What Is Veeky Forums having for this evening with their families?

I made a chicken seafood paella for my mom and sis :0

You mean you are making it, right?

that rice looks raw

It's alright, rice is soft.
Paella rice is really rigid and often tends to look raw unless you overcook it.

That looks like farro or something, not rice

Probably is idk

packaging says spanish short grain rice

half of that stuff is inedible though

>Chicken AND seafood
Absolute mad lad

I'm on a weekend road trip with my father so we're eating junk food and steak/burgers.

Made a chilli con carne with rice. Nothing fancy, as it's just me and the puppy tonight.

Left over shortribs, a hotdog, and an 18 of rolling rock.

I am lazy on fridays.

looks good. i wish i had a nice paella dish. i'd probably eat more bivalves.

>shrimp and mussels
>not chicken feet and rabbit heads

Cigarettes and the bitter taste of life.

>warm food
Yeah. I only get stabwoundfucked by diabetes and life. Fucking hell.

Clam meat is god-tier from what I remember.

going to a birthday party for my aunt so whatever they're having, probably grilled steak and potato salad, maybe hamburgers

When I get out of work I'll have leftover curry rice, or leave it for tomorrow's workday and make some menchi katsu. Not sure what to eat with the meat, most likely mashed cauliflower or grits.

How well does cooking paella in cast iron work? Never tried. I have an actual pan for it but it seems unnecessary perhaps.

I am going to roast a chicken. Alone. Eating with Brussels sprouts since I will have the oven on already and I can roast them.

In my experience it worked out great.
I'd say it's a better time having cast iron and a gas stove, than the "correct" pan but an electric stove.

looks good op

My family isn't here, so I'm doing my Saturday night special, frozen pizza and a big salad

>black beans, veg, and rice from the instant pot with carmelized onions. Pic related

eating by myself though ;(


I made us cherry tomato "pie" with a caramelized onion/red wine reduction base and buttermilk biscuits as the upper crust.
Last night I made a basic fish tagine by jury-rigging a lid over my 12" all-clad. I sliced the onions too thin and they melted to shit at the bottom of the pan, but the rest of the vegetables were perfect. I blanched them beforehand and tossed them in a ras al hanout that I freehanded with spice rack stuff and a piece of fresh ginger I dried and ground. You can make imitation preserved lemons by boiling them in salt water for up to half an hour. Toss them in with any Moroccan dish, or pack in honey for dessert if you like lemon candy.
I'm unemployed.

my dad said, "son, it's too hot out. what've we got that you don't have to cook?" laughed at him, so he gave me a few buckos to buy some of those pre-made salads from a ice cream store down the street.

can't wait until i get hired in a kitchen so i have an excuse to not cook for my parents's dumb asses.

I prepped a bunch of toppings for pita pizza last night for family. Just simple onion diced or sliced, hot peppers, pepperoni, ham, grated mozz, grated cheddar(I know), parm reg, oregano, fresh basil, fresh mushrooms, pineapple all to be slapped on a greek pita. Charred in a pan and finished in the oven.