For day to day use, the metric system is stupid...

for day to day use, the metric system is stupid. Americas courageous resistance of the metric system stands as one of the proudest chapters in our history. One of our virtues is our pragmatism and another is being big and rich. When presented with the metric system we were pragmatic enough to see that it is inferior for daily use and big and rich enough to tell everyone else to cram it with walnuts.

Those unfortunate peoples who have embraced the metric system out of pseudo-rationalism, or who were forced to capitulate to it and now want to maintain the illusion of making a rational choice, will say that the metric system is superior for three basic reasons, each of which is bullshit. Lets go through them.

Firstly, the foot as a unit of measurement dates back to ancient Greece. It is not like some guy picked a random body part from a random king and said, let’s measure everything by this guys feet! Otherwise, we might have been stuck with impractical units and wound up having to say someone is 2.1 torsos tall, or yeah, that restaurant is down the road about 8600 KPs (kings penises).

People picked a man’s foot because we are human beings. We use our human bodies to interact with the world. So it makes sense and is practical to use our bodies to measure that interaction.

I’m sure they tried hands, heads, femurs and other things, but the foot stuck because it works well in practice. For example, something that was ten feet high was just beyond a man’s reach (they didn’t have black people back then). If you are six feet tall, you are tall. If you are under five feet tall you are very short. Someone who is a foot taller than the next person is much taller. 100 feet is a tall building or a high ledge and if you fell off you would die.

This the most cited reason for using the metric system is using the base 10 formula. Kilometer is 1000 meters, a kilogram is 1000 grams ect. But everyone seems to fail to realize that you can do the same thing with the imperial system.

Take the kilopound, it's 1000 pounds, a cenipound could be 1/100 of a pound. You've just taken the base 10 advantage of the metric system and applied it to the imperial system with little to no reducation of training.

Also the reason why the conversions of imperial are always 3 feet = yard, 12 inches = 1 feet is because base 3, 4 numbers have more factors than base 10.

Numbers that can divide by base 10

1, 2 ,5, 10
Numbers that can divide by base 12 (12 inches = foot)

1,2,3, 4, 6, 12
Numbers that can divide by base 16 (16 Ounces = 1 Pound)

1, 2, 4, 8, 12
As a result you can divide 12 by 3 or 4 without ending up with decimals or reconverting the whole unit system. This is why it has been used for centuries because it was easier to deal with in everyday life without ending up in tedious decimal places.

European here. Wtf I love imperial now.

I can't eat measurments

Wow, that prune juice thread really triggered you, huh?

I like imperial better when doing engineering.

I liked metric better in my science classes.

I'm on the fence when it comes to cooking with the either. My cooking mostly comes down to doing things in "parts" so I can easily scale my cooking to the number of people.

This is cooking related. Imperial is superior for cooking for all the reasons stated above. You can't cook 1/4 of a recipe on metric without decimals. Its simply easier and more well thought out to use imperial

I don't measure. Measuring is for women and nerds. I taste.

Not an argument. Also, imperial measurements were tailor made for cooking amounts of common ingredients. So that's another reason why imperial is superior.

Its a pound cake not a kilo cake for a reason boi

*teleports around kitchen quickly*
Where are you watching, kid?
*appears behind you and stabs you in the back*
Nothing personnel, kid...

>america's esistance to the metric system

In the first place, where accuracy and consistency is required, like the military and science, the metric system is used in america. It's also used by anyone requiring consistency in baking, from home bakers to wonderbread. That McDicks big mac sauce? Developed using metric. Your favorite frozen tendies that mom bakes for you? Metric recipe.

Base 10 equates to perfect simplicity. You don't need some imbecilic spiel about the varieties of different bases to attempt to justify it. It exists because a portion of our braindead american populace, my guess is around 40%, interprets it as a point of national pride, when in reality they're too stupid and scared of something new to ever change. It's the same kind of 'murricans who run screaming when someone uses a word with more than 2 syllables - and we have a lot of them all the way to the top.

Jesus fucking christ it doesn't matter. A kitchen scale should be able to handle both. I use metric for smaller measurements and imperial for hunks 'o meat.

Caltrans is the reason we use imperial. Back in the like 70s or 80s there was a big switch to change to metric. Every state's Department of Transportation was on board with switching expect for Caltrans because they didn't want to have to update all their plans. And since they are so dominate in transportation in the US, everyone else backed out. And because the transportation systems didn't change, the general population didn't change.

California is literally the root of the problem. God I hope they leave the union so we can move to metric.

Regardless of which is better, almost all Americans know both. Imperial from exposure and metric from school. Euroshits are too stupid to memorize more than one system of measurements.

This isn't about food or cooking, please take it to /int/ or /bant/ or something.

The real question is how do we begin to export the superior Farenheit measuring system to the rest of the world.

Fuck off and stop being dense. The whole point of the thread is which is superior for cooking.

Way to not engage with the substance of the thread. Also metric is perfect simplicity is not an argument. Americans know both systems so your claim that they are somehow stupider for it is a little ??? Overall, your post was reddit and shitty

>not a single mention of cooking in the three walls of text made by OP
>starting the thread with obvious pro-american bait

>The whole point of the thread is which is superior for cooking

You're grasping at straws.

For baking i find metric superior, as baking is more exact than cooking

I can never figure out what Celsius is because of how different the numbers are,
I qas raised on farenheit so while on paper i can tell what celsius temps are approximately, in real life its jsrd to conceptualize
Also the distance between freezing and boiling is 180 degrees which means that ots related to circles most likely

Just like Americans are too stupid to know more than one language?

The imperial system has measurement specifically for baking. Again, what is a pound cake

You need to divide it by retarded and add 32.

And youre just ass hurt. Fuck off if youre so triggered by a simple discussion

Fahrenheit is again more practical. Its based on human perception of temperature. 0 degrees is the point of intolerable cold for humans. Each degree is minimal noticeable difference.

Its a great system. Brilliant even.

>americans know both systems

LMAO, you deluded fuck! Unless you're a STEM major or have served in the military that is absolutely false. Go tell Cletus or Billy Bob the deer stand is 500 meter due east and their slack jaw will slowly gape open as their eyes widen in terror and they start slobbering and stammering. That's about 60% of the population, fagfuck. Another 10% learned it in school but thinks we should keep it because, muh country, right or wrong

>base 10 simplicity not an argument

You spent a triple wall of text trying to justify imperial on the basis of simplicity by some convuluted twisting of the different base numbering systems. I used one sentence to say why metric is better, lol, idiot.

You sound like a complete retard. I hope this sort of vitriolic retard posting is bannable. I really do. I don't want to share a board with dumb asses like yourself.

>Google a recipe for something
>Recipe is in imperial measurements
>Can't make the recipe because I'm not an autistic American

>Overall, your post was reddit and shitty
And you dare to say that user was the one that didn't have any arguments.

Imperial systems in cooking always seem to give you a little more than it's metric equivalent. Like that extra scoop you got once at the ice cream parlour. Most recipes I see usually quote metric/imperial alongside eachother but in reality the recipe ratio was made in Imperial first then converted.

Why not Kelvin? But seriously, if your point is correct then the origin of 0F is utterly subjective. Celcius matches a standard objective measure (change of state of water at 1atm) to get a zero point.

I would mostly agree with this. To fill in the cooking/baking part both systems will be pretty scalable. However, you can't use them interchangeably in a single recipe because it would fuck up the ratios. Decide on one and stick with one is the best method.

OP, you're fucking delusional.
I'm willing to bet that you're just baiting for the sake of your own sanity.
Imperial is fucking shit and is imprecise as shit.

The point of F is that its subjective though. Its purpose is to communicate how weather feels. Kelvin and Celcius have their uses. Well, Kelvin does. Celcius might as well not exist. Kelvin conveys objective information about temperature and Fahrenheit conveys subjective, specific information for people in theu daily lives. Celcius is much less precise. One days 27 degrees can feel notably different from another. Hence the greater number of increments in F.

Not an argument.
>specific measurement are somehow imprecise
Any measurement system by definition is precise. Are you trolling? Lol

Languages take years to learn. A few numbers in relation to each other takes an afternoon. Europeans are just that stupid.

They teach metric in elementary math class then SI standards in middle school science class. Sorry that your super special metric system really isn't that special.

civil engineers measure in imperial
private engineers measure in metric

lol celcius is the same as kelvin just with a different starting point lmao

not an argument

Or maybe they don't bother to learn a shitty system that only exists in USA, Liberia and Burma.

all i'm seeing are two countries smart enough to follow the most powerful nation on earth, mohammed

My car gets 30 rods to the Hogshead and that's the way I like it.

You know temperature doesn't represent what it feels like in reality right? You need to consider wind, humidity, cloud cover etc to get the full picture.

As for Kelvin and celcius.... They're the same incremental measure except Kelvin starts at absolute zero.

>too stupid to remember a couple of numbers
>endlessly bitch about how hard it is to remember these numbers
>Whines about people who are fine with remembering those numbers as well as remembering his Playskool baby numbers
>I don't even want to learn your numbers anyway!
This is why you're not a super power

What year are you living in? China is the world leader in every aspect these days.

USA ain't shit, nobody wants to be like Mike anymore.

