How does this film make you feel, anons? Felt like an agenda was at play, but scared the shit of of me.
What do I eat?
How does this film make you feel, anons? Felt like an agenda was at play, but scared the shit of of me.
What do I eat?
Likes to leave out important information and is pure propoganda. You're going to die eventually so just eat what you want. No point in living an extra ten years if you're just gonna be a feeble old man.
What information did it leave out?
I'd have to watch it again. But I know they talk about eggs and reference studies, but ignore the fact the studies specifically mention yolks.
I thought they addressed the yolks specifically in the film.
You're on Veeky Forums, and you're scared of food?
Fucking eat gooseliver patte. Fuck those goddamn geese. It's not like human beings have spent the last 10,000 years living in goddamn caves and domesticating animals to ensure a reliable food supply.
Eat duck-fat fries. Gorge on a porterhouse steak and loaded baked potato. It's fucking delicious!
Fish and chips. Osso bucco. That's right, veal, little baby fucking cows.
Eat whatever the fuck you want. You could be vegetarian or vegan or whatever, but you're still gonna fucking die someday.
"Oooh, I'm vegan! I'll live an extra ten years!"
Yeah, those ten years are in your eighties and nineties with plastic tubes keeping you alive.
You know what you'll miss them? A big fucking meal with meat and starch and veggies and sauce and something sugary for dessert.
>No point in living an extra ten years if you're just gonna be a feeble old man.
Do you guys really not realize how stupid this reasoning is? Taking care of your body as you age is not just about living a bit longer, it's about this little thing called "quality of life". It's the difference between being a healthy 60 year old who doesn't have any debilitating illnesses and being the overweight guy who's on a cocktail of medications and in miserable pain every day.
And this might come as a surprise to you, but you don't suddenly lose the will to live just because you hit some arbitrary age. You don't hit 70 and think, "Ok, I wanted to be alive before my birthday but now I want to die time to go kill myself". However, if you keep neglecting your health while you're young, then you probably will be so miserable by the time you're old that you will want to kill yourself.
>from the creators of cowspiracy
oh that fucking explains it then
that movie was cucked beyond belief, I've seen this posted a bunch here and it's no doubt the same shit
>when the doctor is talking about milk as "baby calf growth serum" like it's a bad thing
>you don't suddenly lose the will to live just because you hit some arbitrary age
Yeah, you lose your will to live long before that.
>Taking care of your body as you age is not just about living a bit longer, it's about this little thing called "quality of life". It's the difference between being a healthy 60 year old who doesn't have any debilitating illnesses and being the overweight guy who's on a cocktail of medications and in miserable pain every day.
You know that's not entirely true?
Nobody's saying don't go the gym once in a while, or live an active lifestyle, or get some exercise. But while we're talking about quality of life, Christ, I can't imagine a life of eating veggie burgers and tofu, denying myself basic pleasures like red meat, and hoping it will someday play out for me and I'll be the most glorious old man in the retirement home.
You stop craving meat really fast after going vegan.
Go eat beans, rice, fruits, and vegetables. Going vegan doesn't mean a life of buying shitty meat substitutes. It's discovering a whole new way to eat that most omnivores barely touch.
How about stop being dumb and eat meat, vegetables and fruits.
Being vegan isn't healthy in the long run. That's why most vegans end up quitting veganism after about 10 years.
How about stop being dumb and eat foods that are known to be healthy. Eating meat and animal products will give you heart disease and cancer.
>That's why most vegans end up quitting veganism after about 10 years.
>Random cell division causes cancer. Stop having cells.
>what are carcinogens
What is the average life expectancy of men and women in your country? What is the percentage of people in your country that's vegan? For mine it's about 78 years. Vegan percentage is about 0.5 for no animal products at all.
Clearly the ridiculous statistics in what the health are false. Eggs are worse than cigarettes? wrong. Red meat increase risk of cancer by 50%? Half the people in my country don't have cancer. Eat with moderation and exercise and you'll be healthy.
Answer: carcinogens are found in a variety of plants and animals. Veganism holds no advantage here.
>Eating meat and animal products will give you heart disease and cancer.
No. Mongolians have low rates of cancer and heart disease, while subsisting almost entirely on meat and milk.
>what is bioaccumilation.
Read a book.
Fuck me
>Answer: carcinogens are found in a variety of plants and animals. Veganism holds no advantage here.
The difference is that despite those carcinogens almost all plants have never been shown to be detrimental. In fact most plants have an anti-cancer effect, preventing the proliferationg and spread. Whereas meat and especially red and processed meat have very clear connections to actually cause cancer.
Incorrect as only red and processed Meat have shown a connection, fish and chicken have big not.
Pretty sure there was something about fish and poultry too but yeah not enough for it to be of any concern, yet. There are other problems with those 2 (which can be avoided). My point was mainly that was stupid for saying meats and plants contain carcinogens so there's no actual difference.
Look at the picture above, my dude.
The one with no source or explanation?
Fish and chicken are group 3 as in not a cause.
Are you going to let a film dictate your eating lifestyle? Moderation. Sure, to gorge on junk food one day is fine, but practice moderation, once every 2 weeks or so. Do what makes you happy and learn about what you consume.
>omnivorous people don't know about beans, rice, fruits and fucking vegetables
I mean you could just reverse image search, but I'll spoon feed you.
Those compounds are carcinogens - they're especially bad because they accumulate up the food chain.
Lots of articles including from the WHO and EPA support that they are a problem.
You'd be surprised how utterly ignorant most people are when it comes to food.
Where did the vegan touch you?
Everything causes cancer.
right in the buns
margarine-based cakes just don't taste the same. You can't make light and refined pastry with it, it always ends up being too thick.
Vegans have no fucking tastebuds. Every time it's the same thing
>look user, I have a recipe for a gluten-free dairy-free sugar-free banana cake
>oh wow, it tastes like fucking concrete!
>I can only taste something when it's prepared with butter
>muh cakes
Hi there fatty.
>it's ok to have no sense of taste because I'm eating healthy!
fuck off to Veeky Forums plebes
>low resolution
>cropped so no google results
>looks like a shitty article
Solid. Are you the "lol 37% higher cancer chances" retard?
>I'm technically illiterate
>calls others retard
Yup a shitty article on the fucking telegraph written by some random women and without actual sources.
Shoo shoo
>Only pro-vegan studies are valid
Love this meme
Only that you didn't even link to ONE! study to support your "claim". Literally an article by some chick without any scientific background. Might as well link a tumblr.
Here's the study. It mentions genes and how apparently there's a gene that determines what diet you should eat and that some people have a vegan predispositio. It's pseudo for sure, but way off what the telegraph is reporting.
Thank you, that's an actually interesting study.
Sadly I'm no expert so it will take quite some time to work out exactly how it's relevant to us. Since I highly doubt any of us know about our predisposition it's kinda irrelevant for practical life but interesting that there might be a genetic adaption in indians benefitting a vegetarian/vegan diet. Also the well-known issue of a way too high omega6-omega3 ratio which is something we should already be aware of.
Yeah all of this fuzz is about 2 well known issues (not only among vegetarians/vegans but especially for them it seems) that can easily be solved once aware of.
>1. too many omega-6s
>2. vegetable oils, especially when heated
2 compliments 1 since most vegetable oils are also really high in omega-6s in addition to becoming carcinogenic when heated. Those are 2 of the biggest problems for vegans/vegetarians and if you were to account for that I'm very sure 90%+ of the evidence showing those groups don't do better would fall apart. Probably won't happen though since fucking vit B12 is still a major issue for vegans.
"Eat Food. Mostly plants. Not too much"
You win the smarter than sheple award.
And in my experience this is not true at All