Thoughts on olive loaf? I honestly don't know why anybody would eat bologna when this exists...

Thoughts on olive loaf? I honestly don't know why anybody would eat bologna when this exists. I like to fry up about four nice slices and eat it on rye with a bit of horseradish

That sounds pretty damn good. Is it real rye bread? Everything around here is wheat bread flavored to be like rye. I like the dark rye even if it's fake.

I'd probably put some mayo on there too to soften the gasoline taste of the horseradish.

Interesting alchemy of condiments, I like your creativity

I loved this as a kid. I've since lost my taste for balogna though.

>Thoughts on olive loaf?

Never tried it. I assume it tastes awful like other Oscar Mayer products.

Is there a "Real version" of this? You know how most lunchmeats are cheap knockoffs of other products? What is this a knockoff of? Or does it only exist as some sort of culinary abortion?

Hhhhhnnnngggg.......I love olive loaf. I don't buy it all the time, just because I try to limit my processed meat consumption. But, it's been my favorite lunch meat since I was a kid. I basically eat it the same way you do, rye bread, horseradish, but I also add a little sliced onion and grainy mustard as well.

reminder that liverwurst is patrician bologna
i see actual olive loaf at my deli


Do Americans? Really?????

>reminder that liverwurst is patrician bologna

Right. So what's the equivalent for "olive loaf"?

>>i see actual olive loaf at my deli
Shit like Boar's Head or is it actually homemade or otherwise of good quality?

>I honestly don't know why anybody would eat bologna when this exists
That's not much of an endorsement.

rye bread has a different, heavier texture compared to wheat
guess people aren't used to it

Best loaf coming through!


I have never eaten bologna before

never seen that

In Australia we have something called Mortadella which looks exactly like that stuff in the op. You can have with or without olives but l love it with.

the only time i've ever heard of olive loaf was when my mom and a friend of hers were talking about how disgusting it is


>In Australia we have something called Mortadella
Go on, this Australian cultural touchstone sounds fascinating!

I recently tried it for the first time after looking at it for years and I was a little disappointed when I finally tried it. I love olives, I love bologna and other deli meat, including the processed stuff, but it just wasn't my cup of tea.

My favorite deli meat currently is turkey pastrami

I like it

I only imagined old baby boomers were the only people who ate this shit.

Get fucked you stupid cocksucker

Fuck you polesmoker, kill yourself

Pair of cock gobblers.
Get a room, faggots.

I have not, and will never, try this travesty of a creation

what the hell is wrong with americans

Mortadella is traditional Italian luncheon meat.

Fucking retards.


If you've had Vienna sausage it's literally the same shit, just flat and solid

because bologna is god tier fuck off with your frankenstein garbage

please, don't agitate the aussies

Hence the sarcastic response, choad licker.

I'm so proud to see that Veeky Forums shares my love of olive loaf. It triggers my roommate, which is a nice bonus as well.

...You realize bologna is "frankenstein garbage" too, right?

Olive loaf sucks. Pic related is the good shit