/turkey
Ok ill be honest I wouldnt last around you. lol
>>rent large double cabin with extended family
t. autist
>pasta sauce in jars
THIS 100%. That's why I buy my pasta sauce in a can!
>ranch on pizza
GTFO that shit was my childhood and its still great
>ranch on pizza
When I was in elementary school, it was incredibly popular for some reason on pizza Fridays to dip your pizza in the Italian dressing we had for our side salad. I remember it actually being pretty bomb.
>cheese on chicken
No chicken parmigiana?
>sweet pickles
they unironically go w/ barbecue
>turkey lunchmeat
club sandwich = best sandwich
>Not pan frying lightly after cooking
But it's so easy...
Stay well away from my frozen vegetables, sweet pickles, and turkey sandwiches you fucking loser
>Uncooked meat
No, fuck you.
There is nothing wrong with using "synthetic" (even though it's most likely extracted rather than synthesised) vanillin for vanilla flavour. It makes vanilla taste like vanilla.
Same with almond and benzaldehyde.
The difference is that actual vanilla beans have other volatile compounds that contribute to their aroma. It's like synthetic truffle aroma and actual truffles but not as extreme.
pretty good. lot of people felt the need to reply to you, but overall, you've got a pretty solid list of undesirables there
>Do a bunch of prep work on all of this other shit
>Throw frozen veggies in the microman for like 8 milisecundos and you're practically done
If they're getting mixed in you can't tell, guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
Pretty solid except for
>frozen vegetables
>sweet pickles
>turkey lunchmeat
what did user mean by this
>No chicken parmigiana?
Chicken doesn't need cheese. But I'll take it on eggplant.
>they unironically go w/ barbecue
True, but so do pickles made without sugar. The sugar is unnecessary.
>club sandwich = best sandwich
Made with leftover roast turkey it's fucking good. But That plastic wrapped shit at the deli counter of your supermarket that comes in bizarre flavors and is pumped full of water and salt? Fuck that shit.
See above, except for frozen vegetables. It's not the the 1960's. For very little effort you can do a lot better. Why settle for less? It smacks of the same low rent laziness as canned gravy and corn.
>veggies in the microman
Like I said, low rent laziness.
Then why didn't you include all lunch meat? Why just turkey?
>Why just turkey?
Because you can find good examples of ham, roast beef and salami getting put through the deli slicer if you look hard enough. But by the time you've processed turkey enough to put through the slicer you've fucked it up.
dumping the sauce on top of the pasta
It is fucking awful. The amount of people under the impression that chicken breast is dry simply because they can't cook is dumb founding. Stop fucking overcooking it, retard.
>people who never temp the meat
you can get a decent thermometer for $5-10
>cheese on chicken
ever had chicken parmesan?
I'm one of those guys. I only ever thermometer beef or turkey roasts because both are absolute shit if overcooked.
Everything else I'm confident at gauging by eye and feel.
>ranch dressing on pizza
>cheese on chicken
>frozen vegetables
>bright yellow mild mustard
Full retard with these. I agree with the rest.
Vegetables get frozen at peak ripeness, whereas vegetables you get fresh at the store often go beyond that point before they get onto your plate. You're a retard who values his own ignorant opinion far too much.