>order a beer, neat with a lemon twist
>get laughed at
Order a beer, neat with a lemon twist
sounds like you deserve it, you fucking faggot. kill yourself.
Why would you go to a bar if you don't want to interact with normies? That's literally the only reason to go.
How do I upvote the OP
You seem to have heard these words "beer" and "neat", but you seem to be mixing up the context they would be used in.
I'd have also laughed, fagtron.
Orange twist is more acceptable
lmao what a queer
It's a good way to have a wit, but you shouldn't need to ask for it neat unless you're in asia; beer in the west is always neat.
Ok I chuckled
>lemon twist
You fucking faggot I hope you got laughed out if the bar
Did you also practice to order it in the mirror before going?
You fucking uncultured piece of shit. That's so Iowa white trash
Wat does neat mean
What is a lemon twist
You have to be 18+ to post here
Im 24 i just only drink normal drinks
What do you consider normal?
What do they do to it in asia?
21+ on alcohol threads if you live in the US
Just like, a pint of beer x or a glass of wine y
Without a twist or neat etc.
How droll
>beer with no twist or ice or spice
That's called "Kentucky neat". With ice and no twist is called "on the rocks". With a spice blend it's called "masala" or you just say "a tap of [spice name here, usually nutmeg]" for a single spice
OP go drink some vodka and torch your mouth holy fucking shit.
>everyone over 18 poisons themselves ritually because they think it's fun to be stupid and kill people with cars
Prohibition was the wrong answer because it didn't involve shooting the alcoholics
haha lmao put me in the screencap pls
People using the word normies are the new normalfags. Fuck off you cancerous 9gaggers.
Alcohol culture is fucking retarded.
>hey look at this woman who likes drinks that taste good!
>he goes out to drink instead of staying home and getting drunk without a need to drive
>not just drinking and driving
Fuck you guys are all gay as hell
i don't do sweet alcoholic drinks because i find it easier to pace myself with a neat malt than a long island iced tea. sweet and sugary drinks might as well be roofies.
Shock Top is a Belgian Ale, and is perfect with an orange wedge you uncultured swine.
if you go to a bar to get drunk on your own, you're literally trash,not because it's weird or anything but it's a rip off,how about you go buy it from a shop for 1/4 the price and get to enjoy it however you like without drunk annoying normies huh
>a neat beer
I chuckled.
OP, the term neat is used for liquors, cocktails, whiskeys, and the like that are at room temperature.
When you order a beer it's kind of implied that you're going to be getting it "neat.
>lemon twist
I hope you didn't actually say you wanted a 'neat beer'
Anyone who judges anyone's drink anywhere is a dickhead. I am an alcoholic, I drink it all. Who gives a shit. I have sipped 200 dollar whiskey and enjoyed it, I get a shot of Jaeger most times I go to the bar. I drink tequila wrong because I like to squeeze a ton of lime into the shot. I like a beer with a citrus wedge, and I like a shandy or a michilada.
Fuck the haters. Drink alcohol.
If you don't know what to order, just get a gin n tonic.
>drinks Shock Top
>calls others uncultured swine
Don't do this unless you are sixty years old.
Kek, what kind of white trash are you
>He doesn't drink warm beer.
Sweet alcoholic drinks are always far too sugary. I don't understand how some people can drink whole six packs of wine coolers. How do you even get drunk off that shit before getting sick from the sugar?
I'm surprised how hard this triggered Veeky Forums well done
Ive never heard anyone order a beer "neat". Beer is meant to have nothing else in it, ordering it neat sounds redundant.
got laughed at because of how you ordered not what you ordered bruh, it's a beer with a lemon wedge
"cheapest beer you have please" is the only phrase you need in a bar
by not being a little bitch who gets sick from sugar
>tfw not manly enough for wine coolers
>implying i don't drink in moderation
>implying i drink in public
Guess you've never been in a bar with black people. The place I used to tend bar had it's fair share of black customers and they would always get shit like Coors Light with a glass of ice so they could water it down more I guess.
Some people take great pleasure in being annoyed. You'd think this would be obvious to Veeky Forums posters.
>"Gimme a beer. Neat."
Guess I'm just a naive optimist who wants something better for my shitposting brethren.
They're laughing because it's an unusual request, not because they're ridiculing you. Just acknowledge it.
Neat means no ice, nothing mixed in just the drink by itself
A twist is generally a non-alcoholic additive such as q squeeze of lemon or some other fruit juice
I prefer my beer shaken
That's the joke, retard.
Nobody orders "beer neat".
>not a 7 and 7
Do you guys not like beer neat or something?
As a teetotal whole foods vegan, what can I get in Madrid's gay bars so I'm not a waste of space? What if the only mineral water they have is (((Nestle)))'s San Pellegrino? What else is there? Juice would not be acceptable because it's not a whole food. Fiber and nutrients have been removed and a bunch of other bullshit happens along the way.
you would still be a waste of space
Weissbeer with lemon is pretty common stuff, but for the love of god, WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH THING with any beer???
Nah man, I'm fairly sure the *twist* refers to an actual twisted or spiralled piece of citrus peel, to add the oils into the drink. A squeeze is still a squeeze (unless you want to be precise, but thats a bit overly autistic)
I'll take a beer, neat, with a twist of lemon and er...gimme a shot of Jack, on the rocks, no ice.
>whiskey straight up
oh-pee the type of dude to order pebbles in his drink
he thinks they're minerals that add flavor
This is correct
t.former bartender
my fucking sides
well really your first mistake was going to a bar
Actually it was being born
>order a neat beer
>it's just beer, nothing neat about it at all
You probably deserve it, just get a normal beer. Lemon twist is toxic
I love obeeron
They're ridiculing him for his unusual request.
I'm glad they laughed at your autistic ass, OP. Fucking kys.
>not getting your beer on the rocks
My friend used to order beer with ice just to piss off bartenders
lot of kek here user ty
Found the lardass sugar addict.
You sir.
+1 internet
You know in this amazing time we have magic boxes that can keep your beer cold without ice. Woahhh
Yeah but the ice helps water down the beer so that it's less strong :^)
How sensetive is your pallet?
Jesus fucking christ
nice post faggot
>juice is not a whole food
What the fuck am I reading
Thank you user-kun :^)
I wish i can say the same for you.
It's not the whole fruit. The most worthwhile parts are removed.
Should I try ordering a neat beer with a lemon twist at a bar? What would be the bartender's reaction?
Order it "Kentucky neat with a masala tap" with a shot or "NA vodka"
>order a strawberry margarita with a sugar-coated rim, extra whipped cream, and an Oreo garnish, with a glass of water on the side.
>bartender laughs at me
F-fucking normies