Dear restaurants: Use. Fucking. Plates

Dear restaurants: Use. Fucking. Plates.

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Its so idiots will upload hastagged pics for free publicity.


That is clearly not a restaurant.

Also, your pic is a pretty tame example

It's restaurants catering to the instagram crowd, aka 90% of people. It's shit, but what can you do? Burn the restaurant down? Are you suggesting serial arsonist take back the night, OP?

Needs more sandals.

It's catering to instagramfags AND the fact it's easier to clean. Instead of washing 3 or 4 dishes, you wash a board and 2 small cups

I actually like this playing, desu. It's still functional, at least

And why would they do that? Are you perhaps suggesting that the presentation of the food somehow affects the quality of the food?

Really? I thought it would be more difficult to clean. I figure with the uniformity of dishes there's a system. But I've seen picture of food on shovels and shit like that, to me that doesn't exactly look easy to maneuver for cleaning in a kitchen.

That is a plate. A big wooden plate that doubles as a cutting board. Too edgy for me though.

They sprinkle peppercorns everyone but on the steak itself and is that a switchblade sticking out of it? What is this, a la cosa nostra steakhouse?

The only annoying part is the board itself, which you can't soak in a 3 stage like you would a regular plate for obvious reasons. You have to rinse and wipe those with a bleach solution, rinse, and then rack to dry. I suppose if you're dealing with dozens of tops that could get pretty fucking annoying

Argentinian would be my bet. Argentina has this thing where you go to a huge meat bbq and bring your own knife

yes it is

someone stole me lucky charms and replaced them with potatoes!


You're doing god's work, user.


one of the garnishes is another fuckin bloody marry, that's brilliant

It wasn't funny or clever.

Look at all of those food stains seeping into the wood; that thing must smell like complete ass hole by the time they retire the wood. Those blocks cost a shit load of money too, so that meal is easily $300.


it was cute. calm your autism.

If they're willing to serve it on a slab of cardboard, I'm gonna guess they're not too confident in the food's quality to begin with.

Why would you send people to /r/?

>it's another post limit hitting thread where autists whip themselves into a furious hatewank frenzy over alternative plating
Soon to be posted: fireman's breakfast, alienea table dessert webm, and random stainless steel or ceramic item gimmicky plating from london restaurants that is somehow supposed to be insulting


does it bother you that much that people find these alternative plating methods to be gimmicky, pretentious and/or obnoxious?

No, I just find it bizzare that week after week the same posters group together and get angry and sperg over the exact same photographs.

I fucking despise this shit. You Dig holes in the ground with shovels, they are unsanitary. Hipsters will throw their money away at anything gimmicky but not me no way.

I'm sure that shovel has never been use for digging and has been sanitized.

Doesn't justify using them instead of plates. If I was there and ordered a full breakfast and they brought it out on something used to shovel shit I would get up and leave.



alright, made me kek

what would you do if you were served this?

me? I would ask for the waiters name and tell him to call the manager. I would then kindly ask them to get me a proper plate and a new hamburger pronto. I will then ask if I requested my hamburger on a mineral. Oh, and that will be on you for this mistake. I'm not coming back and I am telling my friends not to bother with a place that doesn't even use plates. Stuck in the stone age literally hahaha.

Hey, well look here
That's 1/3
But really, I agree. Fuck hipsters, pic related. Faggot even has a flat cap lmao


that will be 200$ sir

youre hamburger sir

It actually cost me about 15 EUR from IKEA.

Maccas uses boards here now so damned annoying

>washing a fucking wooden board
>easier than plates
I don't think so buddy

What did you just call me?

those fries must be so fucking soggy, like you are actively making the food worse with this shit

They're steamed hams.

I like stone plates for burgers and steak.


Jesus, all those bug holes!

Bruv, you want ur bread in a flatcap or wot?

>Use. Fucking. Plates
Use plates to steady the shovel

That's the plastic tray you tard


They'd probably tell you it's a rock and to stop pretending to be smart.

imagine bleaching tableware

I fucking hate these "plates", the scraping of the knives on them makes my skin crawl and unable to enjoy my food.

>Autistic frogposter that eats meals in the parking lot that

Those must get so unsanitary with the crumbs that stay behind in them, kids that put em on their heads...
I seriously doubt the restaurant washes them every day.

I was eating sandwiches at an Italian place with my mum last year, and they served the rolls in a tiny basket, crumbs were stuck inbetween the "threads" of the basket (because they're a bitch to clean ofcourse) in places that our sandwiches haven't been yet.
We got up and left, I'm glad my mum is woke about the whole meme plates deal.

The plate isn't what bothers me. Who the fuck plates anything with four fuck fries and a whole tomato? That's fucking stupid. I kind of like the plate, tho.


adds to the flavour

This doesn't bother me at all.

This just looks like a pain in the arse to eat from.



Seriously, what are they thinking

>reddit dots
get out

No fun allowed

Why'd you post a picture of goza?

obviously not a restaurant but some poorfag home

pretty accurate

lol okay this ones actually funny


It's a restaurant

Those potatoes are the most infuriating part. Don't even care about the lack of plates.

The worst part is it's ON A PLATE.

>Dear restaurants: Use. Fucking. Plates.
Geez, what a terrible picture, cold butter, potatoes shoved vertically into a little crock, knife straight up. I'd be offended with that low temp cooked meat too. That fat looks hard and rubbery. Look at that flimsy paper. Instead of enjoying the juices with each bite, you have some soaker there that can't let it flavor the potatoes. Stupid.

Yea, there's a new restaurant near me that came out with a cutting board for some deconstructed sliced pork BBQ dinner, no roll, just sugary cornbread, and sides piled like that pick, and I was like, eww, may I have a plate? And, I never ate there again. You know they can't sanitize that between guests like they can the china and steel.

>I'm sure that shovel has never been use for digging and has been sanitized.
It's coated in black enamel paint that isn't even food safe. See the scraping off of it near the handle hole?

No amount of certifications of cleanliness will get me to eat out of a toilet bowl. This is actively degrading your customers.

only thing wrong here is the color of that patty.

da fuq?

Looks like someone took home souvenirs from the Poop Cafe.

>those four wedges

but i like getting a breadboard to eat on in restaurants, theres a lot more space

the horror in his face...

This doesn't look like a restaurant, just like a guy who's about to get laid.



The only legal way to clean this shit for restaurant service is to wash them with bleach and let them dry by themselves because the wood is porous and will warp in conventional restaurant dishwashers. Waste of time and money all around.

>washing a wooden board, a metal tin and a fucking miniature cauldron is easier that washing 1(one) plate

what are you smoking dude

That's because you're supposed to eat the shovel

That's not the only problem. When you deliver these to a table, you can't just set it down. Your standard plate has a lip, which gives enough room for your fat knuckles to fit under and put anywhere on the table that's clear. With a board, unless it's the only thing you're carrying, which it's not, you have to set it over the edge of the table and then slide it in. You can't exactly put it on the table and quickly pull your fingers out, because it will by necessity drop on the fucking table and that's unprofessional as fuck. Fuck this fucking meme and the jews who propagate it. No "chef" who decides that they will be serving on one of these boards has ever waited tables. And I say this as a kitchen guy who has to run food when the servers get their semi-hourly cigarette/phone breaks. There's a reason regular old fuckin' plates are the norm.

>tfw brother recently opened a restaurant with his friends
>it is a fucking hipster stupid shithole selling 'alternative american burgers' as he describes them
>tfw they don't use ANY plates
>say this is part of the appeal
>instead of plates, they use clocks
>various types of clock depending on meal
>small burgers and stuff use regular wall clocks
>large steaks use fucking top half of grandfather clocks
>instead of knives and forks they use the arms from clocks that have been sharpened
>barely work
>tfw it only opened a few weeks ago
>already I have heard several people complaining about it and business has declined
>he refuses to change the clock plates even though it is obviously causing the business to fail
>keeps insisting that people don't want to eat from plates
>has even replaced all of the plates in his house with clocks
>refuses to accept that people are not going to eat from clocks
>tfw I was at his restaurant a few days ago and he had an argument with a customer because the customer was given soup served inside a hollowed out alarm clock and there was a piece of metal in the soup from the clock and he almost choked
>he wouldn't accept it was his fault

Also I saw him ordering a bunch of sundials the other day. fucking retard.

Wait. You guys aren't that retarded right? We had small wood trays similar to that (albeit much smaller) at the restaurant I worked at

These images triggered my autism and now I am so mad. Grrr grrr. I hope I fit in

>This just looks like a pain in the arse to eat from.
just use the shovel like a big spoon and dump the whole thing in your mouth

Pics or fuck off

wow is this pasta?


thats not horror. Thats the look of disgust from a man who is sick of feeling disgust.

Yes! Wood is porous; it soaks up things I'd prefer to taste, and keeps hold of previous meals.

Also, chips do not belong in a cup.

Principal Skinner?