Going to Asian market soon. What are your favorite items/must haves?

Going to Asian market soon. What are your favorite items/must haves?

filet of dog
cat flavor meatballs
bag of locust

bougie ramen

I dunno never been, but I might see if they have some Teas or medicinal mushrooms for sleep n stuff.

Yeah, turn around and go to E-Mart; it's way cheaper and has better boxes to pack your goods in. Also, don't forget some change so you can free your cart from the shackle of oppression that binds it to other carts.

Jap rice
Frozen tonkotsu instant ramen
Dried squid snacks

Tea, ramen, curry roux. You know, the essentials

i always get produce from h mart. shit is cheap, tons of variety and fresh as fuck

pocari sweat
katsudon bowls
trung ngyen coffee

The aloe drink, the one in the big green bottle
And a vietnamese sandwich